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Posts posted by napmaster

  1. 2 minutes ago, Yeezus said:

    If this doesn't get resolved by Training camp Bills will have no choice but to cut him


    you can't have a guy on the roster with this **** hanging over them, awful look on the franchise 


    No choice?!?  Ridiculous.  Awful look for the franchise if they cut a player who turns out to be falsely accused.  The Bills need to be patient with this, and if it extends into the season, so be it. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Mickey said:

    Respectfully disagree. There is a rich and long record of supreme court decisions prohibiting compelled speech in a variety of contexts. It is a complicated analysis which defies being reduced to one size fits all summaries like "...they can mandate whatever speech they like..." 


    As for a rich and long record of SCOTUS decisions, I can cite precedence on rulings involving governmental bodies and jurisdictions in which compelled speech was ruled against, but I have not yet run across a case involving a private or public corporation.  I am not saying there aren't any, only that I have not seen one.  It's possible there are many.


    To your second point, I agree and should have worded my response more carefully.  They cannot mandate whatever speech they, so thank you for calling me out on that.  There are clearly limits bound by sedition and imminent danger and likely others.

  3. 20 hours ago, Mickey said:

    I think there are limits to an employer's ability to compel speech by their employees when it is unrelated to work. Thus, Burger King can mandate that their employees say "have a nice day" after taking a customer's order. They cannot constitutionally compel them to say "God Bless America" or "God Save the Trump" whenever greeting a customer anymore than they can compel them to give a Nazi salute every time someone orders a whopper with no pickles or says the word "Obama". Mandating certain conduct during the national anthem, it could be argued, is compelling speech. And what it has to do with the job of winning football games I do not know.


    The Supreme Court has ruled otherwise, and Corporate Personhood has been established.  Corporations are treated as unique entities, just like a person, and are provided similar protections.  Hobby Lobby was protected under the 1st Amendment in respect to avoiding laws that were in conflict with the corporate religious beliefs.  If Burger King mandated those greetings it also be protected under the 1st Amendment with the free speech clause.  They may go out of business if they did that, but it would be protected.  


    The NFL can mandate whatever speech they like and it will be protected.   Players can choose to drop out of the league, or fans can stop supporting the league and put them out of business.


  4. On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 8:31 AM, MAJBobby said:

    Yeah depth issues kind of happen when 


    3.  You are in Cap Hell due to a couple reasons, ie bad contracts and you cleaning up those bad contracts  


    $35M in Dead Money is gonna impact the quality of your depth.  Opens some opportunities for the younger less expensive players.  Here's hoping some of them take advantage and make a name for themselves.


    CORRECTION - $46M with the release of EW.


  5. 2 hours ago, Chemical said:

    Allen didn't have a high drop rate compared to other top QBs in this draft


    Just curious, where are you getting those stats from?  I ask because I've spent time looking for them, but can only seem to find the standard REC, YDS, YDS per REC, AVG, TDs.  I'd appreciate a link or a reference that has stats for targets and drops.

  6. 1 hour ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    There's a huge difference between forty times in shorts and demonstrated playing speed and ability in actual games.


    Yes, you are absolutely correct.  However, the OP stated "It's obvious that we need some speed and someone that can get down the field."  We have those guys in camp so it's not obvious. 


    To your point.  I completely agree with you, straight line speed in shorts is not enough.  Great hands, route running ability, speed in and out of cuts, ability to get separation off the line, willingness to go over the middle, ability to understand offensive concepts, desire to put in the film study work.  Those things make or break a receiver.  

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  7. 10 hours ago, Clyde Smith said:

    We have like 4-5 speed guys on the team. Damn how fast do you want them to be?


    Exactly This. 


    5 Guys in camp sub 4.49 speed.  10 guys under 4.55 speed.


    Tyler Locket 4.40 as the comparison.


    Robert Foster 4.41

    Zay Jones 4.45   (coming off surgery, so may be slower)

    Rod Streater 4.46

    Brandon Reilly 4.47

    Austin Proehl  4.47 


    Quan Bray 4.50

    Kaelin Clay 4.51

    Malachi Dupre 4.53
    Ray-Ray McCloud 4.53 

    Andre Holmes 4.53


    Jeremy Kerley 4.56

    Kelvin Benjamin 4.61 (who knows if he can even run this fast anymore)
    Cam Phillips 4.79


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    but, but baker. what about the other guy?


    Nine “mistakes” made ahead of me, and they will rue the day.



