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Everything posted by napmaster

  1. This would explain some of Belicheck's first press conference. I couldn't understand why he focused on the ball conditions during practice - how he makes they balls so tough to handle and doesn't care how much the players complain. It seemed completely irrelevant to the deflated balls issue. Was he addressing this fumbling rate issue based on some of the NFL's investigation we are not yet aware of, and feedback from some people in the Pats organization they had already interviewed? It all seemed odd, but this would make some sense out of it.
  2. I would think this option was discussed and immediately dismissed. They would know what the video was going to show. You can't claim you weren't aware of the rules and then sneak the balls into a camera-less bathroom to deflate them. The next best option is deny, deny, deny and hope for the best.
  3. Thanks for the link. Was reading through some the follow up tweets, and spit out my drink at this: Little-known fact: Newton ended each of his laws with "or whatever you think sounds about right. On to Seattle."
  4. The most interesting thing to me was when he said the outdoor temperature the night of the Ravens game. Huh?!? I thought the Colts game was under scrutiny. Sounds like he slipped up there. I'm sure it's confusing when you do the same thing every bad weather game. Belichick: Well, look, you can take the atmospheric conditions out of it because if the footballs are measured in the same atmospheric conditions then it’s a non-factor. But if you measure a football in a controlled condition like this and you measure a football on, let’s say, the night we played Baltimore, there’s no way they’re the same .
  5. To be entirely accurate, we are a bunch of envious bitches. To be jealous you have to be in a position to lose something you already have, or are close to having. So I was jealous of the Giants, Redskins, Cowboys twice, and even the Titans. But for the past 15 years, envy characterizes the bitchiness.
  6. Based on the Belichick and Brady press conferences yesterday, it's looking we can already guess the ending of this chapter in Patriot's cheating lore. The undermining of the intergity of the game has really put close friends Kraft and Goodell in a tough bind, but it is looking like they have their escape plan in place and are executing on it. Here's the playbook: 1) Inform equipment manager he is going to be the fall guy, but he will be handsomely compensated at a future date to stick to the story. (Similar to how Tom Brady is going to be compensated at a future date for taking such a sub-market salary to circumvent the salary cap rules. But this isn't about that Patriot's cheating tactic.) 2) Have Belichick publically deny any knowledge at an official press conference. 3) Have Brady pubically deny any knowledge at an official press conference. 4) NFL offical investigation finds equipment manager acted independently to help team anyone else's knowledge or approval. (Some details stating the equipment manager heard a Tom Brady interview about liking less inflated balls, and took it upon himself to help the team.) 5) NFL follows letter of the law and fines Patriots $275,000. Rule states $25,000 fine, and the 11 underinflated balls means 11 violations. (NFL gets to portray this as a stiff fine.) 6) Have Robert Kraft publically announce firing of equipment manager at an official press conference. Apologize to fans and guarentee better oversight going forward. 7) Move on the Arizona. Go Patriots! I hope this plays out differently, but the writing seems to be on the wall.
  7. Yes, exactly. 49ers/Seahawks football - great defense, power running, and an athletic QB.
  8. Pending a positive physical, my choice would be Jake Locker. He has a comparable skillset to Colin Kaepernick in terms of size and speed, and should fit in with what Roman wants to do. Locker (6'3"/4.59) and Manuel (6'5"/4.65) could give the Bills a good tandem of size and speed.
  9. No concern - there isn't much wiggle room with the rookie contracts. http://www.forbes.co...ry-projections/
  10. With prayers and positive well wishes.
  11. Kenny Britt. Pending a physical on the knee, there's a lot of upside at what I would expect to be a very reasonable price.
  12. I've been "read-only" here for years, but this thread forced me to post. A.R. 11.2 gives the example where the ball does NOT get into the end zone, but the runner does. He has established himself in the endzone and the ruling is touchdown.
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