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Everything posted by JPPT1974

  1. Well hope you all have a blast there when the MNF coming asap!
  2. Ready for Mother's Day!

  3. Baker can learn a thing or two from Josh. Being a classy guy and teammate. On and off the field.
  4. Ready for April Fools and Showers!

  5. You can tell he is a very likable person and hope he can bring the team to win!
  6. RIP Ben! Thoughts and prayers are with your family!
  7. March Madness!

  8. March Madness!

  9. March Madness!

  10. March Madness!

  11. Hopefully Riley will live and learn. And move on as he may not be such a bad guy. Just said something done.
  12. RIP Chuck! As you were an original!
  13. April Long Showers!

  14. I am against gay marriage but if they want to, there is no stopping them. As we need to respect them and their opinions and beliefs regardless.
  15. Have a great birthday with lots of presents and cake! Both of you!
  16. Easter is Coming!

  17. Even CNN is trying to show sympathy for the thugs that did this. Not the real victims which is the one that was at the receiving end of it! That poor girl and her family!
  18. So much for the end of the Fitzpatrick era!
  19. That is not a lot to have only 22 players right now! Shows you the team is in dire straits!
  20. St Patty's Day!!

  21. NCAA do not have their own police thing it seems. As they are a joke and beyond!
  22. Think that Cris is riding on Al's coattails!?
  23. Valentines In a Week!

  24. That would bring also veteran experience!
  25. Have a safe February!

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