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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. To the original question, my opinion has not wavered. McD is the best coach the Bills have hired since Levy, and did it in free agency. He’s made so much with less. My problem is I’m 57 and I remember all too well the pain of 17years of heartache. McD changed everything with Beane. We’re now 19-2 on a “transition year”. The best record in 33 years. He’s the most efficient 4th down conversion guy in the NFL. All GM’s and HC’s make mistakes, but the idea is to make more good decisions than bad. Being in management for as long as I’ve been it’s easy to armchair when you’ve never had to make the calls. I don’t care if others can’t stand him as they’ll just have to enjoy as McD keeps winning. Were winning against the Rams, Cheats twice, and the Jests. That’s at worse 14-3, and a shot at 15-2, but hey keep complaining. The Lions will be a fun game. Whether we win or lose, it’s a prelude to most likely the SB.
  2. John, you know I like you, but it’s very possible The mom and dad wanted their two time cancer surviving child just to go home and protect her. As much as a dad I would want to beat the drunk fan up, I’d overarchingly feel compelled to protect my daughter. What’s sad is this poor kid just wanted to see her team. I know some bills staff wanted to giver her free tickets, but to me that’s not enough. Terry should invite this kid into the owners box and make her feel what the good side of Bills fans are like. Have Josh come up after the game and high fiver her.
  3. There are far more good natured Bills fans out there than these idiots. I told my wife if I was in those stands if security wouldn’t stop those morons at the snowball point, I would’ve. That’s not talking tough. That’s my ethics watching a poor little kid being picked on. So what if she like the 49ers. You want to G rated heck the family, or just playfully kid when we score, that’s the price when you wear the opponents gear. Even that is a stretch with an 8 yr old. im just embarrassed for the elements of the mafia that thinks it’s cool to be distrspectdul to the elderly, or women, or children. Maybe I’m old school. I also blame security as they should’ve been instructed to watching out for snowballs at the opposing fans or players. Throw them out immediately.
  4. ThNks Turk for writing what any informed NFL fan would know in 2024. The Bills have been more effective with light boxes and shutting down explosive plays in the pass, amd most teams have to abort a heavy run attack when they are down by 14.
  5. I’ve had great sushi in LA as used to go 4-6 times a year as my previous home office was in Northridge. I’m sticking with sushi, but not a California roll as it’s cooked and bad for you. Spicy tuna is much better and some tuna tatacki.
  6. If I don’t like an announcer I just mute my tv. If I want to listen to any audio, I’ll just put on the Bills feed on Sirius, but it is delayed by one minute or so.
  7. I love Gugs, but ancient history. Moving on. Both hits were cheap.
  8. God, I love the Rockpile Review which always places it back into perspective vs. nailbiters. Thanks Shaw. Amen. I appreciate a balanced review, yet reminding us of the league, our past, and what’s been made since 2017!
  9. I’m glad you wrote it as I can’t keep stating the obvious as we stop. The pass, explosive plays, etc. amd surrender some of the run. Oh, yeah, 35-10 for a 10-2 record, the first in 33 years. C’mon. A terrible pass defense means 350-375 yards, and a bad run defense in a game is what 160 yards. We just ran for 220 yards ourselves against the defending NFC champs, and beat the world champs a couple weeks ago. In the last four years, we’ve had two bad losses due to the run. Indy, and Baltimore. Who beat both teams in the playoffs? Oh, yeah, us. Were gojng to beat the Rams, amd then we’ll be tested against Detroit. I’m not against Howard picks the Bills where he stated this morning, he could see a close loss in two weeks, and winning in a neutral sire in the SB.
  10. It isn’t. It’s the third. That’s why the stiff penalty.
  11. BILLS / LIONS Super Bowl Baby! Two teams who’ve never won, nor been in a SB. That will be the most watched SB in a decade. Two powerhouse offenses and defenses. Let’s Go!
  12. IDK know how this turned into trash the best defensive player we have on the team and the people that count voted him as 1st team all pro. Bill Polian states Milano changes the entire scope of this defense before the last injuries. He was out in 15 degree weather with 15 mph winds on a sloppy surface, and “he’s rusty”. Give me a break. Trade bait. First, the Bills will never do that ina million years and his contract is untradeable. He’s also invaluable when he’s out there for a reason. Thank god, McBeane are smarter than some knuckleheads on this board. He probably won’t get an extension, but that’s not for another 2.5 years. He’ll play with us through 2026 and he’s earned it. Wait until you see him on a nice surface against the Rams, and the Lions, two domed teams. Since the Cheats, Jests, and Cheats are toast, Williams will get some time in those weeks. Were going to need a well oiled Milano for the Lions game, amd thankfully we cam out of Sunday night with no one going into the blue tent, amd by the Lions should have Coleman and Kinkaid back and humming. This is the game of the year for the NFL. The ratings will be through the roof.
