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Optometric Insight

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Everything posted by Optometric Insight

  1. I think him changing his mechanics is making him feel a little bit awkward. Whether or not he gets used to them is the question. And I still think Chan should have called more play action. I only remember 2 or 3 PA's today.
  2. True. The entire second quarter I was thinking that it would be awesome to do a play action and throw it deep. I haven't seen Fitz throw deep yet and it would have been a perfect opportunity to do it today. He was even tripled on one play.
  3. We were a tough football team today. We had some hits and weren't afraid to stick up for themselves. Exact opposite of last week.
  4. I don't even know how the game ended. Little bits and pieces of stuff from the Shoutbox like some sort of holding call or something? But that's all I got.
  5. Give me anything to not look forward to for this season? Being 2-1 is exciting because we know the Pats are going to be crushed by us D was amazing with coverage and pressure Fitz is good as ever when he's not throwing it. And who knows what's up with Spiller. Go ahead, I would love to hear this...
  6. Hey, thanks for doing that.
  7. Nothing to root for? There's plenty to root for, both for pessimists and optimists. Pessimists can root for the #1 overall draft pick and for Fitz to suck. Optimists can root for 18-1 and for Fitz to become good. If you can't find something to root for, you might need glasses. Or a service dog. I'm gonna guess service dog for you.
  8. #11. On the name plate it says Unlucky. Got one of those jerseys where you put a custom name on the name plate. Figured this way there would be no worries about losing the player as soon as I got it.
  9. So I remember posts about the Kansas City D having a bounty on Steve 3-4 months ago. Its now coming to me that if there is a bounty (or they're out to get him) and he gets injured, how screwed would we be on a measure of 1-10. I say 5... ...+ 9000
  10. Use McIntrye more. He's a bowling ball and I want to see him catch a few check downs. Do something with the receivers where they are better. Make a more simple offense where there's more deep to intermediate routes and everybody's stretched out. Also, teach our receivers to come back to the ball and make adjustments; they wait for the ball to come to them instead of going and getting it. This lead to the Revis pick. Not sure about the pick six though, Nelson was helpless there. I think the fact that the receivers don't come back to the ball leads to Fitz throwing the ball high, like he's trying not to under-throw it because he knows the receiver won't come back for the ball, making him overcompensate and throw high. And lastly, make Fitz comfortable. He looks like he's forcing the ball and making dumb throws. I don't blame him when the receivers aren't getting open due to dumb routes and there's no check down option. It looked like everybody was clumped together and Jets defenders were surrounding them leading to no windows to throw too.
  11. When is tanking the season after 1 game ever a good idea? Would you rather see them tank the season or shock everyone and play an exciting season?
  12. I was learning my ABC's. Translation: I'm not sure why I'm still a Bills fan.
  13. So a " - " is a good thing? I've never understood these things...
  14. Do you go out of your way to make a dumb comment like that a lot? Nothing in my entire post said that they were going to win it or that the end of the game means that they are going to be much improved next week. Just stated that I hated myself for thinking there was a chance.
  15. False. CBS went through the starting defense at the beginning of the game, therefor naming some of our D-line players.
  16. 6. I thought Darius was the only that tried? I watch the person with the ball so I don't have an opinion on this but I've read on here that he was the only one that tried.
  17. His age doesn't have anything to do with his knee not being allowed to bend certain ways.
  18. I almost cried when I saw that 2nd guy hit him. Knees aren't supposed to do that.
  19. Fitzpathetic? Doesn't have the same ring to it...
  20. I think its more of a thread for non-complainers.
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