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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It's kind of early for all of this stuff, but two impending variables are that Rodgers negotiated so if he wants he can get out next year, a somewhat less quiet strategy than Brady (I credit him for keeping quiet for Kraft, but had enough in NE, say what you want, but that was classy of TB). Now, Rodger is so fickle maybe he starts getting a lot more input on weapons talent and decides to stay, or not. I honestly don't care, but it is a factor. The other is Watson's stuff starts to get worked on in February so another team will probably have a good idea what they are getting, any suspensions, etc. These two QB's will mitigate a lot with teams, and choices. I'd rather wait until February-April to see how things shake out and there will most likely be a lot more than two coaching vacancies by black Monday. For now, it's enjoy the Bills ride we hope and pray to victory.
  2. Is this really that important to you guys? If I’m at a SB party it’s a chance to use the facilities, grab a beverage, snack and catch up with a friend or 10 telling jokes or stories of them. I can’t remember the last halftime show I actually watched. God knows I’m not exactly social during the game. I actually want to watch the game. Always surprises me how many care more about socializing then IDK, WATCHING THE GAME.
  3. I'm at the point where I almost feel sorry for Jets fans. Not the trolls that come to this board, but the guys I've worked with in the past and it just sucks being in that misery.
  4. Inigo, my guy in search of the 6 fingered man, I think you could see Boettger getting back into the LG spot. We also haven't seen much of Bates who's been groomed here for a few years. Taron Johnson and Levi Wallace developed nicely under McD. I wonder if either will get a shot. I'm with you 100% in 11 personnel, and with teams where we think we can run even 21 personnel with Gilliam and (Moss/Motor) in there and leave Knox out for a play. The RB can go up the middle with Gilliam plowing the field for a tough couple of yards, or he stays in for protection and Moss is you're dump of 3-4 yards down for a pass and let him knock a safety on his ars. What did he say, that will be a business decision.
  5. What about the Long Snapper? Just kidding Reid if you're reading.
  6. So you like watching car crashes in slow motion, then? They are a mess. If this is accurate and Flores was advocating for Herbert, can you imagine what this team would've been with him as he could've covered up a lot of messes. Not that I wanted that one.
  7. Guys, I apologize early in am so I rarely start threads so have no idea how to edit. Easy with posts with the three dots in the top right corner. I think you guys know I meant Bills/Texans game. I just reached out to a mod to help. Thanks for you’re patience. Read my post. I don’t know how to do it and you’re right.
  8. Hey guys: I received some feedback you liked this last week, so I’m happy to start on Fridays. The score is easy, but what’s fun is if you can predict something that not what you’d like, but what you think will happen in the game. Spoofs and jokes are always appreciated (Ridge, DJB, etc.). My take: Bills 42 Texans 19 They keep getting close, but no cigar with four field goals. Wallace gets another pick, most of the 10 on the injury report sit as McD wants them for KC, and Mitch QB’s the end of the 3rd quarter when we hit 42, and they are only at 9. Lastly, Moss has a great game especially in the 2nd half compiling 132 yards by the end of the game. KC, WE’RE READY FOR YOU! ARE YOU READY FOR THE AJ PUNCH AND. Have fun.
  9. I miss the Living Color Show when you didn’t have to watch these performances. The SB episodes were hilarious. Hard to believe Jim Carrey was a nobody back then.
  10. Not happening and if college kids are too poor for cars and uber, how are they a good economic customer for the Bills? They’re not amd I was one of those kids who paid for all of my Oswego and USF (grad school) education. Besides arguably USF has a much bigger football fan base than UB, and a higher standard of living base in the Tampa area. They are lucky to get 15-20k of fans per game. Neither team is Clemson or GA. Everything is set perfectly for OP.
  11. Corta, I don’t remember you sending every week, but if not, please do. I finally came out of the closet starting a recurring thread tomorrow with predict the score and a description of what you think will happen. I love these that have substance. 619 is starting the predict the best player Sunday which is cool as people have to say why. Shady has his maps and unis, a couple guys try and give out the all 22, and then there are the classics with Virg and Rockpile. Can’t remember the poster but we have a guy in a mission to breakdown Edmunds every week. These threads add fun and value.. vs. fire or trade “insert name”. Anyway, excellent post. I enjoyed it. This is how I felt bout Josh after the WTF game. Hes a Livin Thing.. Higher and Higher Baby!
