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Rocky Landing

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Posts posted by Rocky Landing

  1. I've been living in Los Angeles for quite some time, now (Born and raised in Rochester), so I've had to suffer through more than my fair share of Chargers football. And I will say this: every year, the thought of enduring another season of that whiney, finger-pointing, pouty, head-case Phillip Rivers makes me cringe. The guy's got a great arm, no doubt. He's talented. But, that constant expression, like he's been sucking on a sour pickle, and the speed at which he will cuss out his fellow players for whatever he feels is their fault- never his- has, IMO, poisoned his career.


    I don't agree about Cutler, though. I think he's going to be around for a while, yet.


    The browns will be a good team, because they have two extremely talented and experienced Coordinators running their program. Norv knows how to get produciton out of Trent Richardson and keep his QB upright. Horton can call a red-hot 3-4 defense.

    I will tell you that the entire Southwest Coast was happy to see Norv Turner finally sent packing.

  2. if we start him in the season opener, it is likely his last game as a Bill. An OL that is still gelling will not be able to give him 100% protection, and he is CONCUSSION-PRONE. those happen more and more easily as you get them. It won't take an Adrian Wilson hit, just a good knock of head to turf, he is done. it is not if but when. He has already had many games off due to concussion symptoms, he should retire, really, or he is going to be Cassius Clay by the time he is 50. I don't dislike the guy at all. I just like the Bills better and think we would be ar better off with a guy whose head is not broken.

    Kolb got one concussion in 2010, and, in 2011, had "concussion like symptoms," but was not diagnosed with a concussion after being kicked in the back of the head. I would not qualify that as "CONCUSSION-PRONE." Especially considering the number of times he was sacked in his four wins at the beginning of last season, including two consecutive games with eight or more sacks- an NFL first. I think you (and many others on these boards) are underestimating Kevin Kolb.

  3. how many games has Kolb actually started in his career? he not so much of a 'veteran' actually, he mostly sat on the bench.


    as soon as he goes out someone cracks his head and he is out for many many games, usually the rest of the season.


    i do not understand how we got saddled with this guy.

    Kolb has had 21 starts, and has played in 34 games in six years. He played behind one of the worst offensive lines in the NFL last season and won the first four games (including the Patriots) before being injured in game five.


    It's perplexing to me how dismissive people are of Kolb on these forums. Let me guess: you're in favor of starting Kolb in the season opener? But why does the desire to be "right" drive people to make such biased, and unrealistic claims?


    And, if you have such a low opinion of Kolb, and his career, how much faith do you have in coach Marrone?

  4. Well we've got at least a hundred posters here who hated the pick and don't look like they're getting behind EJ yet. Not saying they're rooting for him to fail, but it's something close to that.

    I get accused of that from time to time, but I loved the pick. (I would have been depressed if we had gotten G. Smith.) But, I think the people who didn't like the pick are swaying towards cautious optimism. I think also that some of the perceived negativity is a response to the unabashed, (and occasionally delusional) optimism from the EJaniacs. (I just made that up.)

  5. That's ridiculous. It should be Kolb's to win and to win it he should have to impress the daylights out of the staff and make them think he is acapable of playing to a level that will net them a winning record. I don't see that under any circumstances.


    When you reach and draft a QB at 16th overall because you had to have him then you start the guy, period.


    Anything short of that is a short-sighted view on the future of this team. Manuel needs some reps before he ever has a chance to look good, if those reps come next season then we they've extended this "non-rebuilding" season to a rebuilding season like Levy did.


    I wish they'd just come clean and call it a rebuilding season and let the guy start.


    This whole thing about Kolb starting so that what, he can provide for us what Holcomb and Fitzpatrick did, is absurd.. The league-wide stigma for the Draft was that the team reached as it was, now they're not going to start the player that they reached for?


    If that happens it's open season on the intelligence of the coaching staff and FO both. That would be pure idiocy if Kolb started more than a few games.


    Who the hell wants to see Kolb start or play anyway. How boring.


    If Manuel starts I'll watch the games. We already know how things will turn out if Kolb starts plus or minus a few TDs.


    Let's hope that this QB starting nonsense is just a media SOP to keep them off their back so early. If they're waiting for Manuel to hit the field playing like a fully capable starter, then that may never happen.

    There's a lot of nonsense in this post.


