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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Oh I know. I’ve seen more than enough college kids on their public pages drinking, doing weed or whatever or even just saying suggestive things and getting dinged for it. My choice is of I don’t put anything in writing in whatever forum, I have to defend, I’m never worried about anything. For example, most companies in my industry pay for our Cel. Phones. It’s part of our business, but that also means they can by their right look at my texts. As an old boss told me all texts or any other written communication is discoverable. It’s made me conditioned when I need to communicate with someone on my team, I pick up the phone and just say call me back. Crazy world. It’s why several of my friends have their company phone and private phone.
  2. Hap, they don’t just request, they do it. It’s part of the hiring culture to check social media. It’s been done in my industry for years. I had a buddy who was a fellow manager bring this up to me to check their Facebook a decade ago. I didn’t, but this isn’t new. Colleges often check teens social media before acceptance. This has been common fir a very long time. I’m actually surprised some have that omg attitude, how can they do that. They meaning people in authority have been doing stuff like this forverer. It’s not new at all.
  3. H20, I thought the same thing. It looked like the team that was going to hit the bully in the mouth and say bleep you to the media. We were it, and get over it. Keep the swag going vs. TN, and Tampa. Yes, I live in Tampa, and I hope we breath them down like we did to KC. Those two are on my short list for games of the season now that we humiliated KC.
  4. Virg., you know we all love you’re threads, and had a particular chuckle at #8. The reason is when you write the replacements, I just imagined (insert Bills players for this after the Knox acrobatic TD).
  5. You guys will have a blast and historically Bills fans take over that city. It’s a great destination especially when we are good to go to an away fun weekend game. I hope all of you take over the cheering drowning out Nashville fans. Once we are winning, and we will be winning by the half, the second half will be a Bills game as they will all leave. That’s the difference between Bills fans and fair weather fans.
  6. I respectfully disagree. I am not one to persecute someone from a snip it, but I wrote in the beginning of this thread there would be apologists, and two things. One, if he wrote the one comment, he has more behind it and shouldn’t be condoned me didn’t care if it were 10 years ago. I’ve spent my whole life trying to avoid people or walk out of the room from my own extended family member when they make what they think are innocent jokes etc. it’s plain and simple racism, and in my opinion stupidity. Stupidity as to make generalizations about a group based on a what they think is the norm is shortsighted as there is so much variability among any group, to generalize shows you’re not that smart, and/or jaded. I’ve taught my sons and daughter do you want to sound stupid. They would argue as teens, and I would counter, and give examples. Inevitably, it took a lifetime of raising someone to make sure they have in their head if I make generalizations based on a cooor, ethnicity, religion, whatever, I sound stupid. That’s my opinion and I don’t apologize for it. Second, to put anything in writing you can’t defend in a court of law makes you additionally stupid. I work in a highly regulated community in medical device sales. 25+ years ago I had a mentor tell me to use that as the litmus test. Anything you write personally to a friend as a joke, always be prepared to be on the witness stand and defend it. It stuck with me from a young age. I knew if Gruden was so brash to write one racist remark, more would come when the FBI is investigating everything. I didn’t want to say it the other day, but I knew more would come. It’s the FBI. When they start an investigation, they will do a metaphoric colonoscopy on everything. Hence going back to my courtroom litmus test. Lastly, we all have buddies who send us off color jokes which could make you laugh and even just say raucous, not necessarily prejudiced, I had to stop as a new manager over 15 years ago. I just told my buds, please take me off this list and put it in writing, not just called them. I wanted it in writing showing I didn’t condone it. I then followed up with a call, and verbalized my concerns in a light way. The whole list stopped as they were all new managers promoted and didn’t think about the ramifications of what they thought were innocent funny jokes. That’s the world we live in and been that way for a very long time. This isn’t something new in the last five years. Anyway, I don’t feel sorry for the guy, I think he’s a racist, sexist, homophobic idiot, who thinks he is above reproach and that pervasive attitude just bit him in the butt. I won’t feel sorry if anyone else in the NFL has the same track record. That’s not cancel culture, it’s not being tolerant of the good old boy culture. There’s no place for it in corporate America nor has there been for decades. If you disagree, that is you’re position. We’ll agree to disagree.
  7. Agreed. Moss and Motor are fine. They just need to hold onto the ball, but our running game has been effective this year. We are the the #8th offense, 9th in passing, 5th in rushing, and #1 scoring offense. Add to that #1 defense, and I really don’t think we need anyone right now. Just gel and keep improving at what we do. I don’t want to add anyone unless we have a terrible injury at a key position. The only player who could possibly go down in play to consider “kicking the tires” is the punter. I’m not a Haack fan. I know it was $, but I believe Bojo even with his flaws was better. It’s hard to tell as we punt so rarely.
  8. If that unintended bias were true, and would impact the game, why is it two years ago it was even home vs. away wins, slightly slant3d to the away teams last year (I know Covid but, wait..) this year is still trending to more away wins than home wins balking at the home field advantage notion in the last few years. It’s been documented on NFLR for the last two years on various shows, and they referenced their hw. Coaches when interviewed have said in a few occasions, it depends on what home stadium. The last person to say that was Ron Rivera. He referenced KC, Pitt., Buffalo, and Cleveland who have an advantage per his experiences.
