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Everything posted by JPPT1974

  1. I like Costas and James Brown. Berman is a bit arrogant but he is really good. But you need experts like coaches and players as they know the game inside out. Like it or not.
  2. NFL Network are doing the 32 out of 32 teams before training camp. So Bills on Monday it seems.
  3. Happy Independence Day!

  4. There seem to be leaks all over the place, everywhere but can't seem to confirm it.
  5. Thoughts and prayers are with him and his family!
  6. Hopefully he has grown up and will overcome his immaturity.
  7. Happy Memorial Day!

  8. Teacher really needs to grow up. As you can agree to disagree. Have they not been taught that?! That kid's parents should really have a big time sitdown with that teacher.
  9. Love to dance!

  10. You have to be careful with where you work at. Like a plum job, as the side job like a stripper, could come back and bite you in the rear. Like it did that reporter! Really sorry, but it makes you want to laugh LOL!
  11. Feel like I am in the mood!

  12. Love the Moody Blues!

  13. Well gay marriage will be unforutnately pushed until all fifty states in the USA, will have it pass.
  14. Smiles tell one thing, while the bodies tell another as they say.
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