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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Curtis Martin for me. The same for Emmett as they lasted a long time. I would’ve taken the Thurmonator over Emmett any day of the week. They we’re good, not game changing.
  2. I know Eman. IDC what others think as Flutie was not primarily in the drought era as we made the TN game because of his wins. If we remember accurately RJ was on his way to 0-3 when Flutie came in and rattled off a bunch of wins. RJ threw for what 160 yards in that TN game. Wade was an idiot for not overseeing the ST and remaining I. Their lanes. It doesn’t matter as we have Allen now so it’s a big who cares.
  3. He was injured on Thanksgiving. The start of the season is 9 months. I don’t know the severity of the ACL, but 9 months is usually enough time in 2022 to be close to ready. We’ll see. I’m interested in a positive way for Dorsey. We’ll find out soon enough his slant on the job. Daboll did a great job when here, just wondering how Dorsey will be different or will he?
  4. Ridge I think it was more like this.. Welcome back to Tampa Fat Bastadnette. I want my baby back baby back ribs!
  5. It’s Flutie, Tyrod, and who cares. Bledsoe and Fitz had a losing record. A lot of older guys hate Flutie and for some good reasons, but the bottom line is Flutie was 21-9. When he came in game 3, he ripped off a bunch of wins, and turned the team around. I know soft arm, short, blablabla, but he won. I unapologetically had my Flutie flakes and was the biggest bonehead move to put in Rob Johnson. We had the #1 defense back then and not in name only, they were mean and nasty. Tyrod broke our drought, and then there is…. Sorry, but I love that line. When I’m in the mood, Family Guy is a riot. My sons and I still laugh our arses off at some of the episodes, amd they are 23 and 21. Can I now get back to watching amazing Super Allen highlights to purge the scourge of all other crap QBs out of my mind for 17 years.
  6. Tyrod led us out of the drought. He’s probably the best backup AB in the league or at least one of three. He’s not a starter, plays it safe and wasn’t going to take us any farther than the wildcard spot in 2017. As a man, seems to be a good person and reliable to take a team when the starter is hurt to 2-2 which is usually a benchmark for a quality backup. Hes not one of the best Bills QBs as other have stayed the top 4 to 5. I appreciate the playoff showing, but we needed a whole team overhaul and they did it. Its pointless to bash him, not glorify him. He was a good patch. I like Keenum as a backup and because this show analyzes the whole room, not just the starter, the MTC boys rated the Bills as #1 in the league primarily as the other top starters don’t have as good of backups as the Bills. I would be very happy if it was Tyrod though instead of Keenum. Hopefully we never see our backups in the season unless we have the #1 seed locked up in week 18, and time to rest Allen. Part of me only due to my vitriol for the Pats would love to see Allen destroy them on 1/8/23. Maybe we could have him play a half and rack up 28 pts. In the 1st half. Then Keenum can clean up. I know my logical side will win over, but the emotional hate I have for the Cheats right now always makes me want to destroy them!
  7. I did Ryan. They are Bills fans, but like busting my chops when we were in the drought. They grew up in Tampa, all their friends are Bucs fans, inundated with the media, etc.
  8. Our Karlos Williams. Cut him now to send a message. You guys know the Bucs are my second team only for my sons as they were born and raised here. there is now way this guy loses 30 lbs. I’m a month. I did it in wrestling once, but I went to the extreme as a teenager. In retrospect I was incredibly unhealthy losing that much weight that fast. place him on the practice squad and he can do an in season tryout when he hits 225lbs.
  9. Greg, I never tabulated that point of home vs. away for the Bills. Then again the coincidence is we lost twice to the Chiefs and we just weren’t as good as now vs. the Texans. I don’t know if it’s a home/away thing vs. the opponent. The good sign is we destroyed the Chiefs in the regular season. A great sign is we obliterate the Titans and Chiefs in the regular season as well as hopefully on center stage beat even of close the Rams. The entire nation will be watching that Thursday night. Im thinking of taking the morning off Friday just to see every last minute and get a good nights sleep.
  10. Greg, these we’re harder guesses than previous years. The Chiefs and Chargers was a toss up. We are so lucky Herbert wasn’t picked by Miami. If Herbert on this Fins team either this talent would be a nightmare for us. The Chargers picked up some awesome talent so I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right. My goodness the AFC is loaded. We’re really lucky we are in the East as the other three aren’t even close to the Bills. We need to hope for 6-0 in the division. We have some tough opponents in the Bengals, Ravens, and of Jimmy G comes over the Browns, Rams, TN, and the Chiefs. Greg, the good news is if we by some chance make it to 13-4, with that schedule, iron sharpens iron, and we will be battle hardened for the playoffs. I’m really hopeful we finally are the #1 seed. Based in the data the last couple of years, home field advantage is not what it used to be and Allen has an excellent away record. Why I want it Just the week off, but the fans to get to have two home games before AZ for the SB. Arizona is awesome in the winter.
  11. Well written. Wentz screwed that team up down the stretch. Ryan is not washed up, but played on a horrible team that imploded since theIR SB run. You’re right, it’s almost Henry watch as he will eventually break down like CMC, Shawn Alexander, Priest Homes, and so on. I kind of wished we would get TN late in the season as I seriously doubt Henry will make it all 18 weeks. Indy has the running game, but a developing passing game, and Reich (not just because he’s a folk hero in Buffalo) is a d$mn good coach. He proved that in San Diego and Philly. My WAG is the following: East: Bills (of course) South: Colts North: Ravens West: Chiefs 3 other playoff teams: Broncos Chargers Bengals Just missing: Raiders Titans Steelers Browns (I expect at least 6-8 games suspension and possibly the whole year. If so, the wildcard is an offer for Garoppolo and the rest of the team is good. The Browns have the most cap space with an extra $48 mil. with the top 51).
