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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Thanks for the hard work Freddie. At least reasonable people will read week to week, and makeup their own mind vs. bending facts to their POV. I have an open mind. BTW-I’m in a wait and see this year so you’re Evans when you have time to do it is helpful.
  2. Happy for him and well deserved. Wait til the stats this weekend unless they place Mitch in the second half.
  3. RB’s can only take you so far in the 2021 NFL. The Ravens last year were #1 in rushing and #32 in passing. They won one playoff game finally and scored a whopping 3 pts against us. My point is as Barolo pointed out is Defensive line pressure, And incredible WR play when you have an amazing talent in Josh is the priority. So far GROOT and this year AJ have shown along with Gabe the benefits. We haven’t seen nearly enough in Boggie to make any speculations. Taking 3rd round RB’s is a smart move over two years. I like Motor and Moss. In four years they may or may not be extended. It’s just the NFL way. Do you think Jerrah regrets giving all that $ to Zeke? He’s already been somewhat supplanted by a younger guy.
  4. He’ll be our swing Tackle for awhile. Williams had a good game against WFT. He also played very well last year which is why we extended him. There is no rush to replace one of our starting Tackles, and O Linemen get hurt. He’ll play when needed. He is not a Guard. Name another 6’9” Guard. Height can be you’re friend at Tackle if They bend well. He’s still raw. Why rush him in the line up, and what are people going to say when one of the stud DE’s in the league demolish him. He’s getting away with raw power and he certainly has more than enough of that attribute, but he has a lot to learn on technique. I love the guy, but just not now. Thats my two cents.
  5. I know bud, but as you know you make calculated risks in real pools where $ are involved. I’m rollin the dice baby. I’m pocketing teams like the Bills, Chiefs, etc. for later if I make it.
  6. Dude, NG just did all the math on it probably bored on the iPad. You respond with yeah but what about…. I f you want to know, add to the convo and you do it. I’m good. Besides it’s early for any predictions out. I think after week 6, we’ll have a wide range of opponents and the data would be more robust. For me, that’s the week to start breaking it down. I mean after week 2 we were the 2nd best defense. Now 4th after week 3. Just too volatile right now.
  7. You would think they had an intern to catch this stuff as it becomes a little media buzz for the week going into the games. If all the leg work is done, you’d think beanes asst would make a call. Get on it Gugs. You’re the man with the high level meetings. 👏👏😇. Just kidding bud.
  8. Copy cat. 😇👏 Just kidding. great minds think alike.
  9. week 1 Rams won week 2 Bucs won week 3 Ravens won Week 4 Bengals won Weekly TY to Doc. Great idea. I like some guys are keeping tabs are on their old bets. To those great job as it gets harder as the vets to Survivor know. That’s why I picked the Bengals. I don’t trust them with any other team.
  10. I thought they raised the theshold so high, it would be difficult for him to fail, but with him when there is a will there is a way.
  11. ESPN is worthless except for Matchup and MNF. Mike & Mike was ok, but Primetime was great back in the day. GMFB is so much more fun. I typically dont't get a lot of time for those morning shows, but catch occasionally at the gym.
  12. Sin Se, you always teach me. I hope you mean to Brady. Arians will be polite to him, but Id love a nice cold brisk wind between Brady and BB. A past player, and I'm sorry I forgot the reference stated Brady was treated like he was 20 by BB, when he was 40. He speculated so he admitted Tom wouldnt say it, but his way of doing things supposedly was over him. I will tell you down here he is still classy to opponents, but he is much more open in interviews than he was in NE.
  13. And I hope it's so lopsided they look like idiots. We'll see what Edelman has to say tonight on Inside the NFL.
  14. I always disclose on this topic, you guys know I live in Tampa actually now longer than i have grown up in buffalo, so I root for Brady is not it is nice formy second team who had a crappy team post Gruden to get back to winning ways. Down here he is really good with the fans, pretty nice from what friends have said seeing him in Publix or CVS. I know he beat us for awhile, but just because we had a poorly run team from top to bottom for 17 years is not his problem. BB, on the other hand, my feelings are quite simple. And no one gets the luxury of him throwing tablets and phones, but us. If Tampa beats them by 20, and god I hope Arians runs up the score until the play when they could kneel, but score again, I only hope we beat them by a minimum of 21. Then when BB is so desperate he starts throwing everything he sees. I want misery for that SOB!
  15. No it was Thurmon at least in the 30 for 30 and his NFL Films presents interviews. Maybe Lynch, too as he always had too many skittles in his mouth. I really dont care as there is only one NYS NFL team, and I remind the guys at the gym down here when they bring up the Jets or Giants. The typical NJ... And they always are like cmon. My response is a typical Bills one (all in fun). where do they play, where do they practice, where do more than half of them live? Riiiggghht. N.
  16. So instead of Washington as our NFC extra team, you'd rather have the Packers like the Chiefs, the Seahawks like the Steelers, or the Saints for the Titans. Taking into account mini byes is almost impossible and it worked out pretty well for us with the WFT and not exactly scared of the Texans. Lastly, how are the schedulers supposed to know how good a team is the next year? Seriously, The 49ers were in the SB in 2020 and with injuries was an easy defeat even though they had a top 5 defense. You're grasping at something that is not there. Two years ago, did the schedulers know for sure we would go from 10-6 to 13-3 and have the 2nd most scored pts in the league. Sorry bud, but its coincidence. That's all. I wasn't writing this sarcastically as you're not alone with these theories as we see them posted all the time. I'm just giving you more info. that's all so wasn't knocking on you.
  17. Don, I dont get mad at those guys as they demonstrate they either don't understand football, and have certainly never played or coached. I don't mind the casual fan as they usually know they are the casual fan. A space eating DT to cement you're point is not the guy who makes the sacks. He is the guy who clears the road for Oliver to get pressure. Its not even sacks for Oliver (as much as we love them), its collapsing that pocket while you're big partner clogs up the middle and the QB has to go outside as there is no room to set up. Well written bud. He looks a little better than 2019, as he is looks leaner and a little faster, but it wasn't by accident we were 3rd in the NFL in defense in 2019. Other were just mad because we weren't scoring a ton of points.
  18. Donuts, you and I banged that drum amongst several others all last year. Well written. I should know the Sabres reference as my sister works for them, but have never been into the NHL. My family hates it, but Bills only.
  19. he guy's in his 11th year, had no effort from what's reported by others and really his coach and gave up Sunday. I'll take Klein any day of the week over this putz.
  20. Listen I hate the guy, but he’s a fraud. Cmon. Wait five years and you’ll have a real answer.
  21. I look at the opponents and the Chiefs barely beat the Browns, but they are darn good, so is Baltimore, and LAC. Don’t count those cats out. Clark will get back from his suspension in I think the week or two after us. He’s a beast. Im not force ranking right now as we lost to an excellent defense, but a weak offense in Pitt. Miami are pretenders even though 5ey almost beat LVR, and WFT will not be thought of that highly at the end of the year. This is perfect for us. We beat on the Dolphins, shored up our passing game with WFT, and next week will be ugly for Houston. I’m not afraid of KC, or TN, but we will have two nice challenges and that is where I’ll start pounding my chest if we win both.
  22. I knew you'd get it boss. A program means very little as you find gems in all places. Purdue is not exactly a powerhouse, but that’s where Brees is from.
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