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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. The thought I read about and heard was he was an option for big nickel as he’s powerful as an alternative on early plays meaning 1st down on run heavy teams like Baltimore if we see him in the playoffs. No one should not want Taron on the field, but until we pull out a lead on a team like Baltimore, which forces them to the pass he’s a good option on 1st down, and if we stop the King, we shift immediately back to Taron.
  2. That was funny. I had to sing a bar to remember that 70’s song. God bless Billy Joel Piano man.
  3. 3/12, Harold is actually one of our meteorologists in Tampa in the Summer. 93-97 degrees with 50% chance of rain, and 50% chance of a sunny day. See you tomorrow. Talk about the easiest job on the planet. They are never wrong, because they never say anything definitively.
  4. Hey, you might be right. I was hoping we’d have him for the Lions, but if not let him ease back as well win without him with NE twice, and the Jests.
  5. Ray Davis’ story is right out of a movie coming from nothing and all kinds of struggles to real success. What a nice Big Brother story. McBeane really does choose the right guys for this locker room.
  6. I agree that the actual drop off from Kinkaid to Knox is not that significant. Not giving up on him, just takes time. We need him healthy for the playoffs if he can’t go next week. The last three games are a cake walk.
  7. Chand, I don’t know for sure, but from his interview (I think Friday) he made it sound like he’s playing. I hope so as not so much for the Rams, but to be in rhythm for the Lions.
  8. Since we’re entering week 14 including our bye, we have more robust data to see where we stack up. Offense Pts. Scored/Game Bills #2- 29.6 Rams- #20th- 21.2 Defense Pts. Scored against Bills- 6th- 18.7 Rams- 22nd- 24.2 Turnover Differential Bills- #1, yep #1- +17 Rams- #11th- +3 Punt Avg. Return Bills- 7th- 11.9 yds Rams- 26th- 8.2 yds (I didn’t bother with KO returns) So bottom line is we are superior on offense, defense, turnover diff., and punt returns. Any questions? Bills 31 Rams 20 HOW’s THAT FOR ENTERTAINMENT? One of my favorite movies of recent years. I’m waiting for the sequel as Armie Hammer (the guy who plays the Russian Spy) has been lobbying for it for 5 years.
  9. Some are living in the past as Rapp and Hamlin have been one of her highest Safety tandem groups in the league in 2024 per the advanced analytics. Good for him, but Benford deserves consideration.
  10. Offense- Considering the Rams are 28th in rushing defense I’ll say Cook/ Davis will have a large impact on the game on offense. Defense- Milano will be much quicker to form this week in a dome, even though he did a lot better than some on the board were espousing on a slippery HIGHMARK field. It should be a good game for the #2 scoring offense in the NFL (Bills). 31-23 Bills.
  11. I’d agree with a couple of comments. Miami’s defense is aging so they won’t be able to really compete, but can see 9 win seasons. The only hope the Jests have is Bezos buys them with his gajillin $ as he wasn’t happy his bid didn’t get the Commanders. Mr. Amazon ha more than enough $ to get the absolute best talent a front office, GM, and Coaching. Mr. Amazon is worth over $260 mil amd would be second only to the Walton (Walmart) family. Look what they did in Denver. With that said, they are still two to three years away. We’re I believe be safe for at least three years, and most of our coaching staff should be stable. Brady might get a look at a HC job, but may not win one the first time around. With the McBeane extensions, they are safe and that stability will be instrumental in a synergistic team. We will be a top competitor for years to come. It’s a great time to be a Bills fan. You’ll be able to tell you’re kids and grandkids how special this time is for the next decade. I’ll agree Drake Maye looks promising for the Cheats, but they need so much to become competitive again around him including new coaching.
  12. I don’t see that, but I can understand CBD does help with some forms of pain and sleep. It doesn’t enhance performance. My eldest son has had 6 sports concussions, and sometimes under his medical card uses CBDto sleep or deal with the chronic migraines. He was a helluva an athlete on a D1 scholarship. It’s funny as he was a great young AB, but all of the concussions came from Lax, not football, even though he played LB, and QB. He knew how to evade people. A little hard to do when you’re getting repeatedly cheap shotted by opponents who are getting killed by him by hitting in the back of the neck etc. to stop him. I honestly could care less if they want to use thx as long as they don’t get behind the wheel.
