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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Great. I freakin love it. Another chance to put the nail in the coffin that we are superior, and send the media morons into the abyss. This would be the best of all scenarios. Just please no 50 mph winds. I grew up in Hamburg and don’t remember that as a kid. Making them our first win is perfect.
  2. Because being by 12 or 13 doesn’t matter. 14 is a two touchdown game. Made sense to me.
  3. This was such a job on Cleveland. That was crap. The NFL should be embarrassed and I’m not one to call bad officiating. Terrible.
  4. Give him a 5th year option and hold for a year. Makes sense as I agree, he’s better than most likely the alternative of drafting late. Make him earn it another year. I have zero issues with our contract with Allen.
  5. You could make the argument that failed catch was a possible fumble as he red steps and had control. It would be iffy for sure.
  6. Santa never ends boys. He’s giving us the gift of 43-12 Sunday. John, thanks as always bud for sending out the message and couldn’t agree more. You guys are great to chat when we all have time as we have families, friends, and careers. Let’s hope for a blessed and better 2022 where we get back to whatever is normal these days.
  7. I could give a rats ars what they think, and have never been on their board, nor will I. Rivalry? IDK, but Ihate them amd always will hate them. Oh, and we’re going to beat them Sunday!
  8. You guys care way too much about this stuff. A ring in February is the thing I want for a belated Xmas present.
  9. 479-2. seriously, 31-20. Normal wind conditions, more Gabe Davis, and run to the outside and we’ll be fine. Nice add of Josh running when needed. More QB’s get hurt in the pocket than running if they are smart enough to slide, and Josh does now. I have a great feeling about this game. I didn’t with the wind last minute last game.
  10. Yeah the only reason the Times lower our calculation is due to the loss of the Bills to the Pats. Watching them last night told me in normal conditions, I more than like the Bills for a win. I’m still very hopeful for an 11-6 record.
  11. This author has no idea, just making WAG’s from the likely candidates. Khan needs to clean house and fire the GM too. He has the money to pay for the best and they need a culture change.Peterson brought the crappy Eagles to a SB win, and was undermined along the way.
  12. I’ve read the scenarios, but that screams we accepting the Pats are better than us and can’t beat them. I disagree with that supposition. 40 mph gusts was more detrimental to us. Everyone knows our strength is the pass and weakness is the run. Everyone also knows the Pats strength is the run and that massive O Line, and weakness is the pass. Foxborough is not known for the heavy winds in the Southtowns of OP. When that inexperienced rookie faces our #1 defense, and we go with safety blitzes from different angles, we will stress his skills. So my bottom line is I want to see the Colts and JT run for 200 yards tonight. My girl doesn’t know I moved our dinner reservation for a holiday dinner from 7 to 6 so we can get back for the game, or at least the 2nd half. I do think Mitch should play tomorrow as we don’t need a little problem with Josh’s foot to become a bigger problem. I’d love it if we get a surprise tomorrow and Josh stays on the sidelines and was just a fake out to Rhuke and company. Mitch can win this game.
  13. You are the exact reason why we had a 17 year drought.
  14. That Lambo story though was from the pre-season practice. I’d guess Noggin is accurate most contracts in employment have usually a claim for conduct detrimental, etc. The only problem is why did Khan not fire him on the spot. That’s what happens in every other industry. There are so many of you who predicted this in the off season including me. I thought it was a bad sign of leadership and talent evaluation by Khan. It’s sad they made the AFCCG in 2018 to become a laughing stock of the league.
  15. I’m not getting my hopes up about anything anymore. I see the positives in what Allen is doing, understand the refs ridiculous call, non call, but we lost. Just like we lost to every other winning team except KC. So even if we make the playoffs, I don’t know anyone who thinks we can win even one playoff game.
