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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Glory I’m sorry for you’re loss and the to the rest of you guys. I unfortunately lost my mom on my 40th birthday. You never totally get over it, you just think of her meaning mine rooting on the Bills in heaven with my grandparents. I can see them at the K OF C from Lackawanna where my dad used to pirate in the games (he was the house manager back in the kelly days) with the huge dish. Those were fun days eating the leftovers from the weddings over the weekend, and drinking a couple of Labatts. He put a tv in every view in the lounge and would pack the place with the members and families. I know it’s hard the first season, but you’ll end up having conversations on the porch, or in bed and she’ll hear you. Trust me, she wants the inside in the game. Go Bills!
  2. T-100 minutes! Let’s Go! Still love his rant from last year.
  3. Get some rmp’s out there and find them. Lights and sirens baby! Oh it was just reported on WGR two minutes ago.
  4. I’m jealous. Scream loud boys. My hope Is you guys are instrumental in some false starts today. I think this could end up the loudest game in bills history as everyone after last year appreciates it just a little more.
  5. So we had our pizza Friday night so I’ll give you one and you choose healthy or unhealthy route and they taste awesome. You get large boneless chicken breasts and clean off all the fat. Use regular mustard, and horseradish, or if you live in Buffalo Webster’s horseradish mustard. I kind of like the former as you choose how hot and tangy you want it. Buy shredded mozzarella cheese (I get the fat free kind). Bread crumbs so that’s the one thing you can’t help as far as carbs. you bread the chicken, cut it up in large chunks. Layer with the mustard, horseradish, spread and mix, and then sprinkle the cheese. You place the rest of the bread crumbs over the top, and then use you’re tongs and place in an air fryer. 360 degrees, and 16 minutes. It’s healthy but freakin delicious. Not hard to prepare. Chicken, mustard, horseradish, and fat free cheese are all healthy ingredients. When you take it out, you can even place them on a plate as appetizers. The other fattening way to do it is a recipe close to it from my grade school principal at omgc. You take the chicken and have the butcher slice it up so the chicken is shaped into wide chicken strips (like a thick bacon strip so the butcher cuts horizontally as well as vertically). You place the mustard and cheese on the chicken and then roll them up. Stick a toothpick through it and throw them in the deep frier. No need for bread crumbs as it falls off in the deep drier. You’ll see and taste the cheese and mustard ooze through the chicken in the frier. Place on a plate with some Scott towels so it takes up the extra grease. The second is completely unhealthy, but addictive. If not today, try them someday, and you’ll love it. Pm me if you like it. Go Bills! T-418 minutes, but who’s counting.
  6. Giuseppe, I don’t remember people flaming you, but I’ll take you’re word for it. I’ve heard about him being amped up for a long time. That’s why he told someone how he likes Elvis and other kind of calm down songs before games. Theres a lot of players like that though. It’s not unique to him. Some players like metal, rap, and I’ve heard of a couple guys liking gospel music. To say it affects his play, in year 4? I seriously doubt it.
  7. Sounds like some are getting antsy before the game. Before we go all Inigo Montoya vs. the six fingered man “would you stop saying that”, it’s going to be a fun year. I’m not predicting any math on Mac jones, but just it’s unlikely as a rookie he leads his team to a record that makes the playoffs. They may have improved from last year that can win 9-10 games. I don’t see a rookie beating us twice, the Bucs, the Titans, and the Browns. I have no doubt Mac can, not will, but can lead to victories against the Jets twice, Panthers, Texans, Jags, and possibly the Falcons. That’s six wins there you’d expect with a better defense, better weapons at WR and TE, and a solid running game. I see a lot of high probability throws, and a heave dose of a running game. Go Bills! I have one stone cold lead pipe irrefutable stat I’ll state with arm arrogance, “I’m a bajillion, trillion, mega million excited for this game today in T Minus 8hrs., 16 minutes”
  8. It’s a loaded question as there is so much variance within any group, you can’t make assertions. Some Pats fans are ok, some are i noxious jerks. Some Bills fans are tried and true, and some are obnoxious. Just go to a game. Overall we are more loyal than many fan bases as we were selling 55-60,000 season tickets in a tough economy, tough climate and a bad team for 17 years.
  9. Excellent CB on the practice squad elevations. I didn’t think about that one, but is important as you know we are going to move people up and down. 🏈🏋️‍👍
  10. Solly, fair take from you, amd Im sure some others. There are a lot of takes that just don’t understand his role. It’s like my senior, senior dad, who wants to fine every player when they don’t make a pro bowl play. I listen and say yes sir, given the man served in Korea and more of course. I don’t know what the deal is with his calf, but it could be simply a one week deal, and he plays the rest of the season. Solly he missed 3 games over two years early in his career. Give a 7 year history prior to 20, sounds like people are angry he opted out. I’m not from a medical position, but I was p..seed off he didn’t get vacc. Separate that from his calf as that is normal. He was a durable player in 18-19 for us, and certainly before us in Car.. To be clear bud, I’m ticked he didn’t get vacc., but I do respect a persons choice. I just found it hypocritical he opts out and then doesn’t get vacc. This is about availability mods to football. I could care less about health privacy issues, and feel I need to say it. I believe it’s possible he’s there fir Miami and we don’t miss him again for the next 16 games. I think that is more plausible.
