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Rocky Landing

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Posts posted by Rocky Landing

  1. I would actually read the OP, before ripping this poor guy and calling him a troll for posting what he thinks to be the national perception, not his own perception, of the team.

    I don't think the OP is a troll. But, how do you equate statements like, "RB ... Freddy Jackson... Another free agent pickup who starts..." or "Vince Young.. Backup QB... Most likely washed up," or "Chan Gailey... A big time loser with the Bills..." as national perception? Show me a serious media outlet that has referred to Gailey as "a big time loser," or has shown Jackson anything but respect. And while some pundits have expressed some wariness regarding Vince Young (a concern that I share), I don't remember anyone saying anything close to "most likely washed up."


    Come to think of it, maybe this guy is a troll.

  2. The National Media says next to Nothing about the Buffalo Bills Offense... have you noticed?


    Here is what I believe they see when they look at the leadership and roster....


    The head coach and offensive coordinator Chan Gailey... A big time loser with the Bills... His won lost record proves it... He has bounced around from team to team... Even when Ralph Wilson chose him as head coach the Bills fans were not in favor of his hiring... Many wanted Shanahan now with Washington... Gailey has a lot to prove.


    QB... Ryan Fitzpatrick ... Picked up as a free agent... Bills fans believe he is better as a backup than as a starter... He was a 7th round pick... Bills management is putting to much faith in a losing QB...


    QB ... Vince Young.. Backup QB...Picked up by the Bills because no one else wanted him... Most likely washed up

    QB ... Tyler Thigper... OMG are you kidding

    RB ... Freddy Jackson... Another free agent pickup who starts..

    RB ... C.J. Spiller ... A first round pick who has done litte and could be a bust

    FB.... Corey McIntrey .. Only touched the ball 4 times last year...

    TE ... Scott Chandler... Another free agent pick up no other team wanted... slow

    WR ... Stevie Johnson ... A 7th round pick considered their #1 receiver

    WR ... Marcus Easley .... a 4th round pick going into his 3rd year and never seen the field, maybe the #2 receiver

    WR ... David Nelson .... Another free agent

    WR ... Donald Jones ... Another free agent

    WR ... T.J. Graham .... Picked in the 3rd round but could have been a 7th round pick

    OL ... Corey Glenn .... A rookie LT

    OL ... Chris Hairston .. A 4th round pick

    OL ... Kraig Urbik...... Another free agent

    OL ... Chad Reinhart ... Another free agent

    OL ... Eric Pears ...... Another free agent


    Then we have Brad Smith... What is he a WR, RB, QB, Special teamer? Bills are even not sure...


    Where is the Talent to get this squad to the playoffs?


    And we the media are to believe with this motley crew they will make the playoffs ? are you kidding ?


    But when you ask Bills fans, many believe they are on the right track, as do I and this so called motley crew will preform to playoff standards... Do you? and why do you Believe.......???

    I think this is the most pessimistic post I have ever read by a fan. He uses whatever round someone was drafted in, be it first or seventh or whatever, as a criticism. Somehow free agency also makes someone suspect, like Freddy, "another free agent pickup who starts..."


    Put a little cream in your coffee, pal!

  3. I don't think you can overstate how bad Jauron was with his no huddle offensive scheme being a perfect example of his incompetence. A no huddle offense without a decent O-line? If you look at teams with effective no-huddle offenses, they rely on fairly simple formations and a QB who can read defenses. The QB has to have time in the pocket. It's hard to run a no huddle offense and read defenses when the QB spends most of his time running for his life. I always felt bad for Trent Edwards. He never had a chance to develop. He was set up to fail. What last season's early success proved, if nothing else, was that Jauron had the talent to succeed. I'm not sure where that dope is right now- I know he spent some time with the Steelers after we canned him- but I wouldn't want to see him coaching Pop Warner.

  4. Yeah I'm guessing that the topic refers to the over/under on wins this year.

    I'm sorry to disagree with you guys, but the odds posted in Vegas are for the week one games in which the Jets are favored by 5.5 and the over/under is 42.5. Here's a handy Wikipedia link that explains the over/under pretty well.




