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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not ever, but Rc, I feel the same. I generally don’t read the Gameday takes outside if maybe a post in the am. Every play is dissected. For me to offense overall played fine, just Josh didn’t. The defense was excellent, but I don’t know if that’s a function of Miami not good, or our defense that excellent. No reason to overreact either way. Allen for whatever reason needs to settle down.
  2. Ok, for who? Ryan Bates. Spencer Brown, a rookie who is being groomed for LT. If you want to bench a guy, who is the upgrade replacement. He’s not having a great start, but was excellent last year.
  3. I’m sure we’ll hear tomorrow it was all about Tua out why the Bills won 35-0, but there was no difference in the play with either QB. I hope he heals well, as I don’t wish injuries on anyone. I can’t imagine Fins fans watching Herbert (I know they lost) and thinking we could’ve had him.
  4. That was a heck of a game by the Ravens. I fell asleep for a minute and woke up, and thank god for rewind. I’m happy fir those guys and anytime the chiefs have to post a loss is a good day.
  5. Is that a Sunday dedication from a little girl in Idaho? God I hated that guy.
  6. An oldie but a goodie. RIP Tim Russert, one of the best Bills fans ever. If you ever read Big Russ and Me, who else devotes a chapter titled, “the Buffalo Bills”. My dad actually knew his dad from the 1st Ward. For me, I want to see the line bounce back and give Josh a nice clean pocket today.
  7. No Chand, it’s… Lat me add to the poster, just having fun. We know you meant hair brained idea. I don’t want to be mean as my auto correct is a pain too.
  8. Listen, I can’t stand the guy either, but he’s smart. The reason he did that in 2019 was that the Jets in week 1 put 9 guys in and our dolt of a ST coach didn’t teach our guys to adjust as they line up, but we got away with it. They were close, but didn’t block it. Then in week 2, the Giants picked up on it, and placed 10 guys inside, and they almost got away with it. Again, our ST did not shift inside before set. BB placed all 10 inside, and with a low snap, they blocked the punt, and scored a TD. The rest of the season, we started to adjust our outside guys to inside if the opposing team did the same. The point is BB does pick up in the little things and is a heck of a coach. With all that said, he’ll come back to earth the longer he plays with out Brady. If you look at last week against the Dolphins, everything we thought he would do in a game plan, he did. He had Mac throw short and intermediate routes, lots of attention to safe passes, and a heave running game. They almost beat the Fins. They will be a slightly above average team, but I still think they won’t make the playoffs. The media can’t come to admit without Brady, the Pats are a well coached, but not playoff caliber team. Once they lose several times, the media will turn on him.
  9. This happens every year. We’ll shed some as we draft or pick up in FA more. I’ll worry about that next February. I think the obvious ones will go, and the ones likely to stay are Beasely as we have him under contract through 2022, and Morse who will turn 30 after the season, and we have him under contract as well through 2022. Addison, Star, Hughes, and Sanders will probably go. Again, this is an off season thing, and I’m just concerned for beating the snot out of Miami today.
  10. While we’re at it, I think we should work this into the game… Josh can do it, he’s Super Allen. Dude, seriously put down the scotch bottle.
  11. I’ll worry about next year, next year. I don’t expect Addison, Hughes, and Star back next year, but that’s a next year off season conversation. Not worried about it in September. That’s it omg, move on!
  12. It’s not just injuries, but he’s more of a threat outside and can hurt opposing defenses, hence the #1 WR in the NFL last year in catches and yards. We already have someone for end around, and Breida runs as fast as Diggs. Breida also has the frame for a full shot by a LB. Diggs is much better cutting and juking downfield turning 14 into 30 yards.
  13. The driver easy on the drinking if you’re going to ft lauderdale then driving back to south beach. If there are a few of you just uber. Hard Rocks fun but between South Beach and Brickel (next to South Beach), you really don’t need to go anywhere else. You'll have a great time. Saturday night before South Beach is full of Bills fans. You’ll see jerseys and stuff. Kind of silly as SB is full of pretty people so you might want to dress accordingly. I used to go for years. You’re going to sweat you’re are off game day so a recommendation is wear one shirt pregame tailgate, and right before you leave for the gate, switch to a fresh shirt. If you’re not in a shaded area, I had someone tell me to go to cvs or target and get one of those big super umbrellas where you stick in the ground. Shade is you’re friend.