  13. It’s an inevitability like Thanos, but won’t happen until the next CBA. It’s so widely accepted the NFLPA will probably want 1% more of the revenue, and cut the preseason to 2 games at most, maybe 1, with then 18 regular season games. I can see the international games going to more Two a Sunday or one on Saturdays. My reasoning is we don’t do the Saturday games now until the break with the NCAA their end of season and the bowl games. There’s no conflict with the NFL in international games during the season if in Europe or S. America. The NFL and PA won’t want international games at the beginning or end of the season. Basically with 16 international games, every team will get one Int. Game, amd Goodell can break into The UK, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, and even Toronto. Hopefully, if we have to do one international game, my friends still in Buffalo would prefer to drive an hour to Toronto, amd can even be a divisional game with NE, or the Jests. Who knows if the rumors were true on Bezos (yeah the Amazon bajillionaire) the Jets would have the resources to hire top notch high priced GM and HC. They already have some top talent and a high draft pick for a QB. As always, I have no inside information, just logical assumptions.
  14. FWIW, I have zero question about winning every game except the Detroit one in question. It’s a toss up on Detroit week. We are now #2 in pts/game, 2nd only to Detroit at 1.5 pts more per game. We are 6th vs. pts. Allowed, vs. the Lions who are 3rd, so advantage Detroit. One of the keys to the game will be we are +17 in the turnover differential, #1! #1! Detroit is doing well with Turnover differential of +8, which is 7th in the NFL. Were going to need one of those magical turnovers in that game as we have the better QB.
  15. I agree, but this was also a fluke as you state, not an implosion. As you state this is made 92% of the time. Besides it wasn’t a botched kick, it was blocked.
  16. Turk, exactly, and adding to my dialogue with Gregg, a Jim Harbaugh led Chargers, and a Sean Payton led Broncos are not going to implode at end of games as they are long lasting head coaches who lead very disciplined teams for the last 15 years of you add college and pro with Harbaugh. I swear theBears must be dying they didn’t go for broke acquiring one of these coaches who someday I’m guessing will be in the HOF. Maybe not now, but another 10-15 years and each team will win a SB. Harbaugh was in one with the 49ers, and Payton won one with NO.
  17. Josh SUPER Allen! Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than any player, able to leap tall Linebackers in a single bound! Look! It’s, a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Josh “Super” Allen. Able to throw, run, and catch passes like no other QB in history in a single game lasting over 104 years, it’s Super Allen! Congrats Josh. My wife saw him recently and had an immediate crush. I told her, relax, he’s 27 and just got engaged. She replied, so. Now I have to show highlights of him to her. She doesn’t even understand football as she’s Chinese. She just likes her eye candy. I told her, that’s alright, and told her my crush for an actress. Hey if it gets her to watch more games with me, I’m all for it.
  18. Greg, I’d add the Steelers who won again yesterday against the Ravens, and the Payton led Broncos. You’re right in our agreement in that I just don’t see the Chiefs the way they are playing barely beating the Panthers and Raiders. I’d lay $ they lose at least two of these games. This isn’t the Chiefs if a couple of years ago lighting opponents up. They’ve had a strong defense last year and this year, but the offense is anemic and the luck is ridiculous.
  19. We finished up the decorations for the house today along with church and the gym. Watched a bit of football, but told my wife to go shop or something, as she know I’m not a napper. I’m only making a last ditch effort to maybe get a few winks as staying up for late games sucks when I’m busy from 5am until bed. Maybe if I can get 30, I will have the energy to stay up til midnight. My wife is patient as she knows what a fanatic Im about the Bills. She asked of the last one, amd said yes except for maybe playoffs. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been eating turkey, MP, and veggies since Thursday. Im not normally over apple pie, even warmed up, but enough is enough.
  20. Im with you Hondo. Shakir Milano and really Bernard as Milano’s skills will allow more latitude for Bernard.
  21. Are you guys talking about the Ice Bowl who used to come on this board as an admitted Packers fan, and always was positive about Bills fans? I honestly don’t know as going on other fans sites is a fools errand. Why waste my time? I only care about the Bills, and if want NFL info, I’ll listen to Sirius NFLR on XM.
  22. Yes. He’s also expected to play tomorrow
  23. The NFL is beholding to their network contracts. CBS is focusing their entire pregame show in Detroit, amd have exclusivity on their network nationwide. That’s not changing just because some don’t like 4 pm games. I never understood for people who get up early for work are so heck bent on night games when they as evidenced at 4:25 pm in Bills/Chiefs game. That network share was higher than the night games that weekend. It’s not changing. Besides, you make dinner time halftime so 5:45pm and enjoy the game. A little better than done at midnight, amd for a lot I f us who are up at 5 am every work day.
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