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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m onto 2022. The 13 seconds is over. Tre could’ve helped as Taron and Levi could’ve tried to double Hill. Its in the rearview mirror and Hill is gone to a weaker team.
  2. I choose not to rewatch a game and have my Bills get destroyed. It doesn’t really matter as we’ve dramatically improved over the last four years.
  3. BB, good take. When placed in that context, it’s abundantly clear.
  4. IDK what people expect him to say. He has to have an answer each year as he’s asked it every year.
  5. Moss will be retained as depth at RB. Epenesa will as well. Maybe Ford will be released, as he is on his last year of the rookie contract, so only because he is cheap, maybe is 9th on the depth chart. Hopefully he never sees the field as it was ugly just about every time he was on the field.
  6. Wrong gender. you couldn’t pay me to watch that fight. These over the hill morons need to just go away.
  7. So you guys do know people that follow the NFL as experts voted him GM of the year. anyone can nit pick Beane. Just like all the armchair QB’s can nit pick McD’s game time decisions.
  8. I love Kingsford. Makes me want to bbq. That was good Wiz.
  9. So my kids growing up here in Tampa were indoctrinated into the Bills, but as Tampa natives, of course they love their team with the Bucs. So on my birthday each fall, I’d ask them as much as they wanted to get me a gift, I’d implore them to make me the happiest dad in the world, all I ever wanted was for them to make me a birthday card with construction paper, and nothing else. Well, I’ve saved all of them since they were little, and my third, my daughter can stay a better Bills helmet at 5 hrs old than Cook. Not to mention, my middle son at 7 could draw a perfect helmet with a perfect logo, and always colored within the lines. Has Cook even seen a Bills helmet. Whew. I think he needs to be drug tested for shrooms. Wait, not we don’t want him suspended for four games. Forget it. We love you James for what you’re about to do to complete this offense in 2021! GO BILLS!!!! 20-0 Baby.
  10. Such a nice sign Jessica, the daughter back on the tour must mean mom is getting better.
  11. Greg, I’ll rent him one of those restaurant heaters, a blanket and big tent so Terry can also give Marv some credit as the inspiration for this great team.
  12. Anyone buy me an early Xmas present? Just checking. 😍🤪👏👏
  13. Guys, just bear in mind the top 100 is a popularity contest from the players that don’t even watch many of the games. Similarly, the Pro Bowl is a popularity contest often influenced by the fan vote, and the player vote. For me the 1st and 2nd team all pro vote is legit, as well as MVP, and the different HC and GM of the year votes. Those are indicative of real accomplishments. Even though right now the Bills are #1 in the Power Rankings, that still fluctuates so much as well. IMO, wins matters and seeing a 13-4 season with the #1 seed is my holy grail followed up with the Lombardi of course. Too many guys get rattled over little slights over this popularity pole or not. As Rodgers said, R-E-L-A-X. All in good time Danya San. This is the best team Beane has put together since the Kelly SB Days.
  14. I want editorializing, just stating what the supposition is going to happen. Personally, I’d like if you’re asking my opinion to see a full year out with a clause by Goodell pending for indefinite if more settlements come to fruition. There is no justification for his behavior!
  15. NFLR sources keep stating the scuttlebutt among other outlets 6-8 games is possible. Big Ben wasn’t arrested or prosecuted and received 6 games. Given the egregious nature of Watson’s civil suits, I’d think the full year would be possible. If it goes to the appeal, I can see Goodell going to a full year as the owners would be airing on the side of caution. Think about of four more people come out in a suit. The last four will probably settle before the season, but I’m just saying what what if another four come out. Just my two cents.
  16. He’s not really retiring anyway. I’ll bet again by week 3 with GB, or 4 with KC, or if he really wants to hang the Rams in week 9 through the Playoffs. He gets to skip the OTA’s, Camp, a couple of creampuff games and then ping, pang , pow Brady miraculously convinces Gronk to jump back into a Bucs uni. Id lay $ he jumps back in the game if he thinks he can go on another playoff run.
  17. Well it was a 10 year losing record 20x to the Fins in the 70’s. It was so meaningful to my Dad and 40 years later he still hates the Fins even more than the Pats.
  18. BB, I honestly don’t know as she could’ve stroked, had a MRSA infection, had an MI as half of the battle is genetics. Sure you can control Diet and Exercise, not abusing alcohol and smoking much less drugs, but it could be anything. She also could’ve been chewing through too much alleve and maybe alcohol as that affects people of all SES. That can lead to High BP and even renal (kidney) troubles. Thats just a few examples, so why did anyone make a leap to a stroke? Unfortunately l, only had to be in the Cath Lab once when someone stroked out and died, and it was after the case. Part of the reason was an incompetent Cardiologist doing the case. I don’t want to see another one. So another reason is very possible. What led anyone to think it was a stroke? As I said, there is 100 reasons someone in her mid 50’s could’ve been hospitalized, and now resting with round the clock care.
  19. Good article Inigo. Thanks for sharing. I thought it was a very fair assessment. Brady not making the top 5 idk if others would agree, but it’s true he is on the twilight of his career.
  20. As much as I love this off season dead time thread, I think we should talk more about Tremaine Edmunds. 🤮 Ok I went with Maggie Q, Kiana Tom and Josh, but Tre might be funnier.
  21. 105 degrees. Not sure what game you’ve been to in mid November. Maybe here in Tampa. I went to a game two years ago the first weekend in November and the guys who were local said, “should be fine as it’s supposed to be 40-42 degrees”. The part they forgot to mention was the 45-50 mph winds that made it feel like zero. Granted I’ve lived here in FL the 2nd half of my life, but I forgot what the winds can do in early November. I’ll take no wind at zero degrees any day. Its why I’m going to most likely the Steelers game in mid October. It should be much more mild. Making one of these night games in September is too much time away from work. When it gets closer, I’ll confirm and maybe a few of us can catch up before the game for an adult beverage.
  22. You know I think we need about 5 more threads by training camp talking about Edmunds. Do you know the Muffin Man? Who lives on Drury Lane. Not the buttons. Seemed appropriate scanning through this completely original and thought provoking thread. (Insert sarcasm) Man you can tell we are starved for Bills info. this month.
  23. If Squidward said it, it has to be true.
  24. Guys I didn’t say younger people can’t stroke, just simply less likely than older. ive been in hundreds of carotid stent cases to ameliorate ischemic ones before they stroke. Anyway, it doesn’t matter as I just mentioned what’s the point of guessing what happened to her other than just wish her the best wishes.
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