    The only future odds that I know of beyond week one are for AFC, NFC, and Super Bowl championships. Currently, btw, the Bills are 50/1 for the SB.


    While I'm at it, here's another link that carries most of the Vegas sports book odds. You can expect to see some very different numbers once the preseason starts.



  5. I'm not a betting man. But I'm tempted to make an exception this year when I hear the Vegas odds-makers have the Bills over/under at 6.5.


    Apparently, there's not a lot of optimism for the Bills outside of Buffalo.

    Well, I am a betting man. Actually, what you are referring to is the point spread. The "over/under" is the bet on combined points. I believe the Las Vegas Hilton has the Jets by 5.5 and the over/under at 42.5. I'm hoping to be in Vegas in the next couple weeks and I plan on placing a decent sized bet on the Bills. (I currently reside in Los Angeles) I bet on the games every week (usually with the aide of a bookie, since I'm out-of-state), but I almost never bet on the Bills. But, occasionally, I make an exception.


    It is curious, though. Believe it or not, the Bills were favored over the Jets in week 9 last season by 2.5 points.

  6. I don't know about their relationship personally. But, professionally I think they're an amazing duo. I think that one of the most brilliant things Chan did last season was to move Spiller over to wide receiver. Now that they are both at starting positions at RB, they are the perfect compliment: two very different styles that work the same position in different ways. Giving Spiller the chance to work at wide receiver (interpreted by some, at the time, as an inditement of his abilities at RB) gave him an opportunity to improve his hands and catching ability, as well as improving his understanding of routes. Between the two of them, they have every aspect of being a running back down.


    Freddie on the inside and CJ on the outside! Man, I can't wait for this season to start!!!

  7. Why is this kid getting so much attention? I really don't get it. Are people basing his ability to succeed in the NFL off of a trick shot video?

    I don't think too many people are basing his ability to succeed on the video. But, the video, and its popularity, make for some good press during the offseason, hence all the attention.


    I'm actually a little disappointed that he's left so quickly. 6'3", decent stats (albeit in div 3), and clearly a talented arm, I thought he would be a good addition to the practice squad as a back-burner project. I thought the same about Corp as well.


    So, are we really looking at Fitz, Young, Thigpen? Things could be worse!

  8. That's why you see so many Rhode Scholars in the Hall of Fame, right? Dan Marino can barely read but if it they were the same age I'd take him over Fitz in a heartbeat.


    Gimme a break. Look at the man's career numbers for what they show, not what you want to see. He hasn't had success yet. He hasn't reached the playoffs yet. He has only completed over 60% of his passes in one season out of 3 as a starting NFL QB.

    Dam Marino can barely read? Are you high? Along with being a well respected football analyst, he is a successful businessman and active in numerous foundations including his own.


    And, are you honestly suggesting that intelligence is not a requisite for being a good quarterback? Seriously?!


    But if you really want to talk numbers, Fitz's passer rating for the first seven games of last season averaged out to 98.2. That's pretty good. "Career numbers" cannot simply be taken at face value. Most of the statistics we use in analyzing football are meaningless without taking into consideration numerous variables which include the performance of other players on the field and the situation they are playing in. If you're really making an argument that intelligence in a QB doesn't matter, I'll bet I could name 32 head coaches that would disagree with you.

  9. I'm pretty surprised that people on this thread are so easily willing to dismiss Fitz as an average (or worse) QB. Everyone on this forum should know his history and what makes him valuable. He is one of the smartest players in the league. (In fact, I read an article last year that cited him as one of the smartest professional athletes in all of sports.) His early success last season should be taken seriously, and the poor finish to last season should have been a surprise to no one (even without his busted up ribs). At the start of last season the number one criticism of the Bills was that they "lacked depth." We read this ad nausuem. Turns out that it was true. Fitz may not be the most athletic QB in the league. But, it takes a lot more than a good arm to be a great QB. Fitz has the intellect to be our franchise QB. I would take a smart QB with an average arm over a dumb QB with a great arm ANY DAY. I believe history would prove that wise. And, by any measure, Fitz is considered a genius.

