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Optometric Insight

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Everything posted by Optometric Insight

  1. I can't believe someone hasn't posted this video yet.
  2. Looks like Birch Bigsley...
  3. This is what we need. Last time we had a change in uniform, we won 3 straight. You know what they say, history repeats itself.
  4. Fortune cookie says: "Plan your work and work your plan." The old switch words around to make it sound deep, well played fortune cookie. My interpretation, plan out your day so you can do what you want. Lucky numbers: 30, 47, 29, 24, 18, 11. On an unrelated note, I expect TJ Graham and McGee to have a big game this weekend.
  5. I don't remember this happening after we collapsed last season. Did this offseason spring more optimism than last years fast start?
  6. Is anyone noticing the absolute flood of obnoxious Pessimists on TSW? Lot of new members coming out from under the bridge and posting everywhere.
  7. I never said that I would forsake football. I'm still a Bucs fan and will root for them. I would probably start rooting for the Titans more also. Forsaking football over that is dumb, which is why I won't do it.
  8. If the fans give up on this team, there will be no chance of them staying in Buffalo. No likes this team because of their winning, they like them because they're Buffalo's team.
  9. Same here. That's like someone being a Clippers fan because they played in Buffalo years ago, its just dumb. And if there is a succeeding LA Bills team in the future, it would kill me to remember that I loved every minute watching the Bills play in Buffalo.
  10. I thought I watched Breast Cancer victims playing football but its all ink blots.
  11. It depends what you're pain tolerance is.
  12. Has he been active this year?
  13. #1 Wouldn't he already have done this after the Jets game? #3 By who? #4 This is the NFL and the NFL hates the Bills
  14. It feels good to not be watching a Bills game now and getting stuff done. Even though I'm on here, not getting stuff done...
  15. You sure its not Thursday?
  16. Holding! Interference! Something!!
  17. Holes?? I can say that they weren't playing press coverage and gave up some short routes but they didn't give up many big plays. Saying they had holes? I wouldn't go that far.
  18. I think he posted it twice so one post can be read in a happy voice and one can be read in a sad voice.
  19. Does this work anymore or have any benefit to the team calling the timeout? I heard a stat in the Dolphins game that there's a 3% increase in Field Goals made when a timeout is called before the kick. Looking at the Dolphins game, you could say it still works and you can say it doesn't. But does it really?
  20. How is that a sack? There was no pressure and no one touched him. I also don't understand how that play is reviewable but the kickoff fumble that Chan challenged wasn't. They were both dead balls so wouldn't that make them both unreviewable?
  21. Maybe if we worked on his TD dances. That was awful. Looked like he crapped himself from being so excited. But he does have some speed and seems like he would be an exciting part of this offense.
  22. They were definitely absent from this game and quite possibly the other two games. Blitzing- I have not seen much blitzing. Did I not notice the blitz or was it actually non-existent? It seemed that they almost always rushed 4, if not 3, and only sometimes rushed 5. Also, is this a bad thing or a good thing? On one hand, we aren't blitzing; on the other hand, we still got 4 sacks and 2 INT. What would that stat be if we did blitz? Press Coverage- I saw a lot of cushion between the WR and the DB. There seemed to be a lot of curl and slant routes that were completed due to this coverage when the Browns were rolling in the middle parts of the game. Is there a reason we aren't playing press. If we blitz and play press coverage, wouldn't that improve our defense? Is there a reason we aren't doing these things? If we don't fix these things, will next weeks game be a long one? Throwing deep- I am confident we have not throw one deep ball all year. It would be nice to see one of these at least once or twice a game. If we actually complete these deep passes, God forbid Fitz actually do so, it would certainly open up the field. Also, not to turn this thread into a wildcat thread, still not any tape of us throwing the ball in this formation this year. There's no threat of the throw if there hasn't been a throw in a year.
  23. No, its YOLO!!! Got to use the capital letters and exclamation marks.
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