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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Why would I ever have compassion for a crappy, self inflated ego group like Pats fans. I’m so glad they’ve lost 4 of the last 5 meetings with the Bills including the playoffs, and the last two were an utter destruction of the Pats. Living in Tampa for the 2nd half of my life I’ve mellowed on Brady as yes to all the ego stuff on him, but he is more of himself it seems down here where Arians allows his personality to come out. He’s actually pretty nice the fans down here when they see him out. It just reminds me the Pats were Brady, NOT Belichick. Belichick is a great coach, but he is not god, and it shows in every game he didn’t have Brady now, and before. I’m not punching down, but I look forward to seeing another two losses this year, and with any luck they finish 8-9 only able to beat teams with a losing record. My hope is Belichick for the next 3 years holds on as HC and finishes with a losing record each year. Basically an 8-9 team throughout. Just good enough to not get a high draft pick, but never seeing the playoffs again. Then he can just go away and his reputation as the whole chess vs. checkers, 🤮 goes away. ESPN can do all their hit takes about how he was only good with Brady. If I really want a fantasy, Brady takes the Bucs to the SB, and we beat them for our first SB win. The Bucs are my second team, but never at the expense of my beloved Bills! So I hope Pats fans keep talking as if they are relevant and trash talk the Bills. Let them agonize the next three years and cement their reign if terror is over. I care about the Chiefs, Bengals, Ravens, Browns maybe if Watson gets on the field, Titans, Chargers, and Broncos. Beating these winning programs with the QB shift will be our measuring stick. I mentioned to a guy in a sports bar recently spewing Pats rubbish and just said it took an act of God of 50 mph winds for you to have a chance at beating us the last two years and you even screwed that up in 2020, and we still won. Screw the Pats. Don’t go away mad, just go away!
  2. Yep. I can’t say who, but someone in my family works for the Sabres and loves Kim. This person has been awarded to go to a game as an award twice in the last few years to the suite at a Bills game. It’s a nice incentive for their employees. The comments have been basically she’s very nice, not pretentious, a better businesswoman than people on this board at least some give her credit, and she has morals so the Watson thing would’ve never happened. Whats even more disturbing was yesterday I was listening between meeting to the morning and then Brown in the afternoon. The lawsuit was amended to add the Texans. The reasoning was that the Texans I guess if heard this correctly leased a suite at an elegant hotel. This was for Watson’s so called “massages” and gave him an NDA to receive these “massages”. 66 women over time participated in these “massages”. Before someone asks me for a link it was referenced from two sources so you guys can find it. The NY Times article I believe that broke on Sunday by a female Investigative reporter (I don’t know the name) and then another article I think referencing this one on Yahoo Sports. My point other than this is vial if true is the Pegulas never in a million years would tolerate, nor condone this behavior of true. If you want to hear what I heard Audacy has rewind for 24 hours so listen for yourself, but you’ll have to do it today. I can’t remember if Jeremy’s show or the Extra Point, but I know Brown on One Bills Live went into detail on this subject. Listen and make you’re own assertions. That’s why I think the question is silly as we are not dysfunctional anymore with the Pegulas and McBeane at the helm. These guys ooze character and makes me proud of being a Bills fan. I love this team and what it’s become the last 5 years.
  3. No Walmart will not own the Broncos, the Walton family will own it just like ATL is not owned by Home Depot, it’s owned by Arthur Blank. I do think it could be interesting how Walmart could provide concessions at Pennie’s on the dollar the team would still make an obscene profit with modest prices. You want a single owner like the NFL wants to not have companies own a team. It keeps things clean. The other owners must be drueling they will be allowing their now richest owner by three fold dwarfing Kronke, Jones, Glazers, the Allen family, Tepper, etc. Walton is one of the richest men in America. That vote is a formality. Consider hell buy that team for $4.65 bil., and will spend probably another $5 bil. Ina SoFi type stadium. Anyone up for a Denver SB in 2030? Sounds like a great ski week with finishing off the Bills winning the SB! Go Bills!
  4. It’s not just McBeane never ever bringing in a guy with his off the field resume, but in reading page 1 at least, Kim Pegula would never sign off on this pick nor would Terry. Terry may be a shrewd business man, but he’s not stupid or desperate.