  13. I know bud. I love Ron Howard movies. He’s so talented. This is one of my all time favorites. I love when he was asked the question what are you fighting for this time Jimmy? Yeah, Milk. My grandma who died at 92 in 2004 told me stories of the Great Depression growing up, her taking me to OLV for Sunday mass, and was enamored how they persevered. She said they put lard on their toast as they couldn’t afford butter. That’s poor. She never complained about it.
  14. Gregg, I’m with you in the color rush crap with the exception of all white. I never used to be an all white guy as I love white on blue and blue on white, but white on white has completely grown on me. I still think Red helmets are an awesome option.
  15. Donuts, or even better, a Lions loss, and Philly and Detroit tied for #1 in the NFC, and we are considered #1 in the AFC with the tiebreaker. 11-2, vs. 11-2. Now that’s a game, and we play just as well on the road. Solid post DTD. Can’t wait. Now as the manager in Cinderella guy told James J Braddock. I want McD to tell Josh right before the the first play next week in Detroit, and I quote “And BURY HIM!”
  16. I’ve been using my kids college email, and ID for years. It used to be only $100, now $200, but for 18 weeks, why not. A lot cheaper than a bar. Now that it’s YouTube, without the need for a dish, it’s a piece of cake.
  17. Dude, you always give me a laugh amd from one of my favorite shows. I’ve converted my wife as she never used to watch Seinfeld. Then again, she was in China until 2015. A very different culture over there.
  18. Have you heard of this guy, Roger Staubach, you know Captain America as he was affectionately known in the 70’s. He and Griese were the best QB’s if the 70’s. Sure Bradshaw had more rings, but Staubach was widely considered the best. Chans, you and I have always gotten along so not nit picking, just to your point, they all had some of the best QB play. I’ll easily place Allen in that category. As far as the op reference,I just hope he keeps winning as the detractors keep sounding more and more ridiculous. He has flaws, but so does all of these other great coaches. There’s no such thing as perfection.
  19. These Peter Pan pics are amazingly disturbing, yet I laugh everytime. For me, whiten white, white on blue, or blue on white all works. Throwin the 60’s helmet, once or twice a year, great. I’d love the red helmets too, but one step at a time.
  20. Im guilty of espousing of a Bills/Lions game could be a prelude to the SB, but it’s just as likely if we get past the AFC (and I think we definitely can do it), the Eagles have the most talented roster with depth. I doubt the Packers, Hawks, or any other will get there. It’s still going to take time, so I’m going to enjoy the wins, and go from there. I like your attitude though on winning. The last point is Detroit has been racking up the significant injuries to starters so it’s not a given.
  21. Actually, it’s safer to dive forward, but earlier. Tua was stupid dropping his helmet at the last second. He admitted he wanted to be like other tough mobile QB’s (you know he had Josh envy), but a forward dive going low means the defender just needs to put a hand on his jersey amd the play is over.
  22. This reminds me of the famous scene from Big Bang Theory where the boys and the girls joined them and played D&D. Howard was doing imitations of Nicholas Cage, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino, and so on, but the funniest was his imitation of the Orc. All kidding aside, It’s nice to see some guys who’ve been a little skeptical actually allow themselves to get a little excited as it’s in our sites. Sure, everything has to break right, but maybe dare we dream this could be the year. I could even accept we make it to the SBagainst the Lions and have the most epic SB of all time. Even if we lost, I could still accept it as we’ve made it. If we won, I told my wife, I’d drop to the ground and would be inconsolable in joy.
  23. BW, first an excellent read amongst so many doubters when we are 10-2 amd growing stronger. Against the Rams maybe, but definitely we should have our dream team with Ole,an, amd Kinkaid back along with a healthier Cooper in his wrist. Second, you’re LB assessment with how Bernard came to us as a little known 3rd RD pick, but you overlooked the other LB has gone from a part time status in 2017 to a 1st team all pro who has more impact on our defense than any other player on the team. He’s only going to keep getting stronger with each week.
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