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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. 3/12, I don’t disagree, but he will have to work his way into the lineup was my point. McD has a history of taking a few games to trust a guy. As far as McaKenzie, he made an impact late especially against the Pats. Him dropping returns a couple of times put him in the doghouse.
  2. There will be outside packages for Cook, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to take the ball up the middle. That will remain Singletary’s job. Shakir barring injuries will have a tough time getting on the field. He has stiff competition, and it’s not like McKenzie’s going to willingly relinquish the third receiver role, or Crowder. I just don’t see him moving up from 5th until injuries happen which are inevitable. He has a real opportunity to get ST action and may shine there his rookie year.
  3. I don’t think Knox is going anywhere. Next year he’ll be up even before Gabe because if you look around the league and the draft, TE’s are much harder to find and less expensive than WR’s. Im not saying we won’t extend Davis, and Beane with cash over cap can keep restructuring and use signing bonus conversions to make it work as I’m sure they have a very good idea what the cap will move to with these new TV and Amazon contracts and the explosion of $. They can always take the 5th year on Oliver in two years. The sour pill is Poyer our only 1st team all pro, up next year. My guess is we’ll try to do a 2 year extension, but if he balls we’ll lose a really valuable asset. I’m guessing in two years we’ll also let Hyde go. Expect draft picks the next two years for safeties.
  4. From someone who has flown and driven to Miami over 100 times for work and some fun, the Miami airport sucks. Tons of international flights as they are one of the conduits to all of Central and South America destinations as well as the Caribbean. It’s also very long and stretched out so you walk forever. Ft. Lauderdale is one of the easiest airports, but if you’re going for the game and having fun, in a perfect world you fly into Lauderdale and Uber it down to either Brickel or South Beach. You can walk everywhere down there. Make sure you’re flight arrives at a non rush hour as you’ll sit in that Uber forever on I95. If you’re wearing sneaks, then Miami might be better. Have fun in the September abysmal heat.It’s like hotter than the Congo type of heat in September and you haven’t seen humidity until you’re in 97 degree heat with 90+% humidity. That’s not an exaggeration. Right now at 12:35 pm in Tampa it’s 84 degrees, but with 95% humidity. My credo is I won’t got to Miami or Tampa games in September and I won’t go to Buffalo games in OP after October. it’s not worth it anymore to me.
  5. You must have a boring significant other. 👹🤪
  6. I’m sure Beane has a plan for this revenue. Most of the time on this board, people make wild speculations that are usually not true. It’s not like with the resign, we all of a sudden freed up so much cap space we can extend Knox as an example. We’ll find out sometime this summer why he did it.
  7. Sounds like no one knows what wrong with Kim. Of course thoughts and prayers, but I’d like to know at least she’s going to be ok. I’m not being petty as I don’t care about gossip.
  8. probably true. Someone else write after you Kumerow to PS. If we keep him inactive, but on the 53, then you’re right.
  9. Maiden, if they throw Kumerow on the PS, with Green Bay light on WR’s, you know with Rodgers new increased power, they’ll pick him up in a heartbeat.
  10. Thanks Shady. These last few years post divorce, I just went to the local sports bars here in Tampa and Clearwater that focused on the Bills. There’s actually a lot of Bills fans here in this area. Almost all of them are originally from somewhere in Western Mew York and just transplanted down here.
  11. Well, when we get closer, one of you lunkheads 🤩 needs to educate with lots of detail how to get this ticket on our IPads, with an App or whatever. My divorced Condo does not allow the dish, but had for almost 20 years when married as I had homes.
  12. Bease, he’s injured. It doesn’t mean anything in June.
  13. I’m convinced we will have an even more dynamic offense this year. Our running game will be more diverse on the outside with Cook, and Singletary continuing on the inside. It would be nice to see a step forward with Miss as I had high hopes for him. The line seems more cemented for starters, and Shakir will get on the field after the first 6 games. You know McD is slow to start many rookies. IDC if some don’t want to believe we had the #1 defense last year, but we seriously upgraded our D Line. LB consistency, and once we know Tre is back in September, we’re going to be better. I prefer to think positively vs. someone on the Board who thinks I’m the one guy there were problems.
