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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Daddy Chand, can you move the clock forward 1 hr. And 47 min. The wait is KILLIN ME!
  2. It’s a man bro. Never watch Seinfeld. Just ask Kramer and George’s dad.
  3. If you’re asking on WGR, the round table just started a couple of minutes ago. aa I’m sure you know NBC gets going at 7pm.
  4. Low wind is good. They’ve all played in rain, and I’m even more focused on seeing a heavy dose of Moss as both have fumbled, but motor seems a little more prone. We can’t afford turnovers. CEH has been known to lose them too.
  5. Chand, he’s just antsy, not a downer. You can’t say you don’t have a little pit in you’re stomach like the rest of us. He’ll, that fueled me in competition as a youngin. It used to fuel me in a game like most guys playing a tough opponent. It’s just like a wise old man once said.. I fight a little better when I’m scared.
  6. I like the additional pre game thoughts and let’s face it, we’re all having racing thoughts about this game. I’m a pretty even keeled guy, but even I was dreaming of the game last night. I need to have a particularly hard workout this morning, and do a little extra praying in church later this morning. This is a day where I miss Buffalo, as I know our parish priest would end the mass with God, bless our Bills, keep them safe, and BEAT THE CHIEFS. I can hear it at OMGC now. Thanks for it Virg., and agree with most of you’re comments on Knox, Moss, Coaching, angry Diggs, but most importantly is CONFIDENCE. I remember big games I played and coached that one of the keys with a formidable opponent is believing an envisioning a win. It then guides you’re decisions on every play. God, I can’t wait for tonight. GO BILLS!! NO! Excellent! Call it like the SB boys.
  7. You know there’s an old story car fish hunter was supposedly in a slump, and was watching tape over and over again of his strike outs. Yogi In his mercurial way comes in and says “hey catfish what ya doin”. Yogi, I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Yogi looked at him and said “you have it wrong, break out the film from last year when you were killing it. That’s how you get back on top. From what I understand that was a true story. I have zero desire to see that game again. I’d love to see us beat the Rams again as that was a signature win, or the Seahawks, or even the Steelers. *****, WE ARE WINNING TOMORROW!!!
  8. Ganesh, that’s not true. I read a fee pages ago a couple of guys stated Edmunds. I think Poyer is going to be the dedicated guy for Kelce. As Far as who shines, I think Diggs is going to beat his guys. I also like Moss for some tough yards. Might not be sexy but a steady dose of 4+ yards a carry works. A couple of gadget stuff with McKenzie and the rest straight up 11 personnel. We will outacore them tomorrow night.
  9. Tuel, I get it as I live in college football territory in FL as the NFL is definitely second to UM, UF, FSU, and so on, but I’m a fanatic NFL guy. I look at it this way. Friday and Saturday I have fun with the family and I’m single again so dating, and after the gym and church, don’t bother me as it’s NFL time until I go to bed on Sunday.
  10. Agreed. Draft and develop. This is just another example of these coaches taking the time and effort to develop our young guys and they noticeably improve over the years. Tarpon, Levi, AJ, Bates, Boettger, Siran Neal, and so on. Even Milano wasn’t all world in 2017. How many 4th rounders are begging each year the Bills pick them vs another team that doesn’t have the track record to develop their in house talent.
  11. Yeah forget about that small minority of IDK 200 mil.who are college football fans. I’m exaggerating, more of the country are crazy college fans. listen, I love NFL on Saturdays in December when college ball is over before the bowl games. It will just never like never moving up a game because it might rain happen. FWIW, I get up prior to 5 am weekdays so I want it over too, but it’s not changing. Hopefully it’s not bad enough to delay the game.
  12. I assume the question is facetious as the NFL would never ever make that call. Worried about being up too late? I know, I am too, but I’m not missing this game.
  13. This potentially could end up well for us. Of the Bills do play several back and internal push, Mahomes has a tendency to keep going back to make something happen, and our younger guys have the stamina to collapse on him. This is a critical component to tomorrow night.
  14. I’m sorry to hear about Wilson. I always liked him and Seattle is toast this season. Closing the gap down to the Rams and Cards in the West.
  15. First, and most important you can’t explain away that comment. Plain and simple RACIST AND WRONG! Second, stupidity! Even if you are a racist scumbag, how stupid can you be to put you’re disgusting thoughts into writing to anyone. What I detest almost as much as this behavior is someone trying to find some angle to condone it or explain away. Wrong! I knew him vaguely (living in Tampa and knowing some of the teachers at CDS where his kids went to school) meaning we ran into each other a few times and always came across as an arrogant prick.
  16. I expect Allen and WR’s are going to be solid and the line holds up this time. The unsung heroes on offense will be Knox and Moss. 11 personnel where Knox and Moss can chip on passing plays. Defense? Star clogs up running lanes, GROOT and AJ get pressure not necessarily sacks, and Taron’s going to cover well on the back end. I really think we can win this game.
  17. If there is a real friendship for example maybe Rivera reaches out to Sean about an opponent the WFT will face and we just beat. Afc to nfc and not a hi how are you but a real friendship. I also think those conversations are more like Ron sayin Sean we noticed x, y, when they motion z. Sean confirms or adds something. It’s probably like that not with many coaches
  18. You guys have to consider removing these letter from you’re personal alphabet. ESPN! I have no idea if they are on is the morning, because again, I don’t watch ever ESPN (except matchup and MNF), but flip over to GMFB. Yeah Kyle loves us, but overall they are very fair minded from the rest of the group. Actually most of the shows on NFLN are pretty down the middle on the Bills and Allen.
  19. For me it’s bracket Hill, leave Poyer on Kelce, and allow Edmunds and Milano (if playing) to go sideline to sideline. Offense, stay will 11 personnel to chip one of the ends, and have Knox now more reliable as a dump off along with Moss. This should be more of a Moss game. I wouldn’t deviate from what gets you there, and not try and be something you’re not. Not a fan of the empty sets with this team. Lastly go for it on 4th and short. FG’s will not win you the game even if we lose one or two. Play to win, not to avoid losing.
  20. I don’t know why Brown wouldn’t have mentioned regularly our guy Tasker is up in the Great White North. It could’ve been easy to have out there. It just seemed so hush hush. Not sure why. Happy for his daughter getting hitched amd sounds like a great family trip.
  21. Because it wasn’t official until 4 pm so an offer placed before and Carolina doesn’t have to compete for his rights. Pretty simple.
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