  5. I listened to that episode as many and I love their analysis as they don’t seem to try and get hot takes. They give lots of facts and analysis, and are consistent in that analysis from team to team. They also do t have a problem going against hot take wisdom meaning they rated this years Lions O Line relatively high at least too 10 with additions. They ranked us as split 3rd and 4th respectively flipping New Orleans for us for those two spots. On RB’s we rated a 15 out of 20. That’s fair and probably not too 10, but not in the bottom half of the league either. McD is a heck of a coach and one can nit pick anyone if they want. Looking at the coaches performance in its totality has been the best since Marv. Before that you have to go back to Knox, and before that would be Saban. You can throw Wade in there for his defense as it was crushing. We didn’t have much of an offense, but the best defense in the late 90’s even better than Dungy’s defense.
  6. The reality is no one knows the details and just because someone makes a claim, doesn’t mean there is any truth. I had a good friend, who’s a manager in medical device company. He tried for 18 months to help this guy (African American Gentleman) succeed, but he was not working out. He had More field coaching reports and evaluations to try and help, but just wasn’t getting it. There were other things, but eventually he had to put him on a corrective plan, then a PIP. Eventually the company let him go. He retaliated with no Basis on an EEOC case. It was summarily dismissed the first day in court. My colleague did not thing wrong and had one of the most diverse districts in the country. My point to this vignette is maybe there is something to the claim, or maybe the guy was bitter about being let go. We don’t know so why make assumptions. Because there is an article. We’ll those are always true? (Insert sarcasm). If Gaine was in the wrong, Houston would’ve settled.
  7. This list is almost not even worth commenting. Why Sean McVeigh who went to two SB’s os not in the top 10? Tomlin has never had a less than 8 win season so never a losing season. What a joke? I don’t want to indict all of PFF, but this schmoa is smoking some wacky tobaccy.
  8. My throat hurts from laughing so hard at this comment. We’ll done my six fingered friend. I can expect reasonably 4th or so would be fair as Belichick, and Harbaugh makes a lot of sense with longevity of success, and can even go along with McVeigh as he has two SB appearances with one win. That’s why 4th or 5th if you throw in Reid. This just makes PFF a joke. PFF, 20th in offense. Do thesE morons not see we were too 3 in the NFL in offense on the last two years and now his OC just was promoted to the Giants HC.
  9. Yeah bud. Even if the sale comes through and even if he starts plans soon, the new stadium won’t open until 2029 or so. You have a few years so make it count brother. We played them in Denver in 2020, so we’ll have them again in Denver in 2026. RW will be getting closer to the end there by 26, but might have a couple years after. By that time they will probably be a solid team or much before. I hope you have a blast. A ski trip coupled with a Bills - Broncos game would be fun. I live my life vicariously through you. Now that my third kid is starting college and I have their colleges paid for since they were babies (no more catholic school tuition), maybe I’ll join you pal. I’ll buy you an adult beverage, and we can float how we just won two SB’s by 26. 🙏👏👏👏👏
  10. I doubt it Augster at least five or more years from now. You know Walton will want a SB. I think if you add the outlying areas and the ski draw they might get one. They have a world class airport. 2030 SB - a Super Super Walmart Stadium!
  11. Sounds like about mid $30’s mil./yr. for the next three years. Good for him. He’s the most important non QB on the field, if not at least the most important defensive player on football. Its nearly impossible to neutralize him. This is a guy who has earned his contract. I wonder if Mack now maybe healed up a little more at LAC will have a bounce back year. He was probably one of the closest to Donald when Mack was at his peak. He hasn’t been there for awhile.
  12. Considering he’s worth $57.9 Bil., I think he can afford it. Not only that but his family separately is worth billions each. Less than Robson Walton, but their wealth is insane. I believe he pledged to build a SoFi type stadium with his $. Good for Denver. I guess they never need to worry about relocation, and with exchanging salary to signing bonus, you have to have enough equity for cap to cash to do these deals per league rules with the CBA. Yeah, that won’t ever be a problem. This will be a shiny toy for him. He wants to make more $, he’ll drop another 20 Walmarts in India or wherever. I was surprised 18 years ago in a couple of smaller cities in China when we adopted my daughter, there were a bunch of Walmarts there.
  13. Badol, they weren’t outplayed by KC. They drive down the field and made the game winning score we thought with the 4th TD reception by Davis. If you want to poke holes what about the four early losses from KC and daily everyone is asking what happened to KC. I couldn’t agree more that the Jags loss stung. The Pats loss was 50 mph winds. The Titans we had in hand but Josh tripped in the end. Sure we were creamed by the Colts, and Daboll blew it with the Steelers with the four wide stuff all day. Its football. I’m not picking on the Chiefs other than to say they had flaws too last year. The Bengals came out of nowhere. All of this still comes back to the Bills can do well this year, and almost every betting line and pundit has us as the lead team for a SB run. I know you’re a Bills guy although a little salty, but I kind of like that about you.