  14. Jack, thanks for sharing brother. I hope you guys show up like the Mafia usually does at camp. A little hard living in Tampa, but I should be up for a September or early Ictober game. October
  15. I think the Simpsons has been on now for 30 years. Funny show and so irreverent at times. I think they’ve had more guests on that show than any other show ever! Between this show and Family Guy, it’s a never ending clips of quotes.
  16. Let the DUI watch begin, domestic violence, etc., etc.. We’ve actually been pretty boring these past few years. That’s not a good thing, but a great thing.
  17. The easiest way to fix this arsclown is beat them twice again this year so we can say 6 of 7 times. hey waking wake, we’ve beaten you 4 of 5 times and it took 50 mph winds and you couldn’t even get that right in 2020. we’re going to destroy you year after year.
  18. The problem all joking aside and it’s real easy to make jokes of Tua is the defense is going to play up as they don’t have to worry about anything deep. Hyde and Poyer can stay back and just let our nickel CB and outside corners just blanket him. God if I was a Dolphins fan (god forbid squish the fish) I would be incensed over not taking Herbert. That’s Ross’s fault from all reports he wanted Tua.
  19. As Foghorn Leghorn said, “we’ll I said I said from the 5 yard line maybe”. Tua’s a joke. He’ll hit Hill from 5 yards out, but that’s it. He can’t throw a 20 yard pass to save his life.
  20. I’m not sure what you expect him to say. It’s coach speak so he doesn’t have to answer just like McD, Beane, Frazier, and now Smiley all have a non answer of the 13 seconds. At this point, it’s in the past. Who cares? As that douche, Belichick says we’re onto Cincinnati. I mean did anyone think one of the above people or Farwell would say “uh yeah, I told them to kick it through the end zone vs. squib kicking it”. It’s never going to happen. What is evident is Farwell is gone and so is Wallace. Wallace took a cheap deal from Pittsburgh when we could’ve paid the same. Those actions tells you which people were to blame. Sure, McBeane has some ownership as they run the team, but Frazier as much as Farwell has responsibility as they didn’t defend well in overtime. Onto 2022.
  21. John, I think that guy’s name was Littman. Maybe Jeffrey. I remember Vic telling this story which is why Polian left per Vic who co authored a couple of books with Polian. They are close so I trust his comments. Everything you said is accurate so well done on all points.
  22. I love Andrew Brandt. He had a spot on Ross Tucker’s morning show once a week on NFLR when Ross was still there and would go through this stuff all the time. Bottom line as of June 2nd, 2022, the Pegulas net worth is $5.7 bil. Tiring for 11th in the NFL. Unlike Jerrah, his wealth is largely tied up in that stadium whereas Terry and Kim are liquid. They can afford if they want whatever they want for cash over cap based on their assessments. The buck stops with them on the cap. Theyll listen to the boys, but they will make the final call on these extensions. The cap is exploding especially starting in 2024. It will go up and up with the new contracts and now Amazon on the mix as they are a Giant. If the Pegulas want Knox and Edmunds in 2023, they can do it. If they want Davis and Oliver in 2024 (based on 5th year option for Oliver and Davis’s rookie contract being up) they can do it. They can also afford a $20 mil. Extension for Poyer for 2023/24 if they want with $15 mil. guaranteed. If they want, but he may want more. It’s not that they can’t do it, it’s do they want to do it as they have to have the cash on hand and they do. Singletary is a goner. He’s a good guy, but now that we have Cook for a change up outside. We’ll draft another inside explosive power back who will be cheap labor when he’s done. I don’t see them ever extending him. They will use RB’s until their rookie contract is up and always keep a draft position for the next one. It sucks for these guys, but it’s a business.
  23. Sal brought up a good point on this topic I think 1 or 2 weeks ago with Joe on the Extra Point Show. As a talent evaluator and how he’s coaching meaning who he is picking up is like he’s stuck in the 80’s and early 90’s. Strong defense, TE’s, strong running game and a accurate, but not special QB. This how they coached in those decades. The modern NFL requires guys like Allen, Herbert, Burrow, Wilson, Lamar even, Mahomes, Rogers, and yes Brady. All of these teams start with a leg up. The only one close to the way the Pats construct a team are the Titans. It’s living in the past. I don’t agree with everything Sal and Joe state, but they are on more than they are off.
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