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Everything posted by JPPT1974

  1. Pats dynasty is indeed crumbling out from under their feet!
  2. Yeah you are right as there are not many choir boys Erik, in the NFL or any other sports league to say the least!
  3. Guess that the Eagles made him an offer that he could not refuse!
  4. Four days til the NFL Title Games!

  5. Well hopefully we will give the man a chance. Let's just see what kind of work he does!
  6. Really feel bad for his family! As his family will be dealing with this for years and years to come! Really sad!
  7. NFL Playoffs 2013!

  8. He really is good for CBS! Why would he want to trade that cushy job in for more pressure again! That is why you leave the coaching scene in the first place. Stress and pressure.
  9. If Chip Kelly goes pro, then Oregon will have a big blow. Hopefully if he does go to the NFL, then hope he succeeds. You know how college vs NFL coaches can come into play and most of the time, not that good!
  10. When is enough is enough indeed!
  11. Have A Safe 2013!

  12. Seems hard to be a farmer these days. Not like it used to be.
  13. As Spiller looks like he could help the team. And that he meaning Nix, needs to find that draft pick as he has yet to hit a home run on them. Hopefully just if Gailey is here in 2013, Spiller could be one that would help revive the team. Just one of many needs.
  14. Just need the chemistry and the right balance. In order to produce the right results and wins.
  15. Really these parents of the twenty kids will never have their children open up their presents on Christmas not just this year but forever! As this idiot shooter had to take it out on innocent kids. They did nothing at all. But they were just kids and innocent.
  16. Remembering Sandy Hook!

  17. Really sad and really tragic. Let us remember the victims and their families!
  18. Raiders may get rid of another coach AGAIN! Organization has sinked to an all-time low for the past few years!
  19. Christmas Time is Coming!

  20. Ownership needs to change whether the team thinks that it does or not!
  21. Super Mario is what he needs to be called. As he is turning it on. After a very slow start.
  22. Really the Eagles possibly made a mistake by cutting him. The future has gone beyond the birds.
  23. Have a Safe December!

  24. RIP Major Tony Nelson and of course, JR Ewing!
  25. Yeah as maybe he would be better off as a backup QB!
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