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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not even remotely surprised. I always thought it was a dumb theory, but didn’t want to be rude to some posters. Kit has nothing to do with it. He knocked off the rust and is getting his mojo back. He’s just cleaning up mechanics and should have another solid game next week. As an aside, the Chiefs defense doesn’t look the same. They’ve played a hard schedule with the Browns, Ravens, and Chargers who is developing nice team. They will probably have a get eight game against the Eagles and we’ll see. Should be fun.
  2. Miyagi San, we’ll said my Sin Se. I wholeheartedly agree. Daboll expected some mana Coverage and zone with blitzing in week 1. He didn’t adjust and we paid the price. Now that we are more balanced in a 60/40 pass to run, and using Knox as well as some chips meant all the difference today. I want to enjoy the win as we have another tune up week they won’t overlook where Allen can cement what he knows to do and then the real work starts. The good news with Frank Clark suspended among other things has the Chiefs looking suspect on defense.
  3. Josh Gordon is just what we need on Gameday prep for Josh.. https://youtu.be/HuYeQi4wB_k Then again all that Cheetos stuff on Josh’s hands during the game might be a problem.
  4. IT’s GAMEDAY! By halftime, it’s 21-3, Bills with two passing TD’s from Allen to Diggs, and Knox, and another punishing run from Moss knocking one of the LB’s on his ars, and in the sideline for the WFT team are saying… At halftime, the sideline reporter finds (I know they don’t, but bear with me) AJ, what’s you’re prediction in the 2nd half…. Not that I want him hurt, but I want to see AJ nail Heineken at least twice with hopefully a partial by GROOT. GO BILLS!!!!
  5. Doc, I think McD is going to make sure Daboll knows that and forces him to keep Moss, or Gilliam in to chip and be the outlet. It’s not like they have to stay in the backfield. One of those guys just needs to nail the End and let Williams or Dawkins do their job, they get out 3-4 yards and if nothing there intermediate or deep, Allen dumps off and with a couple of yards progress it’s an 8 yard gain. Those are great plays and makes it so much easier to run in 3rd and 2, or even a designed run by Allen. I love when we do this as it forces WTF to move closer if we are successful a couple of times, and then Davis or Diggs are open 14 yards down the field. Daboll thought for sure they were going to blitz, and play man which is what Pitt. Normally does and Tomlin won that chess match, by playing zone, covering the middle, bracketing both Diggs and Beasely. I partially blame Daboll for not having a contingency to have Gilliam in to help Dawkins (he must have known he want at 100% with a Covid hangover), and run more, or play action, jet sweep.
  6. Don’t we have a poster with that name? 👏👏👏👏👏🏈🦬 Right turn Clyde. Everytime I see you post I think of those silly, but funny movies from when we were kids. Any which way you can baby! TD, Buffalo, TD Allen to Diggs. I want to hear a lot of that today. Go Bills!
  7. Offense: Josh gets his mechanics back to somewhat of 2020 form attacking the middle field LB area as they suck. He’ll also attack the secondary to the left. Defense: I noticed and talked to Jim and Pat today on MTC and Pat said which I agreed our secondary is getting pressure to the QB and a rookie QB will have a hard time knowing whether it will be Taron, Hyde, or Poyer. It was interesting he stated those three for a couple of delayed blitzes. Given an accurate, but still rookie QB and avg. WR. I can see it.
  8. You got it Putin. Saying it’s not fair or what about when this guy does that will do nothing. Where the side of not liking it I wholeheartedly agree is a fine is a bit excessive. Maybe something minor I guess so the layer feels some pain, but $9k is a bit. You’d think him losing his team 15 yards and getting a lashing from McD would be enough. McD is a high character guy so it’s good he never seems to do this on the sideline, but I bet players at times get called into the principal’s office privately as all people should be managed. Allow Levi to maintain his dignity.