  11. Not buying it. Emergency fund. 18 week season. I don’t see them moving on a RB,TE, DT, or CB. Beane’s smart. He knows the likelihood is someone will go down this year. He needs $ to play with now so he can act fast at the right time. Now, before every guy they bring in for a workout, and is let out to the media, don’t get excited. They didn’t do it to sign him. They did it for Monday morning after a bad injury Beane is calling the guy’s agent making him an offer as they already have a workout and medical on him. That’s the way it will work. Guaranteed we bring in at least 15 guys this season but don’t walk away with a contract. Proactive thinking.
  12. Well written Lime. I hope as I don’t wish Ill on anyone, but will he put the work in to clean up his mechanics. He’s made it on raw athleticism and a freak for all those years. Now he’s banged up and needs to get crisp.
  13. Dawg, have a great time with you’re gal. I honestly don’t understand the skewed takes on Star. I’m not happy he’s unvaccinated., as you’d think a guy who opted out for his health would make a better choice, and yes that’s my bias. He’s coming back after a year off, is leaner (people speculated he would be fat), he’s a 1 tech guy so he’s a space eater that held up well in 19. I don’t want to go this far, and will not personally make a comment on a specific poster, but it’s almost like some don’t understand or played organized football. His role is to clog up lanes, allow guys like Oliver to penetrate, keep the lanes from opening by opposing RB’s. He’ll never be the guy with a ton of sacks. It’s really the unsung hero job. I played LB and RB over time, and my buddy in front of me who was this DT In HS, used to tell me he hates he doesn’t have to get the glory as we played a 4-3. I kept reassuring him and others too, it’s ok, because he makes it easier for us to make those tackles mid field, my other bud to get the interior pressure, and so on. This is how I coached my defenses as well, as that was youth ball so limited. I could never make the commitment to coach in HS. It’s too much when you have a career that requires you to travel. Anyway, ask Edmunds, Oliver, Harry, and Milano if they are happy he’s back. Ask Frazier what it means to have him back. A minor calf injury is enough to keep you off the field for a game, but it’s not like he tore his ACL. As to cutting him last year, it was just said above, anyone feeling that way needs to look at Spotrac again or OTC. It costs more to cut him than keep him and he can contribute on this team. So I guess Harry practiced Friday, so he’ll probably get 50-55% of the snaps tomorrow. Tomorrow, let’s not get wrapped in the weeds and just Go Bills!
  14. If Edmunds has a good year by their standards, not ours (myself not included as I don’t see him as badly as many of you), he’ll get an extension. This has been discussed on many outlets, tv, radio, etc. he is not a downhill smack you Ray Lewis type. The Bills seem to want him rangy, sideline to sideline guy and covering certain spots against TE’s etc. Im not an Edmunds fan, I just don’t have the vitriol as some on the board. I respect you’re opinions, just I look at him from a different lens. He’ll definitely need to show improvement this year to get that extension. It seems like the coaches like his play though from what I can tell in small snipits from McD, Frazier, and Beane.
  15. Guys: I don’t know why, but I keep coming back to this thread and it’s overwhelming the afternoon show is horrible. I said that a few pages ago. Just pull the trigger and get Sirius if you don’t have it, amd listen when in the car to Movin the Chains in the afternoons from 3-7. You’ll never be disappointed. Full disclaimer, I do not work for Sirius, I just love the show and call in from time to time. They have the Bills as they made their predictions Friday at 12-5, winning the division, and contending for the SB. They did place the Pats as a maybe for 11-5 if Mac progresses well this year. GB, you’ll like this with Miami at 9-8, and the Jets at 2-15. I used to try and listen to the afternoon show, but they are sloppy, don’t prepare, go off on tangents no one cares about, and can be costic to callers if you don’t agree with every last thing they say.
  16. I had a permagrin the entire little skit. Isn’t Tre awesome all together forever Buffalo. Nice guy. You can’t fake that one.
  17. I’d love it if we picked up a one tech DT at 30, but they usually don’t drop. Then again to you’re point, Milano, and Diggs we’re 5th round picks. My point is simply it’s not Madden, and just more skill and luck when you get a star at the end of the round. I love what I think GROOT will be, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m trying to temper my enthusiasm until it happens. We may have lucked into him given he didn’t play the year before, and really only had one top college year. That’s not normal. Please don’t take I don’t want a Vea. I’d love to, but not normal when you’re picking at the end of the draft as I believe our team is that good we will pick towards the end of the draft each year.
  18. You mean pragmatism that we will pick at the end of the 1st each year because I believe in our team. Yes that positive attitude. A guy like Vea doesnt drop to 30.
  19. For all the Vida Vea stuff, the guy was picked 12th overall in the 1st. We don’t have nor have we had that capital. He’s a great player, but it’s like we should have Aaron Donald, yeah and I’d like to be 6’3 tall dark and handsome. Not in the cards.
  20. Santa Maria. Hit Josh Bad. Mongo Good. https://youtube.com/watch?v=bVpypcLbbIE&feature=share I thought Tasker made a good point today in that he basically was saying he doesn’t want Josh to run so makes a dumb threat as they know how dangerous Josh is when he runs.
  21. At this point I was wondering when Heinz and French’s was going to sponsor. I’ve seen a bunch of times, but doesn’t really matter to me. When we fly up im going as they will still rally like awesome Bills fans
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