    EJ's position in the draft is no reason to start him. Few rookie QB's start immediately in the season opener. Whether this season is labelled a "building season," or not, Marrone should be starting the player who gives us the best chance to win the season opener. Doing otherwise would certainly not jeopardize the team's future. In fact, the strategy has always been that either EJ starts (if ready), or Kolb starts until he is. I think Marrone has been fairly transparent in that strategy. I would be far more likely to question the coaching staff's intelligence if they abandoned that strategy and dismissed Kolb because, "Who the hell wants to see Kolb start or play anyway?" I'm guessing that Marrone, et al, wants to see Kolb play.


    And, do you really only watch football to see the quarterback play, and no one else?

  6. he hasn't proven himself to be a great nfl qb just yet, you're right. but he has shown that he doesn't look like a deer-in-the-headlights, panic-stricken, ready to puke all over yourself mess...at least in his first limited action of training wheels football. i will say though, i liked the poise, i liked the scrambling ability, i liked the throw away when nothing was there, and i liked the 2 minute drill. also liked the quick zip on the td pass to dickerson. i guess what i'm taking a long time to say here is that while he hasn't proven himself, he is showing signs of looking the part.

    I agree with all of this. I will say that the general consensus is that in both the preseason opener and the scrimmage, he had a slow start, but kept his head and finished strong. That may be indicative of the inconsistency criticisms that pundits had, pre-draft, but it also shows poise, and tenacity.


    One of the disagreements on these boards seems to be whether putting EJ in a starting position immediately would be helpful, or harmful to his development. My personal opinion is that if Marrone doesn't feel that EJ is NFL ready, then he will use Kolb as a stopgap until he is. Historically, I believe there are examples of QB careers that have been damaged by being started too soon. If one accepts that premise, I think the downside of starting him too soon, would outweigh the downside of starting him later in the season. Either way, I think the person most qualified to make that decision is Doug Marrone.


    Generally, when the decision of who to start at QB is not made until late in the preseason, the situation is described as either a, "quarterback competition," or a "quarterback controversy." I think what they've got going on in New Jersey is something like a controversy. I think what we have going on is a competition. If Kolb wins the starting job, everyone (including him) will know that it will be a temporary role that EJ will eventually hold. If EJ wins, Kolb will be a veteran backup who will be valuable on the sidelines, and the practice field, will help EJ develop, and step in if necessary. And, I don't think there will be any animosity between the two either way. They seem to both have really good attitudes. It's really a pretty good situation.

  7. I'm trying to imagine the conversations involved in trying to convince Doug Marrone to throw his first season as an NFL head coach. Come to think of it, such a scheme would probably violate federal anti-trust laws. That being said, if the front office were really interested in throwing the season (without the fear of committing a felony), they could just fire Marrone and bring back Dick Jauron. VOILA! Season tanked!

  8. Tuel might not even play on Friday. I see Kolb playing a half and EJ playing the 3rd quarter at the very least.




    For your bolded statement, No it doesn't do anything to the coaching staff. They promised KK a fair fight and this is what they are giving him. I cannot blame them for doing this since other players might not like if they didn't do it this way after all the coach talk of even competition. That doesn't mean I think Kolb should start b.c he shouldn't. He has done nothing to show he is any different of a player since he got into the league. You don't lose faith in a HC b.c he has to start Kolb. It's preseason so these decisions to start Kolb is nothing more then a coach keeping his word. That is a funny little poke at the fans you put in making a general assumption and hiding it in a post.

    I think you may have missed the point I was making. Your statement, "He has done nothing to show he is any different of a player since he got into the league," exemplifies exactly what I am talking about.


    I don't believe for a minute that Marrone is starting Kolb because he has to. I believe he is starting Kolb because Kolb is a veteran player who might give us the best chance of winning week one vs. the Patriots. And, IMO, fans who believe that they know better than Marrone- who thinks that Kolb is a talented QB (that is why he signed him)- aren't placing much faith in Marrone's judgement. As far as "poking" fans and "hiding it in a post," that's just weird. I haven't hidden anything. I'm not speaking in code.

  9. Reading the posts on here that suggest that Kolb shouldn't start on Friday, or even be cut (!?) strike me as a bit loony. The idea that Marrone should end the QB competition, and essentially abandon his preseason strategy based on EJ's decent showing in the first half of the first preseason game, and without even giving Kolb a chance in the preseason, is crazy. Marrone didn't sign Kolb on a whim. I'll admit, the knee injury is pretty weird, and his absence during the week of the scrimmage was unfortunate. But, people on this forum who dismiss Kolb as some sort of weakling hack can't hold a very high level of faith in our new head coach.