  9. Again guys, it’s not yelling waving denied. It’s jumping up staring down at him and making the gesture. They warned everyone including the fans they were going to do this and they are making a point. Like it or not he knew this summer and all he had to do is jump up turn fast hypothetically to his bench and yell out “denied”. Legal. Stand over and looking down at him yelling the same thing, illegal. I heard this stuff from the Perriera and other last officials all summer warning they were going to do it. The Lamar comment I assume is a joke as the NFL encourages those celebrations. The whole point is don’t be right at you’re opponent when you do it. It’s not changing so no reason to be upset over it. Theme the enforced rules now.
  10. I think you’re kidding. Clean hit and did not pancake him. That would’ve pissed me off. Hi hit was textbook about how t give a legal punishing hit. Sorry the guy was hurt, but I love a little legal nasty.
  11. Turk, here’s to another 6-0 baby by 2022 in January for the East.
  12. I disagree. Lamar didn’t flip into a defensive player and get in his face. Every team was shown videos this summer basically Levi’s denied hand move is fine, just not over the WR. They knew. Levi was stupid for not jumping up in a quarter turn in any direction beside standing over looking down at the WR, and never would’ve been called. Past NFL officials have been on radio shows all week stating the point of emphasis and they cited Levi’s move which is benign. You just can’t stand over the receiver looking down at him doing it. some may not like it but they were told. Just like Josh was told he can spin the ball in the end zone, but can’t be facing the defensive player. I knew it was getting called as he was doing it. I was at a bills backers bar, and I’m yelling no Levi. I understand football is emotional. I played and coached, but if I’m shown video of what not to do, I’m not doing anything to hurt my team.
  13. She could put spell on me. Ah Phoebe you vixen. she did the NFL gear for women if I remember a couple of years ago. I thought that was a good promotion as fit girls could still look cute wearing NFL gear. Never came up again after that one year.
  14. Since we play nickel almost all the time, he is a starter Niagara unless we go big nickel. I think we end up letting him test the waters and hope he wants to be a winner more than a dumb Mgmt team from a losing organization thinks they can convert him to an outside CB. As a nickel CB, amd one of the better ones in the league, Beane will probably give him a nice offer and after this year the cap starts escalating. If Beane backloads a little as the cap starts to explode in 2023 and really 2024, Beane will have the $ to afford him. Milano was given a nice contract, but he could’ve been offered more elsewhere. You can only hope Taron recognizes one of the reasons he’s so good now is he knows exactly how to play in this system, and with his teammates, and he may not have that elsewhere. He was developed here. If he does except a little, and I mean a little less like Milano, that would be great. Milano knows here he ha as real shot at a ring. Taron may get that this year or get even closer (we make it to the SB, but lose in a tight one), and he still want s a ring. Not that I want that prediction, but you get the point. Nothing is happening though until the off season. I’m sure there will be 5 more threads in February on this topic, just like the never ending Edmunds debate.
  15. GB, well written. I despise the Pats. I respect Brady, and BB is one of the best coaches in the NFL for the last 40 years, but it is a stain the cheating that went in that you can’t just win with you’re abilities and coaching, you have to spy on opposing teams. It is a very bad look for the NFL and it will stick with the Oats for a long time. The entire NFL fans, players, coaches, media aren’t going to forget those actions. With that said, our team during the entire drought, had poor ownership, mismanaged, poor choices for coaches, and the above then led to terrible drafting, quick fixes in free agency, and so on. Until we had new ownership that had their mulligan with Wrex, and chose a team of excellent leadership in McBeane, gave the city of Buffalo and fandom nationwide a chance to have what we’ve always wanted, a team to be proud of for a decade to come. I still loathe the Pats and enjoy every loss they have and will forever. I’ll say it again. My genie in a bottle wish is the Oats are a mediocre 8-9, to 9-8 team for the next 5 years and beyond. Just good enough for prognosticators to keep getting it wrong they are not the old Pats with Brady, but good enough they never get a high draft pick. BB eventually retired as a once great coach, but could never do anything significant after Brady. I even think if this occurs, even Bills fans will start looking a little more understanding about Brady as he proves he was the reason for their success, not BB. Mac I think will be an average to maybe an above avg. QB. That’s great and good for him, but is never going to make this team win 12 games.