  16. This is why I don’t like Gameday threads. Have fun guys.
  17. OP, this has been talked about non stop for the last two weeks. The problem is the media doesn’t dictate the rules or what is happening in the NFL. This is what they want. It’s is way too early to tell who will be in the SB. We won’t get a clearer picture until close to the end if the playoffs. The Saints beat the Bucs last year twice. It is game time for the Bills.
  18. This team is getting pushed around, and is not playing with a killer spirit. They fought hard in 19 and 20. Even in 18, it seemed they had a belief in their coaching and each other. The Jags game pissed me off as they just were apathetic losing that game. It just seems as if they think they are better than they are this season. I’d love for them to prove me wrong by winning today. You can hate Brady, but he’s a winner. He demands precision from his players and himself. I love Josh, and believe he will grow into a perennial winner, and these losses are not his fault. I don’t understand the comparison about the Bickering Bills. These are the yawning Bills.
  19. I’m sure you’re as mad as the rest of us, and im disgusted by the fact that everyone and their brother knew they were running and we couldn’t stop it. With that said, and knowing the crap for the rest of the year by the media, please don’t call one of you’re fellow Bills fanatics an idiot.
  20. Thanks JB. NFL Team Stats Yards Bills 5th Cheats 14th Rushing Bills 11th Pats 12th Passing Bills 7th Pats 14th Pts. Bills 2nd Pats 7th Lets let go of this the Pats are world beaters. They have the same darn schedule as us except the three based on last yrs performance and nfc team. As of today, we are still the #1 defense after 11 games in the NFL. The vaunted Pats defense is 4th. Their rush defense is freakin 20th. Time for Allen is to run when needed, Singletary and Breida used inside and outside respectively with Gilliam plowing a field up the middle for motor. Knox will be difficult to beat, short passes as if part of our run game with Bease, and when needed we let Diggs be Diggs, and he’ll get one of those amazing catches for 40 yards. All if this talk from a small group about what if and are we able, phew. Tomorrow night is a Bills make me want to Shout night. Heres to us 8-4 by midnight tomorrow.
  21. 619, it’s a simplistic answer, but given we don’t usually send extra guys, we should start with the unexpected so he’s safety blitzes as an example could throw a wrinkle. If Mac is all world (sarcasm) and can pick up the blitz easily, then we convert to a shell. The key more is having enough up front to stop their running game. They are effective in their blocking scheme to get yards.
  22. It is a little confusing to me in that Rodgers was crafty subtly using immunized vs. vaccinated (wordsmithing the topic). The real question to me is how did the team not know he wasn’t vaccinated? It is very clear in medical device sales. In order for us to receive our tier 1 status for clearance into the Operating Room, we have to submit a significant amount of documentation to enter the hospital. What I mean is of the many with MMR, Varicella, and yes Covid 19, I had to submit to a third party site my FEMA vaccination card. This is not a Covid discussion, but simply it’s pretty cut and dry. No FEMA vacc. Card, no entry into the OR. No declination allowed. So if each NFL team is responsible for the mutually agreed NFL policy agreed by both the league and the union, then Rodger should’ve provided a vacc. Card. If not, then he should’ve followed the unvaccinated. Policy with masks, daily testing, etc. Brown and the Safety for the Bucs just flat out were deceitful with forged vacc. cards. I don’t know why Rodgers flagrantly breaking the rules for two thirds of the season, and how the Packers allowed this deception is beyond me. Why wasn’t he suspended if that occurred. I don’t get it as both are deceptions. The funny part is down here the local news reported both Bucs players are now fully vacc. BA is so over being asked about it and quite short with the NFL. Yesterday, he basically said they are focused on a divisional opponent, and their status as players for this team will be addressed in three weeks, and I’m done talking about it. My favorite coach is of course McD for what he has done for Buffalo, and his unwavering philosophy and beliefs in culture, but BA is second. The guy is no nonsense with his players, the media, and he wasn’t even skittish to call out Brady last year when he was play was mediocre. Brady is going to have to do a real lobby job to keep Brown. There is no mistaking who has the final say in Tampa in BA.
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