    If Rosen was as smart as he claims to be, he would realize 29 teams didn't want him.  Once he fell to 10, every other team was in play in terms of trade with the exception of the Rams and KC.  A first and next years first, or the Pats could have thrown #23 and #31.  It was the Cardinals that begrudgingly made the move to get the ugly girl at the bar, and paid ZERO premium in the trade they made with Oakland.

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

    Am I the only one angry at the front office right now? They're just sitting around doing nothing as Jay Cutler walks around as a free agent. 


    OP must have meant the OTHER Jay Cutler as we need help on the O-Line.



  10. 10 minutes ago, fansince88 said:

     He realized his mistake and apologizes yet you berate him? Don't be cold.


    I appreciate where you are coming from.


    My issue is you never say you don't deserve the backlash you get for a mistake you've made.  Apologize, say you understand and deserve what you got, and hope the apology is accepted.   The whole "hateful PMs weren't deserved because I didn't do it on purpose" crap gives me pause.  The OP in effect tried to oddly make himself into a victim in this, so a little berating is well deserved. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Buffalo Boy said:


      I haven’t been on here since and I got some truly hateful PMs which would be deserved if I had intentionally done that. 



    So you posted that and never re-read your post?   I quickly review all my posts for stuff like typos and missing words.  That's why people are skeptical about your apology in that thread.


    To be clear, you deserve every nasty PM you got because you posted it and let it sit out there for 10 hours


    What we should have seen:

    Posted Friday at 02:51 PM  (edited) 

    Edited 1 minute ago by Buffalo Boy    <---- THIS



    Posted Friday at 02:51 PM  (edited) 

    Edited 10  hours ago by Buffalo Boy



  12. 8 hours ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    Wow man, that is some !@#$ed up ****.


    You believe in burdening rape victims, and forcing them to relive painful moments.


    I can't put myself in the shoes of a woman who has been raped, so I don't think it's right for me to tell them how they should act, grieve, and try to recover and hopefully live with some normalcy.



    Rape victims are unimaginably burdened, which is why the crime is so abhorrent from both a physical and psychological perspective.  The suffering doesn't end with the crime.  There is no compassionate guidance for them.  So when faced with two equally horrific choices, make the choice that protects others.


    Just to clarify the point...


    I believe in burdening rape victims by having them relive those painful moments to the police, doctors, nurses, the grand jury, and in open court facing their attacker.  I believe it is for the betterment and protection of society and the only path to any possible closure for them, however unlikely real closure is.


    You seem to believe in the other choice; burdening rape victims by having them live everyday knowing that their inaction has inevitably lead to numerous more woman being raped and those rape victims now suffering through the exact same nightmares, panic attacks, and depression that they are dealing with on a daily basis.  That guilt would be never ending and unbearable.


  13. 33 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    on the last point - I understand that courts don't "find" people innocent, but to my understanding, "innocent until proven guilty" is the guiding principle of the British legal system and of ours.  So you are innocent UNLESS the court proves your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  So legally, to my understanding, Patricia is in fact presumed innocent.



    Thank you for the clarification.  I incorrectly believed guilty and not guilty were the 2 legal statuses, but you are spot on and presumption of innocence is an actual legal right in many jurisdictions.  Some interesting stuff in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence


    Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat

    "the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”


  14. Just now, Max Fischer said:


    You clearly clearly have a strong opinion on women speaking out on alleged sexual assault.


    It’s not “taking sides” to report something that happened. Even you would have to admit that a woman reported an assault by three men and a grand jury thought there was enough evidence to warrant a trial. Those are facts. 


    The reporter also explained what happened next, which I thought was fair to Patricia and the woman. 


    Yes, he is innocent in the court of law.

    Yes, he very well may be entirely without fault and the woman made up the whole thing. 


    But we also cannot assume we know anything else and mostly because the writer posed questions we may never know. 


    You know nothing about me so please refrain from proclaiming what my opinion is on any topic.  Feel free to state your opinion on whatever you like, but check your arrogance.  It undermines whatever you state. 


    Now I will state my opinion.  The accuser came forward, provided evidence, and an indictment was in place.  She had an obligation to testify in open court to protect other woman in society from potential future attacks if her allegations were true.  That's my strong opinion.  I hope we are clear.  Everyone, men or woman or non-binaries, should come forward to report sexual assault to protect the rest of society.  But... the accused deserve their day in court to vigorously defend themselves.  This never happened, and now they author is digging this up punish the Patricia in the court of public opinion.  I find it appalling.


    And for the record for you and the author - Patricia is not innocent in the court of law.  No one is ever found innocent.  You are declared guilty or not guilty, but he is neither as this never went to trial.


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