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Everything posted by tatonka12

  1. they might rabbit , they might
  2. I dont mind prayer in school or anywhere else just keep religion out of politics ! get my drift GW
  3. same crap will happen in washington if they win :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: both these teams, have you all forgotten a couple of superbowls :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the redskins :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: dallas :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: giants oh and what the hell :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: dolphins :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: patriots :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: pretty much everyone else who aint a bill or bills fan!
  4. way to start the morning! I just love wakeing up in a good mood
  5. no problem :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. ITS TRUE! I BELIVE ITS THE CURSE OF THE MIDGETO ( the red soxs fan know what I mean )
  7. HUMMM GOOD POINT :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  8. Mark great post but, IT'S THE OFFENSIVE LINE
  9. maybe they should not feed him for three days,and tape a pork chop to the back of whoever he's blocking that day BUTCH UP MIKE!!
  10. can we all be a little more thin skinned? this politicaly correct crappolla is for the birds Im sick of it !washington redskins?big deal ! this is like the same crap they pulled in syracuse changing the orangemen to the orange please! why? cuz a couple of women thought it was degradeing to be refered to as orangemen so now lets throw all the tradition and history out the window for a few narrow mined individuals its all a bunch of crap people need to grow up and get over it !
  11. you would think one of those fat arms might be able to block someone
  12. you can try to get in his face,but he might eat you ! be careful
  13. can contribute! like vanderjack :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: lindell
  14. GOD now I know the end must be near when we start comparing ourselfs to teams like the lions and bengals
  15. I cant remember the exact year but I used to own a little bar down here and we used to show the bills games a guy came in to watch the game I belive his name was paul shrag (dont think I spelled that right)anyways he wrote weekly rant on the dolphish for two bills drive called spy on the east we even advertised on the web site for a short time I think it was a whopping 20 dollars
  16. it will be my first day off in 2 weeks,Im going to try to sleep if my bed hasnt blown away by then
  17. ahh yah kinda sounds famillar "were just one big play from getting a touchdown" A WIN , WHATEVER! when I see it I'll belive it! oh yah congrats
  18. Heading back for florida ,thats it ! I quit,I've had it ,I'm done wtf
  19. all I can say is get used to it, we've been getting :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ed for years
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