  16. First, to PTR, that’s a great idea of having the UB thanksgiving game weekend at Highmark and could be promoted each year like the field of dreams baseball game they just started or the open air hockey game in a football stadium. I know the greatest cocktail party game between Georgia and UF is a major event in Jax as they show five days ahead in their RV’s. The kids at school have off anyway so why not. I think even Bills fans who don’t follow NCAA as much would go if made to be an event. So props PTR. Go get Kim on the horn and make it so. As far as OP, to me it is the infrastructure, but also all the off site lots, and there are multiple entry and exit points. The cost downtown would be astronomical and the state is not going to throw that much money into widening roads and they really don’t even have the space to do it, not to mention buying the land, and if in the first ward demolition buildings, etc. Doc, I think they mentioned a canopy so in essence the upper and part of the lower decks would be covered from snow, rain, and most importantly wind. By installing those huge heating lamps would also create a much more mild environment. It also on the field will still look like an open stadium which a lot of people like so without the heavy winds at times, the field would still see a little snow. I love it, and given in another thread people are not happy about PSL’s, they would only be worse in other places mentioned.
  17. Thanks to those guys who followed specifically what I thought would be interesting. You not only predicted the score, but made an e v a l. Of what you think would happen vs. wishful thinking. I’m happy to do it each week, and wait til Friday so you’ll get from some of our analytics guys all the critiques on All 22, and so on so by Friday, you can say, Bills offense specifically expected to do this, or defense do that, and next week the Texans yadayada. Anyone else beats me to it, great, but I’m usually not one to post threads, just respond. I enjoyed getting you’re thoughts though, and some of the jokes were pretty funny. We’ll forgive the negative nellys who shall be nameless (Virg, Chand) for their doom and gloom prognostications.
  18. I mentioned once before, but Polian was on his weekly radio show spot at night, and a question just before the season came up on Buffalo’s defense last year, and how they at times looked fantastic, and others struggled. He pointed right at Milano, and stated given McD’s scheme, Milano is a critical piece to its success with his skill sets. He told the other host, Alex Marvez, watch how the team performed when he was out there vs, when he was injured. He said he was one of the most under the radar exceptional LB’s and deserved the contract he received. Looks like he’s right. In the scheme if things, his contract wasn’t even what Spotrac measured his value. He took $11 mil. Per., and Spotrac had his value at one point $13+.
  19. That was a funny video though. I could care less what he predicts. He’s an easy target.
  20. Logistically, they have their training facilities, they have the space, they have the infrastructure in OP so its the most cost effective. Its not getting moved up to Amherst for UB. USF has a bigger program here in Tampa and play at Ray Jay and they don't even fill half the stadium with giving away tickets to students. UB wont factor into the equation, but I can see Pegula PSE offering to allow them to play as its a minor revenue stream for the Pegulas. Nothing nearly motivating enough to move to a smaller geographical location with more issues. I understand why UB wants to stay up there.
  21. I liked Shady while here. Glad he's moving onto the next phase in his life. Its sad when guys keep trying to hang on.
  22. It could be worse, we could get Booger McFarland and the ghost of Warren Sapp. Now that would be a highly intelligent well thought out broadcast.
  23. If anyone is remotely surprised by this notice, you've not been paying attention to I believe every new stadium back into the late 90's. The Bucs did it, but back then whatever their cost if they stayed with their seats for 10 years, it would slowly rebate them the money over those 10 years. Since not every one did that with the dot com bust, and the 98 real estate bust, the Bucs pocketed that money, and by 2010, instead of having a 10,000 wait list for seasons, they were having trouble filling the stadium. That idea went out the window and now its a sunk cost. Guys it would have been significantly more for a downtown stadium. I'm sorry for those who have seasons, but I assume you expected it. We wouldn't be any different than any other newer stadium.
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