  14. Good for him. That was funny and I bet McD laughs at that one. He seems very grounded.
  15. Since I watched both games and obviously we had a bad game, but Miami’s offense looked flat, the safe bet is to pick based on 2020 avg. scores so … 31-25 Bills. Overly simplistic, and my optimistic prediction knowing what this team can do when they get in a rhythm is 35-17, Bills.
  16. That’s when they didn’t see his value. We see his value and the risk/reward on end arounds is not worth it. We try this and he gets hurt, and this board will explode. Keep him on the outside where he is most dangerous. McKenzie is good at the gadget stuff.
  17. We can make it without Davis to make sure he’s healthy, but he’s definitely an add to the offense. If Star was a full participant Friday, they are probably going to use him.
  18. I’m sorry for his troubles. That stinks and a good guy from what I can see.
  19. I don’t watch hard knocks as it’s just not interesting to me, but then again I don’t like any reality shows. im just glad the Pegulas are smart enough to know to not be part of shirt show every year. I want nothing to do with Hard Knocks for the Bills, and I’d lay $neither does Beane and McD.
  20. Wide, on the main board read the Sanders article in the Syracuse paper. Sanders reflected exactly you’re sentiment.
  21. It’s funny you wrote this eball, as I’m opening up and it’s Friday, and yet still more and more ridiculous takes. I made a mental note to stay away the next loss for a few days (hopefully there won’t be one for a few weeks). I already gave up on Gameday 1st half, 2nd half threads. They are exhausting.
  22. Someone wrote early in this thread it’s a gross overreaction, but the difference with Frasier is McD was a very successful DC for quite sometime prior to the HC role. What experience does Dorsey have to call plays? It makes no sense at all. Graham has jumped the shark for awhile. Im a little surprised “the sky is falling” takes here after going 15-4 last year. My god it’s one game and we weren’t blown out like the Packers. We scored the exact same offensive pts. As the Steelers, and had a punt blocked. Yep, the offense sucked an egg, but the defense played relatively well. Better than the beginning of last year, and there a lot more hurries on Ben.
  23. you know btw you guys are talking we were the Packers getting torched 38-3. Way to be with you’re team. We had a bad game. doom and gloom threads galore and some are just enjoying it. If you ever played sports at a competitive level, haven’t you ever lost a game you thought you should win. You get in quick sand and you keep fighting, but everything goes wrong. Winners come out of it.
  24. Still thinking about who is just frustrated as we expected so much and fell short which is the majority, and who couldn’t wait to see weakness and just poke holes. Lots of néw faces on the board saying they’ve been here for years, yet shockingly they have 24 posts. im sure the majority are just frustrated. Just remember vets how many Jets fans were passive aggressive last year creating multiple accounts etc. what helps me is the new guys who are frustrated when we beat Miami (if we do) by 21 will find strengths in our team, or will poke holes in the LS, a dropped pass by a sure handed guy, ignore three excellent runs for the one bad one. it’s why I don’t respond to a lot of the new guys. I’ll wait til we have say three wins and are they truly fair balanced, or at least pats fan in NH are honest they are a pats fan. That, zero, and so. On love their teams, not apologetic, but recognize when we do things well. Love you guys and provide balance. my opinion is we had a very good defensive performance which is generally recognized by many pundits, but we can always be better. Our offense is why we lost this game. A characteristic, but happened.
  25. Thanks Hap, as I always like hearing what Simms has to say. It did look like they were clogging up lane from 15-25 yards. Either Allen had to be more crisp on the deep ball like he was last year, or what they did with shirt throws, but they could’ve stuck with the run when Allen figured out there tendencies dropping 8. Miami plays predominantly man, and doesn’t have the horse up front as the Steelers. Their secondary is better. I can see more running this game, and McD without saying anything is going to make a change in the line, as well as I’ll bet he’ll override Daboll a couple of times. We just won’t know it.
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