  9. I don’t even want to look that gift horse in the mouth. What a steal, and now Basham is starting to make an impact. Talk about a turnaround with AJ, GROOT, Boogie, Zimmer’s looking solid, and a Oliver is on fire. Not to mention Star is having a quiet, EXCELLENT year. He’s a big contributor why KC didn’t run well last night. He is GROOT!
  10. GB, thank you for reminding us we had the blueprint on Baltimore. People may remember we lost 24-17 in 2019, but that was Lamar’s worst performance that year, and other teams started copycatting Frasier’s blueprint. Obviously it worked perfectly in the divisional round of the playoffs. We are da.n lucky we have two very experienced coordinators who have built continuity and ingenuity stretching the playbook of both sides of the ball over several years. We’re going to do nothing but improve throughout this season. This Tampa game is the next monster game for us. By then we could be looking at two 10-2 to 11-1 teams in a 4 pm showdown in Tampa. Ill be there with my entire family. It’s going to be 30-35% Bills fans there. Tampans love the Bucs, but this is a great destination for Bills fans. The weather is absolute heaven this time of the year. If you have a few extra bucks in the bank. Come down. It’s going to be a blast.
  11. I was glancing at the other thread of ‘who are you afraid of” (which I thought was kinda silly after we just beat the toast of the AFC) and couldn’t see a team who we shouldn’t beat. The only two possible losses are TN, and Tampa. I expect us to beat everyone else. That’s scary to think we could be 15-2 after that Steelers loss so far in the rear view mirror.
  12. Freddie, you nailed it with just an add we outcoached KC on all levels.
  13. Gabe Davis is a rookie under contract until 2023. He’s here regardless so not sure what you mean. Beasely is under contract through 2022, and has a dead cap of $1.5 mil., meaning in 2022, it costs us $4.6 mil. to keep his services as the $1.5 is a sunk cost. To me, Beasley’s skills are worth $4.6 mil., so he’s not going anywhere. There might be an argument, the Bills are using others a little more and he is responding by turning off his social media. I don’t see with a SB run scenario this year and maybe the next us moving on from him. A little overreaction. Sending a message is possible though. I may not like his vocal stance on the health issues, but he is a helluva slot WR. The exception is if we decide a WR is just too valuable not to draft where we are at and we go younger. That’s possible, but don’t forget we may not retain Sanders even as good as he’s played. Something to think about in Feb./March, not now.
  14. We just have a signature win, dominating the Chiefs who have been in our heads since last January, and you start a thread, “who are we most AFRAID of”. How about we just enjoy the win for 24 hours, and if you want an answer, No one.
  15. If anyone has a phone video, as I’m sure there had to be fans there as god awful late it was, and for the record, this was a game to have fans at the airport. Not every week. GO BILLS! PS. I’ve never been so excited to see GMFB this morning. When Brandt does his thing, I hope someone places a link. You know he’s going nuts today. We’ll only see the leap about let’s say 1000 times this week.
  16. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Super Allen! He responded in the post interview he knows he’s a big guy, and because of that defenders often go low, so he’s already thinking when I need to do it, I’m taking “the leap”. How much do we love our QB?
  17. I love his demeanor and he doesn’t get enough credit for how he calls games. He finally has the horses to call plays how he wants. Enough of the crap we faced weak opponents why our defensive stats are good. Now we just beat the team in the SB. What’s the excuse after we beat the Titans?
  18. First, this was the SB crew, you know the one we asked for in the AFCCG that let the Chiefs get away with murder. Most of the calls against us were on point with the rules. Could they have kept the flags in the pocket a little more, sure, but they were throwing them on KC too. They kept both teams in check. We can cherry pick one little play here or there, like the Clark roughing the passer was suspect. Allen left into the air and Clark was already into Allen. We were very lucky that pick came back. Now the same can be said on other plays we got away with, but in the end, we played a solid game, and the Chiefs looked sloppy.
  19. Guys, do the world a favor and don’t post another click on his reaction today. Screw Nick Wrong and if you guys didn’t keep posting his idiotic takes, I wouldn’t even know who he is. Finally figured out last week he’s on Fox Sports. Ill take my Adam Schein, Kyle Brandt (he should be a riot this morning), and even Cowherd. Get ready for a marathon Bills hot take from every maroon on the planet. For me, I’m permagrin, and don’t care I’ve slept about 15 minutes, and of course, it’s we’re onto Nashville. How concerned are they right now? God I hope we destroy them, and King Henry is kept to 80 yards.
  20. That was actually Michael’s who said that one for years, but I thought the same. The dudes been in rehab for like two years.
  21. No chances. Wear them All! Rip to the one you need at the right time. No mercy, no pain (I feel like I’m in a perpetual Rocky movie today with all the lines)
  22. That and when Clark has been playing, he’s not been impactful this year. We can absorb in my opinion better Milano vs. their #2 CB and Jones.
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