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Everything posted by tatonka12

  1. I'm sorry but NOTHING possitive can be taken from this game.and instead of getting better over the last 4 years we've basicaly stayed the same or gotten worse.I cant even tell anymore,when you scrape the candy coating off this team with its supposed big stars all I can find is team(and i use that term loosely)with N O H E A R T ! WE HAD a better team the last year" bums son "was here!I just dont get it we have big time wide recivers who cant seem to catch the ball,offencive linemen who cant block,and a QB who cant punch it in when your given the dam ball on the 10 20 or 30 yard line(but to be fair drew was pretty good at wasteing all our timeouts through out the game)
  2. can I drive the band wagon over him?
  3. another beautiful run to be called back cuz some a___hole has to hold DAMMMIT :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  4. butch up bledso take it in
  5. how any times is that :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ing as______le going to waste a :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ing time out
  6. was that unfrigginbelivable?
  7. NO challange???????????????????????????? what the stevestoejam is going on?
  8. its not fair weather ass !their playing like stevestojan! and are an embarassment WHAT THE HELL IS STEVESTOEJAM
  9. stevestojan!
  10. 29 YARD PUNT BOY WE SURE GOT EM ON THE RUN NOW :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: MOORMAN
  11. doent somebody get paid to observe ? hey travis keeps falling down,do you think maybe he hade a little too much to drink before the game?OR MAYBE WE MIGHT WANT TO CHANGE HIS :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ING CLEATS!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. jesus christ on a crutch can we put any friggin pressure on gannon at all?
  13. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: raiderfan :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ING PATHEDIC OFFENCE DEFENCE THE WHOLE :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ING PACKAGE MAKES ME :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ING SICK these are the improvements over last year looks to me like the same :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ing team weve had for the last 4 years
  15. there will be no joy in faiderville today! bills win ! chumps lose :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: raiderfan
  16. the fish are done :Drun ricky run
  17. whats ken starr up to these days maybe he can beat this horse to death
  18. Great post,I agree !It maybe time to move on with with some great players E.M. I feel the Greatness that once was the Buffalo Bills dieing a slow slow agonizeing death! please someone bring back the heart of jim kelly to this team and make it truely a team again!
  19. I think it should have been up the gut 4 times although my up the gut Also includes maybe a pitch to the outside . bottom line 4 times up the middle=TOUCHDOWN BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. DONT DO IT
  21. LET me tell you ! the the fans here are anything but PATHEDIC! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. what an !@#$! I guess my flat tire on my truck when i got back from the air port wasnt so bad . sorry to hear that
  23. :I dont think he's going to be a problem much longer. I hear troy vincents been given the word to give him a little sholder in practice If you know what I mean ,a kicker aint much good with a broken leg. then again some aint to good with a good leg :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: lindell
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