  14. Teef he’s a waste of breath and not a Bills fan. He looks for every opportunity to find a way to plant doubt. He reminds me of those false Bills fans two years ago who tried to say, but I’ve been a Bills fan for decades, bla bla bla. Remember the Jets trolls that kept trying to hijack the board two years ago until the mods were so sick of them they threw them out. A hangover is ludicrous. If anything, this team has even greater resolve to go deep this year. Once we go 13-4 he’ll shut up as his voice will just be more and more white noise. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he’s ridiculous now.
  15. Exactly. It’s likely unless he’s an thks tic freak we’ll have him for three excellent years and then his play will start to diminish and we’ll cut or reduce his comp. That’s three years of solid Edge Rushing performance. Sign me up for $17.3 mil./yr.
  16. Guys: So many of us are conditioned from the drought, people get superstitious about projections, then the same people take an affront when we are not ranked high enough per whatever dumb power ranking, top 100 players, whatever. How the betting odds are going has no bearing on our success. It’s in the players, coaches and front office to get the right 53 on the field and the right utilization of their talents. I contend we have a winning organization, with winning Mgmt, and coaching. We have the most talent by far since the Kelly years, and even better only in that this Mgmt team has to deal with a hard cap and free agency. Polian and Marv didn’t have to deal with those issues until the end. We’ll be fine. There will be lots of time for predictions, but when my sons poll me I tell them most likely 12-5, conservatively if we have another Jags game, 11-6, and aggressively 13-4. This range is very doable. If we want the #1 seed though, we’d better hit 13-4.
  17. I agree bud. The Singletary analogy I didn’t think applied, but didn’t want to be not picky as that was more of a personalized coach for a full off season getting someone in great RB shape, working on countless drills for months on first step forward etc. I’m sure you guys read those articles last year likening to the Jordan Palmer camp for Allen. I know Singletary spent a couple of months down in South FL dissecting his nutrition, running style, conditioning, and it worked. He looked transformed before the 21 season.
  18. Exactly. It’s naive to think these players and their agents don’t shop the player around. Just because he said all the right things when coming to Buffalo, do you not think if he could’ve made the same $ in the town he grew up he wouldn’t consider it. This doesn’t mean Avon want sincere in his comments coming to Buffalo, and chasing another ring coupled with getting $120 mil. Wasn’t the right choice. Is he moving here like Thurmon and Tasker post career, doubt it. He also most likely is not here for the full six. If had to guess, we have him for two to three and then both sides reassess. It really doesn’t matter as he’s here now and we’re all in on the ring.
  19. McD is doing what good leaders do. He’s providing the best talent around his coordinators. McD would never allow a breach of chain of command. Coaching decisions are with the blessing of the Pegulas and Beane, but make no mistake these are HC decisions. Do you think he didn’t cover this stuff in the interview process. As a leader the last 10 years you prepare for everything and keep an eye on day to day in the beginning to make sure things flow well. Brady knows his role, and Dorsey knows he can rely on his staff to assist with generating ideas, but decisions will be made by Dorsey unless McD jumps in the game and wants to insert a specific tactic. This is a great thing as McD keeps fortifying his coaching staff with experienced coaches.
  20. Now that would be fine with me. WOF, HOF is laughable, but a one day signing retiring as a Bill is cool with me. He’s a fan favorite, and is unapologetic that. Hffal was his favorite stop. I read the article this morning too and thought the same. Win/win feel good half time thing and let the Bills fans have a blast with it. I see no harm, no foul on a one day signing.
  21. Mark, that’s a good point. Going to Miami for that personalized coaching was more than just a camp. They spent months with him changing his nutrition, his foot work, and his leverage. I would liken that to the Jordan Palmer training for Allen that was ongoing on in the off season.
  22. Guys not that weak. With that said, im glad he went there. As much as I think these academies can be fluff, Knox certainly improved after the TE one last summer.
  23. You’re right. My apologies. My point was more so on how critical Milano is to our LB corp and the defense last two years looked different when he wa healthy and when he was out.
  24. I like you’re list, but would replace Mario with Takeo. Moulds would be a great DK Metcalf type teamed up with Diggs and Davis. What a combination. Clements could lead as 2nd, and Elam can learn behind him. Takeo would replace Edmunds as a perfect ILB. Someone earlier said Takeo over Milano. Obviously a couple don’t realize how much of an impact Milano makes on this team as the Wil. Edmunds is not a Wil. He’s the Sam and Takeo was far better in the same role. This is not me indicting Edmunds simply Edmunds still has holes and is a make or been year for him. Thats my play along for this game. That would be a heck of a team, not that I’m not incredibly happy with the team we have this year.
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