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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m kind of surprised you guys are still talking about this topic. The case was closed and dismissed so its over.
  2. Boater, you’ve helped add to an interesting conversation as Allen never had a losing record. He stood toe to toe against the vaunted Dolphins and Cowboys and won some of those games. He turned around the Rams who had 8 losing seasons and made them a winner. One of the nice things on this board is each of us can add to other conversations on the history of the NFL. Brandt was doing old fashioned analytics in the 60’s. He helped Landry win a couple of SBs in the 70’s and at least get there a couple more times, but just couldn’t beat the Steelers.
  3. Sure, he was innovative and Bill Walsh credited learning a lot of his tenets of coaching from Allen. He was ahead of the game in analytics, and how he was ahead of his time in offensive schemes. That old coot.
  4. I’m sorry Boater, it must have auto corrected, George Allen. He was a pioneer in the 70’s and earlier. He coached the Rams and Redskins.
  5. I’m hopeful from what some have stated above that the improvement in athleticism, and the addition of Kromer who is a heck of a Line Coach that we go to a zone blocking scheme. It worked well for us in 2015 and 16. We can do more in this blocking scheme if we have the right players and maybe the line can punch those holes open for Singletary and Cook.
  6. He’s on the Giants now. What’s he supposed to say other than finding ways to be positive, but not comparing the skill sets of Allen or Mahomes to him. Mahomes and Allen know it and they understand code for finding something positive to say. Besides Webb is the clip board king. He’ll be a QB coach one day.
  7. I think you mean the USFL. Trump owned a team in that league. As far as Kelly vs. Allen well let’s wait til Allen gets to year 11 and then an easy comparison, and you’ll probably be right. As Parcels used to say, let’s not crown him yet or get the bust out. It’s a good metaphor to take the time as I’m sure Allen will probably go down at some point as the greatest Bills QB ever, but not yet.
  8. Thanks Roy as it’s kind of cool she’s now in updates on NFLR when they do the little updates at the beginning or end of a segment among the hockey and basketball playoffs. I just that was kind of a sign on a national football radio show they are reporting on Kim Pegula’s progress. I expect that on WGR, but not on Sirius.
  9. But, but Juno, Whaley had such a good eye for talent and so many people question if Beane can really draft well (insert sarcasm). Beane is by far and not even close the best GM we’ve ever had since Polian, and McD is the best HC we’ve had since Marv. Just look at the pics and the minority on here stop dissecting and looking for any little angle to knock either of them down. Have they missed on guys like Ford, back in 17 Zay, and trading for a couple of duds. Overall this is the most complete team we’ve had since the SB years.
  10. Thats funny as he gets teased by some on this board as he is getting senile now and needs to get off NFLR, but HOF Gil Brandt was known for using analytics in the 60’s and 70’s for the Cowboys. It’s well documented by other people he was an innovator back then just like Paul Allen.
  11. Well, Eman it’s not just that, but Kelly did play in a different era than the later guys mentioned by KJ. Montana, and Elway yes. The later guys had different rules that if a QB gets a hangnail the defender gets a penalty. No wonder the QB’s are Playing much later into their careers. It’s like the AB’s in the 60’s and early 70’s with only 14 games, and defenders could practically decapitate a QB. Forget the Deacon Jones ear slaps and WR’s practically getting sucker punched in the 70’s. It reminds me of a family dinner scene in Blue Bloods where Frank Reagan ?Selleck) and his dad, and he raised his voice to Henry saying “that’s like saying Mike Tyson can beat Ali in his prime, it’s a non starter”. It really is the same. Yes, if Kelly would’ve not gone to the Gamblers and went to the Bills in 83, he would’ve passed his stats, but remember the coach was Kay Stephenson, probably the worst HC in Bills history. I’m proud of Jimbo and respect him for what he brought to this city for all of these years when he played and how he has been a role model to our youth forever. Hence my avatar. Someday Josh will get there as he’s on his way. In 10 years with these rules and a little luck with no serious injuries, we will be talking us old guys as I’m only middle aged now, of getting to watch live the two greatest QB’s in Bills history. I can’t wait as I love Josh as our QB.
  12. Analytics aren’t something new. They’ve been using analytics in some form for decades. I’m glad we made a commitment to the program, and it’s how McD uses it in games, and Beane in selections of players meeting McD’s requests for what they mutually believe will work to improve the team.
  13. Should make you wonder when she’s trying so hard to convince you about you’re “analytics”, wink wink. That was funny.
  14. I always hate to hear someone take their life, and if that is confirmed someday, it’s very sad. I remember him at his peak. He was solid, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Whether he was a career backup, or a starter, it’s still a sad ending.
  15. Plain and simple, Dion is our franchise LT and this among other sources ranks him very high in the league. It’s myopic to overthink it in his COVID recovery. Look at his overall body of work. He’s not a problem on our line. Josh has had overall maybe except the beginning of last year been kept clean with Dion from that side. It’s nice that a very durable and skilled LT also is great for the Buffalo area in his community work. He’s embraced this community and will be there as long his body holds up for another 8-10 years.
