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Optometric Insight

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Everything posted by Optometric Insight

  1. He was probably healed up by then. You aren't hurt forever and wasn't it like 2 months past the alleged injury?
  2. Wait, shouldn't it be Gailey who made the play since he literally "made" the play. And I have no idea what you're talking about. at the end.
  3. This looks pretty good. The only reason I keep off of SabreSpace is because of the bubble icons that say "pinned", or "off topic". It makes everything look mashed together and somewhat difficult to read on the forum page. Also the emoticons, sometimes the only way to convey sarcasm without actually typing "sarcasm". 17 are a big question mark. Most notably: censored, doh, devil, sick, worthy, thumbdown, and cry. HOUSE might not like the fact that the flirt one is gone too. It'll take some getting used to but nothing I'm gonna throw a fit about. Funny you did the day before high school starts for me, its like my entire life is changing. Also like the cool thing that happens when someone posts and you haven't refreshed the page and there's an option to show the post. Many times people have asked the same question or some wittier comment while I was typing mine and I didn't realize it so I would have to delete my post.
  4. Umm, I don't know any 5 year olds that now any of this. 15 year olds is what I think you meant. And since she has to wear white pants, wouldn't it be really bad when the crimson tide rolls in.
  5. The same reason why the most people think that the Bills will suck as they always have, the past. Most analysts want to stick with the mainstream because its the easiest to pick but also the most cowardist. And that's what they are, cowards.
  6. I can imagine the aliens on Mars seeing Curiosity land and freaking out, thinking that its the end of the world for them. When they find out its from Earth, they would realize their not alone and get frightened, starting the up-to-date reality TV show, Star Wars! Only this show would be on CNN and all the news shows.
  7. I was busy last night. The one time I was busy the past 2 weeks, he announces something I need to know. And have you seen both of them? Its worth watching.
  8. I've been waiting for an hour to watch the Sharapova v. Williams match and it didn't come on so I decided to just see what was on the regular NBC channel. It was the tennis match and I was able to watch the gold medal point.
  9. Oh that's cool, she's a softball player. Third base is a hard position, you need fast reflexes or you'll get burned. I prefer to play third base myself then any where else, just seems natural. And as I'm typing this, I realize that you aren't talking about baseball or softball. Boy, was that some party last night...
  10. More like 1. I count my days different then everybody else. I don't include today or the day that the event is on. So the four days would be Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and school would start on Wednesday. Thursday's going to be a long day though. Can't wait to see the Bills play!!
  11. Over 50%? Thought a lot more people would be voting for the Giants. Best Commment(s) Bills D-line will be average. Sorry Hard to argue with those facts
  12. No wonder why Tebow doesn't know how to call a pass play.
  13. Here we go again...
  14. I would do it. After a few years of one thing working, you got to step out of the comfort zone and try something new. Chan doesn't even do it when he's got an injured QB and a whole league that knows what he's doing so I don't think he'll do it. But I would love to see it.
  15. I was actually referring to the end of the world prediction on Dec 21, 2012, not the fact that you plan two years ahead. I'm planning things that are 4-10 years away and I got a 5 year plan on going to the TBD tailgate so if anyone plans ahead here, its me.
  16. Friday?!?! That only leaves 4 days till school starts...
  17. I don't know, I kind of like these...
  18. Hey, I think you should ring the girl in the attachments below. Not sure how your rating scale works but I'm gonna guess you think she's a 12 because she breaths and is on the internet.
  19. I hate it too but what are you going to do. If we were on there, I can't imagine anybody saying anything good about us; just the bad "Bills suck and always will" mentality. Plus what would they say different. You can get any news about the Bills you want by just coming to this website and more. People on TV would only regurgitate what you already now and put a bad spin on it, making it even worse than if they weren't on TV.
  20. Well here it is here... And I've seen it posted about 3 other times. But its still great every time I watch it.
  21. Wasn't it just yesterday that Easley couldn't catch a pass? Glad to see he rebounded. Glad to hear that Merriman is good, too. And I can't wait to see what Fitz does in the preseason and on. I saw in the Shoutbox that he through a ball that went over 50 yards to Hagan. Pretty impressive.
  22. Whoa, planning ahead there. 2014? Lets try to make it to 2013 before we plan on going to a Bills game 2 years down the road.
  23. Its kind of hard to get away while she's handcuffed to a chair and there's a sniper on the roof across the street. Just saying.
  24. Well you see...
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