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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It looks good interetijg you’re choices.
  2. CB, WR, G are going to be the top picks. Depth at RB and at the end of the draft I can see Punter and safety. Let Hyde and Poyer groom a young guy for two years.
  3. BB, I don’t see that happening. Tampa owns his rights for another year. Bowles doesn’t want to go through with the 2nd yr QB they drafted mid round, and Brady lobbied pretty hard for players to recruit. He wouldn’t do a 180 and push for a trade. Now I do think what is more likely is he takes the $10 mil. He gets this year, and goes to Miami next year for a swan song. He hasn’t declined in his play not at least year. 43 TD’s!
  4. It’s a deep WR draft. You just wonder which one is Beanes too pick vs, how he rates these CB’s. None of us know. Should be a two days. im usually drafted out by day 3.
  5. LA, I normally agree with you, but not here. I know his first go around was rough at the Jets, but that team is a dumpster fire. He’s been a heck of a D Coordinator at AZ and the Bucs. I follow both those teams as to where I live and my middle son fell in love with the Cards. He’ll inherit a very talented team, and Brady is still Brady. Whats more likely is Arians health issues and advanced age for a HC takes a toll on him. I think the Brady angle was overblown. At least that’s what is being discussed down here. Maybe Brady and him had a couple of tiffs, but that was more so in Year 1 in Tampa, not Year 2. Whats more likely is Brady and him made an agreement in the beginning of the year he would step into th front office. From Arians perspective, he gets to work more business hours and he comes across so genuine in his love for his wife. Its not like Bowles won’t be consulting him weekly, but just more in the background. IMO, Arians has been a good coach. He has decades of experience both in the college and pro level. He turned around Big Ben in Pitt, Indy with Luck and AZ, as well as Tampa. Im happy we had him down here.
  6. Kansas City is in both Missouri and Kansas, so this seems much ado about nothing. Im a little surprised Missouri didn’t put up. More of a fight. Maybe they did as I’m not privy to their local news. It like they are moving San Antonio or Toronto.
  7. I really doubt in the first and second RD. Taking a G or RB. if all four CB’s that have a first RD grade by the pundits, are taken, then I can see going for one of the many WR talent. The problem this year is it is such a poor QB draft, it pushes up all of the other good candidates. I’m not a draft guru as I just don’t have the time, but I do appreciate the time and energy some of you guys placed on this thread so thank you. I
  8. 7 drives, 7 scores. Both the Foxborough game and this playoff game made the season. Certainly counters the Jags game. Roll Tide, thanks for sharing.
  9. Dude you’re old. Just kidding. My dad used to say same thing about players in the 60’s and 70’s. In the 80’s, I don’t think many players had side jobs unless they were fringe players. I really am just kidding youngin. I wouldn’t want to upset the Augster.
  10. It’s all about the QB, and those who don’t have one, try and do anything to get one. Belichick is living in the past. As Sal says in the mornings, he counted up BB’s record with no Brady starting and was 71-79. He was making a point and that the whole play defense and run the ball is antiquated. They may get a wildcard, it will get crushed against playoff caliber teams. Not with Herbert, Mahomes, Wilson, Allen, Ryan, Lamar, Burrow, Watson (even if he is suspended for 6 games), and even year 2 with Lawrence. That’s 9 QB’s in the AFC alone. What does the NFC have besides and aging Brady and Rodgers. The only AFC QB who is just serviceable, but has an excellent team is TN. They just have that description referenced by the OP.
  11. Peterson isn’t what he was a few years ago. My middle son loves the Cards so I saw a logo of him in the past. I still think we’re going for a high draft pick. I think we will probably get a guy like Haden as a stop gap. The thing is it’s likely Tre could be out for September. Maybe not and we get good news in August.
  12. Thanks as I knew someone would clarify for us. Appreciate it.
  13. Hap as you know as I believe you work in the medical field as do I, ribs are painful to even breathe and I cracked one two years ago in my own complex. (Thank you texting teenager.) Im not saying the guy is awful, but he just looked off last year especially after October. For me McKenzie was so good in that pats game and so much cheaper. I’m grateful for his time in Buffalo and helped our team to two playoff years.
  14. What I love is the Bills have beaten the Cheats 4 of the last 5 times in two years. How we annihilated them in Foxboro and in OP in the playoffs.
  15. I seriously doubt he ends up here. He’ll either retire, or wait for a QB to get hurt. He won’t be ready until September anyway from the last report.
  16. I agree and I wouldn’t be surprised if a G in the third. Maybe a RB, but probably not a mid round.
  17. Most NFL players are working out by now. I’m hopeful for being the dedicated #2 this year.
  18. I believe the $200 mil. from the NFL is only a loan, interest free.
  19. Hey Royale, interesting question. I’m in my early 50’s so Joe Cribbs and Ferguson winning that first time against Miami just did it for me in 1980. I just remember my big brother and dad went nuts when we won that September. I believed in Coach Knox. He was a hard ass but I belief in him. The Kelly days were great and I even am in the minority liking Flutie. That TN game but was so brutal. I had a national sales meeting the next day in Nashville.
  20. 😢 BG starting in 20. Bottom line for me is I think Beane made the right choices of how to allocate his cap space.
  21. I do see the point of being aggressive in their candidate searches, and there is merit to push to interview, but not pushed to hire. It’s a knee jerk reaction. There is merit to diversity candidates getting lower level coaching jobs increases the pool of higher level position later as they develop. So there is a point I can see to really aggressively interview diverse candidates. i just dont Like the idea of forcing hires and is disrespectful to the legitimate candidates.
  22. When in Mgmt I’ve for the last 10 years been pushed hard by management to look for diversity, but was never forced to hire, but one time. The candidate didn’t workout. im fine with Mgmt and coaches being pushed to interview candidates, but they shouldn’t be forced to hire.
  23. He was receiving a lot of targets Hap. He was tough and tried to play through his injuries. I didn’t say 2019, as he Brown were godsends, when Josh needed it. I could care less about his off the field comments. Vacc, not Vacc, whatever. It’s my opinion as you have you’re own he was not worth $6 mil. When we extended McKenzie. I like our chances with Diggs, Davis, McKenzie, and now Crowder. I think we used our $ wisely this off season. It’s too bad we didn’t have him earlier in his career. Its likely we take with a CB in the first or second round, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we take a WR with the other pick. I could see us G in the third. I hope we have a punter with our last pick. it’s all conjecture though.
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