  12. Sal and Joe mentioned something this morning that fits. Milano has been freed up not having to cover a TE as a Primary responsibility as Poyer’s been doing more of that this year. He’s been all over the field looking like one of the top LB’s in the league. 619, I’m cool with Allen this week as it was only one week he shined so makes sense. I also see the guys point of this is you’re weekly post as all of us hope it becomes assumed Allen has a good game. So this week Milano for me.
  13. Shady you’re crimping my rush to the early buffet at Morts.
  14. Gugs, couldn’t agree more. Everyone falls down at least once in their life. He’s not Frank Clark with two gun charges, one being an uzi after having a first on him in one of the toughest gun law states in the country. Sherman isn’t going to be the legion of boom Sherman, but he’ll probably help Tampa, and their secondary is young. He can mentor Winfield and others on playing this defense. Bowles probably loves it. Brady had what he wanted as he had no input at all in NE, and he made the plea to Sherman. Smart on Arians part as Brady wouldn’t have done that without BA’s approval.
  15. He should be fine here in Tampa. If Arians can call out Brady multiple times in the beginning of last year, he’s not exactly going to be timid with Sherman. To his credit, on the field he’s never really been a problem.
  16. Standers was a great add. He is an upgrade over Brown and he’ll help more and more as the synergy improves between Allen and him.
  17. Mods, can’t we add a sinister laugh emogie. Something like this when we read the classic meltdown in NE. This is one of the reasons like I heard from a caller on the extra point show this morning, it’s not as fun to hate Brady anymore when Lord Vader is still there. If there is a god in heaven, 49-6 Bucs Sunday night and three picks for Mac. Arians waves Brady to get off the field, and Brady gestures screw that, and then scores another 7 making it 56-6.
  18. Yolo, made me chuckle. I’ve said this before a couple of years ago. I was at Oswego as an inderclassmen, and went with 8 Oswego buddies and 6 St. Francis buddies to the game along with 30 Gamma guys (friendly frat at Oswego we knew). On each side of the tunnel. Was so much fun, actually my favorite game I’ve ever been. We watched big old Freddie block that kick. When over we rushed the field and my bud Dave lost his sneaker. I remember patting on the pads Wolfrod, Ritchie and so on amd just vividly remember how they were monsters. I was the third guy on the post closest to the tunnel for all of about 7 seconds until someone climbed up me to get on, smacked my jay into the post amd almost knocked me out. Thank god as my dad used to say I had a concrete head. The scary part for those down on the field was there was so much mob pushing in excitement it was a mass of people pushed to the ground and thought with 3-4 people on top of me my knees were going g to snap. Panicking like everyone else I was able to get out amd I practically walked over people to get safe. Then just stood in an open area watching everyone else knock down eventually the posts amd remember one piece they walked it up and threw over the side of the stands. It was surreal. thank god being young and dumb I had a bit of Genny liquid courage (all a college kid could afford). Thanks for bringing up yolo. My all time favorite game.
  19. I really could care less about Chicago, and sounds like a lot of posturing for down the road. There aren’t a lot of stadiums in the heart of their cities. Sounds like they are there for 12 years anyway, so to me it’s a big so what.
  20. Luv ya Irv. How about we beat the Chiefs and Titans. Then I’ll get excited. We absolutely have the talent to do it. I’d like to see us beat some of the top teams, and then I’ll become a believer. Right now, I’m incredibly confident we’ll make it in the playoffs and win a couple of games there. What I don’t think we need is to be the guy everytime a lunkhead gets released somewhere else, and “dah, bring him in, get we dun”. We have what we need right now on this roster to make it to the SB. Now it’s just how we execute. Allen gets another tune up game this week which is great to get his rhythm down. We have a KC defense defense that looks suspect. I am incredibly excited. If we sweep the above two teams, I’m on board. If we can beat those two, we can beat just about any AFC team.
  21. No Sheneah, more times than not of the Pi is against the home team they play it on the Jumbotron. Miraculously the away team is jobbed by the home team, you don’t see in the stadium. MYbe different on tv.
  22. This is a never ending argument Ive read since I jumped on TBD years ago. I’m out have fun ranting. Some very true, some not.
  23. IDK if he would quit after 1 year. Saban’s problem is he wanted Brees, and knew he couldn’t win with a Miami mess. Shocker, something néw. He’ll end up back in college at some point. I just don’t know if it’s this year.
  24. Yes, and was on GMFB this morning. They also have his record only with the Pats without TB. It was a losing record.
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