  10. Mark Sanchez, meet Mario Williams. You two will be seeing a lot of each other in week one.


    The Jets had a lot of trouble last season defending against the pass rush. And, other than a 6th round draft pick in OG Robert Griffin, I'm not sure that they have done much this offseason to resolve that issue. If our newly improved defense performs at half of its expectations, Sanchez will have a rough day. My prediction is that the Jets will trail badly until the end of the fourth quarter at which point Tebow will fly in and SAVE THE DAY. Ok, I'm joking on that last point. But, ironically, Tebow would probably do better than Sanchez against our D. Sanchez stinks when forced out of the pocket, and Tebow rather excels in those situations.


    My prediction: As a result of our improved pass rush, Sanchez gets benched in favor of Tebow. It's not a difficult adjustment for Chan and Wanny to make. Bills win it by six.

  11. Honestly, I hate this thread. It's the offseason and I really want to be psyched and hopeful and optimistic and all of that. I want to have faith in Fitz and be supportive of him. That being said, I will add one observation to this discussion. As a lifelong Bills fan (born and raised in Rochester) who has been transplanted to Southern California, I have seen enough of that whining, pouty, sourpuss Phillip Rivers to know that despite his athletic ability, I wouldn't want him anywhere near the Bills. Year after year, the pundits tell us what a great, elite quarterback he is. And, year after year, we watch the Chargers, loaded with talent, spend half their season absolutely floundering. I couldn't care less how good his numbers are. I watch every Bills game. If I had to endure his bitchy tantrums every week in a Bills uniform, I would shoot my television.

  12. Braylon Edwards. He's experienced. He's played in our division. He is a legitimate deep threat. His off-field legal problems notwithstanding, he works well with others. And, he is a bargain. We could get him for cheap and still have cap room. I like Burress also, but he is getting old- 34 or 35, I think.

  13. Fisher never wanted the kid. It was a toxic fit for some reason.



    He's been .500 or better every season but last year, on teams that were bad without him.

    You're completely ignoring half of his history. You can't seriously dismiss the debacle in Tennessee (which literally sent Jeff Fischer packing, whose career with the Titan started when they were still called the Oilers), as "a toxic fit for some reason." That's like saying of someone who died of lung cancer, "it was an allergic reaction to cigarettes for some reason." That "some reason" is pretty important and worth looking into.

  14. I haven't verified the list below, but if these are the available FA QBs, I'd have to say Vince Young is the best available. You can make a case for Kyle Boller but that's about it. The follow up question: is VY better than Thigpen? I hope so and trust that mgt. will be able to figure that out.


    List of available FA QBs:




    Max Hall – ARI

    Jake Delhomme - HOU

    Luke McCown – JAC

    Tyler Palko – KC

    J.P. Losman – MIA

    Donovan McNabb – MIN

    Mark Brunell – NYJ

    Kevin O’Connell – NYJ ®

    Kyle Boller – OAK

    Vince Young – PHI

    Dennis Dixon – PIT

    Billy Volek – SD

    A.J. Feeley - STL

    Kellen Clemens – STL

    John Beck – WAS

    In all honesty, I'd take Beck over Young.

  15. The question here really shouldn't be Young vs. Thigpen. We have to evaluate Young on his own merits. A Young vs. Thigpen comparison- sure, Young beats Thigpen out. But, Young is not the only option, and his abilities compared to Thigpen's are not the only concern. Young brings with him a whole raft of issues that we do not currently have to deal with. The question is: do we want to deal with them and what is best for the team. Thigpen's veteran status and journeyman ethics serve a purpose in Buffalo and have value. The potential for the back-up to undermine the starter is non-existant with Thigpen. Young has never struck me as a "team player." Hell, he pushed his own coach under the bus in Tennessee. What kind of allegiance will he have to the Bills? Chemistry matters.

  16. Anyone who thinks Florence gets cut this year is completely insane. Won't happen. And for good reason.

    I don't know, Rubes. Maybe I'm insane. Florence is 31, his production is declining, and we just drafted two CBs. Maybe he won't be cut, But I'll bet he doesn't start.

  17. I think it would be a huge mistake to cut Alex Carrington. I also think it would be a mistake to cut Danny Batten. That's right, I said it. I think he's shown steady improvement in two seasons and will continue to get better. Honestly, I'd rather lose Merriman.

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