    Personally, I hope EJ gets (and deserves) the starting job come September. But, Marrone has been very clear about how he will fill that role, and unless Kolb's knee injury is much worse than is being reported, I don't see any reason to change that very sensible strategy.

  10. He showed a lot more than the nothing you claim he did. And I'd hope the coaching staff wouldn't start a guy who's shown himself to be little more than a backup in the league, who isn't the future of the team, and who gets hurt at the drop of a mat, er, hat, just because he looks slightly better (if even) than a rookie in his first training camp.

    If Kolb ends up starting, it will be as a stop gap until Manuel is ready. I'm optimistic, as well, about Manuel. But, I don't think he has exactly proven himself to the extent that many think he has.
  11. This seemed like a curious acquisition of a fairly unremarkable player (on paper, at least). But, Pettine obviously knows this guy well, so I will trust his judgement.


    I am surprised Bart Scott has not been brought in. He'd be a nice run stopping LB to add to our team.

    I'd be surprised if we haven't been talking to him.
  12. No, he didn't. I went ahead and put this chart together based on the NFL's stats for QB hits and passing attempts found here:



    So the OL was right around average in # of QB hits allowed per attempt.

    Great topic.

    These stats are a little incomplete with knowing how much time was spent in the pocket. The point has been made that Fitz spent less time in the pocket than average, which (if true), would skew the results towards a lower hit/att ratio.

  13. I've been a firm believer that Kolb would, and should start the regular season. But, given his embarrassing knee injury, his general poor performance in camp, and missing the scrimmage, I'b be surprised if EJ didn't start in the preseason. Especially, considering EJ's progression during the scrimmage. I wasn't there, and only know what I read (including on here- thanks, Mrags!), but it seemed like EJ started very poorly, but then calmed down, and kept his head. I think the coaches would be very interested to see if he can overcome the general criticisms that analysts had of him, pre-draft. It seemed like he exhibited some of them early in the scrimmage, but (perhaps) worked through them.

  14. Except that Kolb said "I don't buy what's being sold I guess". This was his response to EJ being viewed as the long term answer..

    As either a stopgap until EJ is ready, or as a veteran back-up, Kolb is a great acquisition for the Bills. But, there is absolutely no guarantee that EJ will cut it as a franchise QB. More than one pundit, pre-draft, questioned EJ's potential as a starter. One article I read posited that he was either a "late bloomer," or "not NFL caliber." This was the opinion of several analysts. I trust that Marrone, et al, saw the former when they tried him out. But, "late bloomer" may very well translate to "slow learner." We shall see.

  15. can't confirm those stats, but I can honestly say that Fitz was the worst I ever saw play... Actually, tied for worst with Jamarcus Russell.


    Fitz was awful in ways that defy description... Even more Horrific, was the playcalling of his HC/OC, -Chains Gailey.


    Those two were the living embodiments of heartbreak and failure for Bills nation. -If you're a Bills fan greiving for Gailey or Fitzpatrick, there's good odds you need a f__ing psychiatrist.


    OR, a racehorse...



    ...To be dragged behind.

    I'm sorry, but Gailey wasn't worse than Jauron. No one was worse than Jauron.

  16. Amazing to think he injured himself in December, had surgery in January, and was back last month for minicamp.

    Kind of scares me. Even if his muscle strength is back to 100%, the actual ACL needs to rebuild. I've had two replaced myself. It's a weird procedure. They thread a cadaver's ligament into where the old one was, then new ligament grows around it. It takes time. I hope they're not rushing him.

  17. Understandable 'Doom Shield' speak. 'We sucked last year ( and the previous 10 years..), so why will this year be any different?'


    Well, if for no other reason, laws of average have to come into effect at some point, right?? Our 21st Century Suckitude has taken many forms, all with a near uncanny consistency in W/L's. We now have yet another complete re-tool in coaching, but it goes much further this time -all the way to the top. Even the teams' most bitter fans know we finally possess some fine talent. Are these the changes that will finally do the trick?


    No reason NOT to get behind it. -unless your putting mortgage on the line..

    I hear what you're saying. I'm just looking forward to the day that the time for optimism extends into the middle, or even late into the season. That being said, I think we have great potential, both in our new coaching staff and our new QB. But, a rookie coach and a rookie QB also seems like a terrible combination, so I don't expect them all to gel right away. That's why I see Kolb as a stopgap until Marrone gets his legs, so to speak.

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