  12. At least Super Allen wins playoff games. Rodgers folds Like a house of cards. I’m ok with Mahomes over Allen as he has been in 2 SB’s and our guy hasn’t been in 1. Once Allen overcomes that incredible hurdle, I’ll rerank Allen as #1. My guess as it’s so da*n hard to win a SB he wins 3 before he retires and is in the playoffs every year. As long as we have Beane, McD, and Allen, they’ll field a championship team each year and then sometimes it’s just luck. It wasn’t Allen making a mistake in 13 seconds. That’s what p**see me off when analysts somehow infer its Allen’s fault they didn’t go to the SB. It was the team and the ST coach along with our CB. Thankfully that coach and player are gone and I still can’t believe we actually upgraded again this off season.
  13. You might be right Maynard. The question is Johnson over Moss. They want a 3rd and 1 or inches power driver as they already have their inside with Devin, and outside with Cook. Jones is going nowhere this year with ST, and Gilliam is there for the hybrid FB/TE slot as he fits a role. So Johnson or Moss? I don’t have that answer as I don’t have enough on Johnson, but a good question.
  14. It’s only the rookies and probably conditioning drills and some basic classroom time. Not really a big deal. The team starts like pretty much everyone else.
  15. Haack and Ford. Maybe Ford to get to the PS, but e already know we have nothing with him, so take a shot developing another gem in the rough. I’ve seen all I need from Ford.
  16. Augster, did you just throw one two many dumbbells in the gym with all that ovaltone rage? 😇🦬🏋️‍♂️👹 Literally! Don’t steal his bench or weights in the gym? Don’t get me mad! You wouldn’t like me when I’m mad!
  17. You mean…. Between the hair and the voice, well.
  18. Do I hear 35, 40? We’ll played Augster. By all means, please keep driving insane salaries so they have to purge or go bankrupt.
  19. Ben in his prime which is a long time ago was an unorthodox QB in that he would just shed LB’s and Safeties off of him, but not on his best day is he as good and dynamic as JA17. Ben deserves the HOF, and won’t be surprised if he even gets it in the first bout, but will be timely after some of the other 1st ballot guys in years prior like Brees. He’s a slam dunk.
  20. 9-10 wins? So you’re expecting 7-8 losses. Have you not watched this team in 2020 and 21. A winning game until 13 seconds and now we’re mediocre? We will be anywhere from 11 at the VERY worst to 14-3. I’m giving a range as you can’t predict critical injuries to key players.
  21. As usual Chans with you’re inflammatory persona, I said it was a bonehead move and Daboll tried to get too cute on THAT PLAY. I did not indicate Daboll was not an excellent OC and was deserving of his HC position at the Giants. This is you blowing a comment on ONE PLAY, and extrapolating to stating Daboll is a joke. I’m also confident Dorsey will have his bumps in his first OC job, but happy it’s him where Allen feels comfortable with him. I’m sure it’s all going to work out, and no I don’t freak out when a run play goes for five yards. I’m not a reactionist.
  22. Alpha, you and I are like the Borg with a hive mind on this thread. The reason why slow as heck Brady is so darn good at the sneak as he’d tell the OC to go to hell and wouldn’t do some Tom foolery tactic, but knows how to get small and low. Morse if he knows what’s coming needs along with the Guards to bow up the defenders and like a wrestling move where you shoot on the legs get looowwwww. Allen has demonstrated this tactic on more than one occasion so don’t mess with what works. So I guess on that one play Allen needs to grow in telling Daboll to pound salt and he’s going for it quick. I think what we saw in Allen in the last quarter of the year and what reports have come out is he will in the future. The bottom line for me is keep the run, it just be smart about it. If Devin can’t handle the load up the middle with maybe a sprinkle of 3rd and 1 with Moss as a bowling ball, and Cook to the outside then get more guys, but Allen is not the solution. To ignore Allen as a scrambler, and some creative runs along with him running when the play breaks down is not going to change. Like I said, around 400-450 per season or maybe a little more is doable.
  23. No worries brother. I agree with you’re support FWIW. There has been this never ending argument we won’t have the $ to pay them all who comes due. I’m not sure I buy it as next year the capologists projects in the mid 220’s, but the year after the mid 250’s, and goes up from there. Id love a Knox deal early, but the three positions to tag as the tag is low is Safety, TE, and RB. WR is now ridiculous, but if Gabe has a breakout year, they can work out some deal if they see worth it. We need Knox though in personnel as it’s so dam difficult to find TE’s.
  24. Augster, both have value, but first the Hawks aren’t trading him, and they are both dynamic. Why give stuff up when you have to pay either one? I say you stay with the daily you know than…
  25. Well written and as long as the sneaks are still in then I agree other creative runs and especially his ability to be mobile and make a decision when scrambling either there is a hole deeper to the WR, or left open for JA17 to take off and slide or run to the sidelines where he can avoid hits. As long as he runs smart and remembers always live for another play, I’m fine with his running. The crap up the middle needs to go to Devin. Cook is now a weapon to the outside and was watching at the gym some stupid thing on ESPN (I know I always purport I hate them, but it was on so well). My point is they showed several Kamara clips and mostly his swing passes, etc. if he could be 60% of Kamara wow would we be dynamic. I am frothing at the mouth to think what we were and now add the Cook swing factor, and then changed up for 12 personnel with Knox and Howard for a small % of the time. Neither of the last two options am i saying our bread and butter. We still need Devin up the middle, and most importantly our 3 wide sets, with Knox and Devin where we can be most deadly.
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