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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Logistically, they have their training facilities, they have the space, they have the infrastructure in OP so its the most cost effective. Its not getting moved up to Amherst for UB. USF has a bigger program here in Tampa and play at Ray Jay and they don't even fill half the stadium with giving away tickets to students. UB wont factor into the equation, but I can see Pegula PSE offering to allow them to play as its a minor revenue stream for the Pegulas. Nothing nearly motivating enough to move to a smaller geographical location with more issues. I understand why UB wants to stay up there.
  2. I liked Shady while here. Glad he's moving onto the next phase in his life. Its sad when guys keep trying to hang on.
  3. It could be worse, we could get Booger McFarland and the ghost of Warren Sapp. Now that would be a highly intelligent well thought out broadcast.
  4. If anyone is remotely surprised by this notice, you've not been paying attention to I believe every new stadium back into the late 90's. The Bucs did it, but back then whatever their cost if they stayed with their seats for 10 years, it would slowly rebate them the money over those 10 years. Since not every one did that with the dot com bust, and the 98 real estate bust, the Bucs pocketed that money, and by 2010, instead of having a 10,000 wait list for seasons, they were having trouble filling the stadium. That idea went out the window and now its a sunk cost. Guys it would have been significantly more for a downtown stadium. I'm sorry for those who have seasons, but I assume you expected it. We wouldn't be any different than any other newer stadium.
  5. Ah Belicheat, Revenge is a dish best served cold! It’s very cold in BUFFALO, NY! I want BB to retire in pain and mediocrity for the last two decades. I remember the last half of the 70’s, but having the satisfaction of the Pats being sweeped for the next five years. And then being a perpetual 8-9 team so that at 74 BB retires. The media saying, we’ll I guess it was Brady. 🙏🦬👌👹
  6. Thanks Kelly12, you started it off with not only the score, but a game e v a l. Prediction. Thank you brother. I see others now following suit. Can’t wait to read the rest.
  7. Guys: I haven’t seen it yet, so I’ll kick it off. WHAT IS YOUR’E STONE COLD, LEAD PIPE LOCK FOR THIS SUNDAY? MGK (I sound silly like Jimmy from Seinfeld in the third person) Bill 27 with another Singletary TD run, a top 5 defensive performance, Allen making some improvements picking on the LB’s which are suspect in the intermediate area, and he settles down on the underneath more with a couple of shots deep to Diggs and Davis hitting at least one. WFT 17 with a strong up front performance, but keeping their running game to 75 yards, and a pedestrian passing game. Have fun and put a little color if you can on what you think, not what you wish for happens this weekend. Makes it a little more fun when you’re predictions on a facet or two comes true. You get bragging rights for a week. Have a great Friday boys! Go Bills!!!!!! (Mods, I checked and surprised it’s Friday and haven’t seen it yet, but please close if I missed it as a duplicate)
  8. I was thinking more of Chicago PD, Med, and Fire wiseguy, but that was pretty good.
  9. Not sure on the hate of chi town by some. Good people, good food, great tv shows, just not crazy about the team. Im indifferent as I don’t like nor dislike them. They’ve been largely irrelevant in my eyes forever. Even their recent playoff appearances were first round outs.
  10. Ok GB, we’re sending overnight some toothpicks and a shirt load of vivarin for the rest of the week. No DREAMS FOR YOU!
  11. Billieving, thank you for the work you put into this thread. This one is up for post of the week.
  12. Blue on White at home as I just like the tradition as it’s never that hot in Buffalo to warrant all white. I love the old white helmet, but current one is fine. Not really into the red one anymore. All white are great for away.
  13. That’s what happens when you make a commitment to you’re job, stay in Buffalo for much of the off season and not worrying about one of vacation time. Tells me he’s a winner meaning he knows he had a less than stellar 2020. juxtapose him with Karl Williams. He does look more powerful. He did drop at one point last year from 280 to 255. They say he’s 260, but he looks more like 265 to me. Probably a lot more lean mass.
  14. Bart he already has the gold jacket and the CFL is so different. It’s good bar talk, but at least he was recognized in 2006 and well deserved.
  15. Possibly JMF, but AJ’s hit was clean, but punishing. For those that say they wish for the old days, there are still bruising hits, just overall safer for the players like the helmet as an example. Think about Moss’s TD run. That was one angry run and brutal hit on the defender and kept moving. As far as Tua, maybe the time off will be good for him to keep studying his playbook.
  16. Chand, I couldn’t agree more. Sharing for some guys the breakdowns by the Athletic guys or just little excerpts as some don’t get it, the cover 1 or other all 22’s, are so helpful especially junkies like myself in the Bills. I can reasoned POV from guys who live to breakdown tape and have the time to do it. It also is educational for casual fans so they know more about why some things are happening. These along with Shady’s maps, unis, posts and other breakdowns I see as some of the most meaningful to have a discussion. I’m not critical of just the opinion threads, but I almost always see a more robust conversation on the former threads vs. the latter.
  17. LA looks sharp. I’m a Tampa now although my heart is in Buffalo, but saying that I’m betting LA has a great shot at winning. Donald is going to hurt Brady taking away his interior pocket. Brady will have to throw short early and often. Shady as always, thanks for both sending out the 506, but also combining with the unis. You’re the man, man! (State Farm is there). For us down here we have a great Bills Backers bar so should be fun as a group. Always a bonus when Buff is on down here.
  18. We really appreciate when you share Happy the cover 1 review as it’s so much more interesting and educational than some of the never ending debates. keep em comin.
  19. Not even. Ryan has a strong arm even at 37. Mac seems like a nice game manager and BB is playing it nice and safe for him. Obviously the Fins aren’t a 10-6 looking team right now, and the Jets, cmon. They have a running game, safe passes, and a solid defense. No pushovers, but mark my words the debate will be over it was Brady, not BB was the biggest reason for their success. BB is probably a top 3 all time coach, but most of us are too young to know Lombardi won 5 NFL championships in 7 years.
  20. I think I saw that cup thing in a Star Trek episode, no wait it was the redo of karate kid. Seriously it is an eastern therapy and no I have no idea if it works. Either that or Allen’s girlfriend gave him a monster hickey. Those crazy kids these days.
  21. No. Dolphins and Jets aren’t exactly powerhouses.
  22. UJ, they passed 50 times in week 1. They had a split of 35 to 30 pass to run in week 2. I think that’s a change bud. it’s more so of mechanics. He fell back into old habits because defensive coordinators have shifted coverages to cover up his easy passes from last year. Now we adjust from there. I’m sure McD will ensure Daboll adapts. Bad coaches coach stubborn like Wrex because they aren’t skilled enough to adapt. Daboll will and Allen will come back to form.
  23. This was a much more reasoned explanation and it looked like he was not set in his throws. Joe did a nice breakdown. He fixed this before from 19 to 20, and he’ll do it again. Trying to tie to crowds doesn’t make sense to me. He’s not a rookie.
  24. He hasn’t forgotten how to be a top LT. He just has to be in NFL shape. The poor guy was hospitalized for four days. He has another week getting IV’s, electrolytes, working out hard and he’ll come back to form. A professional athlete who was already coming around in two more weeks with the right work ethic. Sal mentioned this morning Dion kept Josh’s pocket clean from his side. So now he has a greater challenge, but he held up against some solid DE’s last year.
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