  16. I say we put him up on the Wall. 👏👏🤪. That’s about as logical as Fitzy making the wall. Ok, I’m done with that silliness. Hes a camp body and will be cut. Moving on.
  17. Great Duvall line. I thought you’d like that one Weo. Have a good day and this is not a publication I follow so thanks bud. As an aside, I love how different guys try an add to the board with finding these outside resources as we can’t expect the mods to find everything for the main page. Goodell, IMO will simply get grilled what did he know, when did he find out, what did he do, and why want these accusations taken more seriously earlier in the process. All of which will be a lot of grandstanding by Congressmen trying to make headlines, but if the league pays some big fine, it’s the owners getting hit, not Goodell. Goodell though has to settle up with the 31 owners. In many ways, the kw era are like The Godfather in that the movie likes to work in the shadows and does not want these headlines. This could force the hand of the 31 other owners to have Snyder sell the team. It’s not as if there won’t be suitors. The Walton family alone from Walmart is interested in the Broncos and I can’t remember Sam Walton’s sons name, but he’s clocked at $800 mil. In wealth. He would far super cede the wealthiest owners in the Seattle and Carolina teams. Walmart is global so if he wants a team, does he want Denver, or if an option would he want the nations capital. He’s already on record he wants to build a new stadium in Denver like Sofi. Walmart as everyone knows is global and next to Amazon is one of the largest companies globally. Don’t you think he’s rather have the nation’s capital as his hub. The weather could easily support a SB. This would be a coup for the NFL. I wouldn’t doubt there are back channel talks about this as an option. Inagine what Walmart could do with a Sofi stadium in DC schmoozing with some of the most influential politicians and lobby groups in the US. Now, this is just my wild speculation, but wouldn’t that be logical? Walton wants in for the NFL. Why not take over the DC market vs Denver. Ok, just my ramblings on a Friday morning, but think about it.
  18. If an adult wants it bad enough and is in the right type of gym, meaning more of the heavy hitters vs. fitness places for regular people and soccer moms. They’ll find it. I competed as a powerlifter nationally and regionally for 16 years. The smart bodybuilders who are at a pro level at least do it under a doctors care and strict monitoring. The doctors if they have a working knowledge of this stuff as not every urologist, or interventionalist may not know which things to administrate and what clears the fastest. My guess are the freaks know in the off season when is greatest window to avoid PED testing, and know when to get off this stuff before the expected clearance times. Ive never thought the NFL was clean, but In a bit jaded as I’ve seen more of this stuff in life than many. Thankfully I was never tempted and went into tested and untested meets. Perfect nutrition, form technique, cycling up meaning escalating programs to get the most out of my body and do it clean. I’ve been hair, urine, and the old days lie detected as they used to administer in tested meets. Im not going to accuse a particular player as I was on a team with a lot of blank strong individuals who most had world records at the time. As far as this guy, it’s not a leap he was either desperate to make the team, or using in a rehab for an injury. I believe in personal choice so if you want to put in medicines at a way over the limit level, they are taking to risk. I just don’t care. The NFL and other sports should be more closely monitored with increased random monitoring. That costs money though and the NFL will get more black eyes with star players which is not what they want.
  19. Augster always the joker. That was funny. TJ was excellent the last couple of years. I think that was a very fair ranking. Tre has been superb to the point where WB’s were always looking for Levi last couple of years. With the way we develop DB’s and the mentorships Elam will have with Tre, Hyde, Poyer, and TJ, he should flourish early in his career. TD, thanks for the catch.
  20. Saffold’ as one year rental to try and win the SB. Beane will find a young cheap labor draft replacement probably higher than normal with a 2nd or a 3rd. We have lots Of time to thank about the draft next year.
  21. NO! They have a plan if Tre doesn’t go until October unlikely and it’s Elam and Dane. Singletary is a #1 RB, and Cook will grow into our pass catching back option. The D Line will Duke it out, but they roll with an 8 man rotation so its just who ends up pairing with who. Our O Line is set, and we have our stable of WR’s and TE’s. It’s just a matter of who’s #1, 2, 3, 4. So it’s kind of an irrational use of time to worry where there is a weak link. For the first time in a long time, I don’t see one.
  22. Shredder, you must have slept brought that discussion on NFK’s assassination in American History class. 30 years ago I was a social studies teacher for three years until I finished my Masters. It was taught brother.
  23. Thanks Weo for sharing as always. There will be teams of lawyers and lots of covering up the microphone before even answering the first question. State you’re name for Congress, covered Mike, psspss, ah Roger Goodell. Kind of like this… They ousted the Panthers owner for less. Snyder’s on his way out. It’s just a slow process. You know Goodell’s lawyers have probably been talking to Snyder for months he has to go.
  24. You beat me to it. Clearly our most sensitive weakness as we kick and punt so much. Whew, I’m glad I got that off my chest. I know but that holder thing. It scares me, not.
  25. That’s actually sad Allen and Mahomes don’t know what is the Zapruder film. Their hw should be watch JFK five times. It’s like confusion with having to say five Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys
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