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Rocky Landing

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Posts posted by Rocky Landing

  1. You make good points.


    But I personally don't care about his reputation or his character. This is a football game. If he helps me win it, I'm ok with him ruining his character. It's not mine after all.

    I don't agree with this perspective at all. I am a fan of the game every bit as much as I am a fan of the Bills.


    Suh's objective (IMO) is to make other players feel like they have to keep him in their peripheral vision because they're not sure when he's going to take a cheap, illegal shot. That may "help" his team win by way of distraction, but it is bad for the game. This type of play injures people unnecessarily. It adds pressure for the types of rule changes that we all lament. It's unprofessional. And, I don't buy his excuses one bit. If he doesn't have the awareness that the play has moved downfield (he does), then he shouldn't be on the field.


    And, just to clarify, I don't care so much about character, or reputation. I'm fine with there being "bad guys" on the field. Just not cheaters.


    I put some of this on Jim Schwartz, as well. I'm all for coaching a team to be feared. But, it's gotta be for the right reasons.

  2. Based on what? I thought it was the pats* that owned us for a decade. I thought it was the pats that have been getting all the love for a decade. And they just beat us last week!!!! If anything the pats should be getting some hate right about now. One week of love towards a qb vs a decade of love + many years to come for the pats qb? We will have to endure how Brady is the best or top 5 qb of all time for the next 50 years. That pisses me off. Geno getting some baby attention.... It's not even on my radar. I dont get it.... I sometimes get the feeling that some Bills Fans are Bills and pats fans. Yuck!!!!

    I really, really, really try to be objective about football, and football teams (Bills notwithstanding)- mostly because of my propensity for gambling. The Bills, and the Pats have always been two teams that I almost never bet on, because of my inability to be objective about either of them. But, last year, I found that I had to add the Jets to that list. I can't help getting an emotional reaction to them. The Bills are my team (obviously). The Pats are like the Evil Empire- I cannot think rationally about them. The Jets- they're like the obnoxious co-worker who messes up everything he touches, but gets the promotion anyway, because his self-delusion about how "great" he is has somehow rubbed off on management, who really aren't paying attention to the details, anyway. ARRRGH! SCREW THAT GUY!!!

  3. I strongly dislike Geno. On ESPN this morning they were saying he looked really good in the Tampa game... converting on 3rd down, rolling out for yardage, etc. I despise NE but would love to see Geno have a bad game. I assure you based on the attitude I have seen from him since the draft, he is flying high. Has the line dropped yet from 12?

    Vegas Insider consensus has the Pats at -12. Most sports books opened at around -10. I actually have some money down on the Jets covering the spread. Not that I think the Jets are being underestimated, but I think the Pats are being overestimated- especially on a short week.


    The Bills have been three point underdogs all week long.

  4. Thanks for posting this. This is a really good article, worthy of a bookmark. It also contains quite a few links to sites that explain some of the more advanced areas of football strategy. Great for someone like myself who is trying to expand my knowledge of football.


    For anyone interested, here is another link to an interesting article on the mindset of NFL players: http://www.theonion.com/articles/hannah-storm-on-what-shes-learned-from-interviewin,33706/

  5. I don't see how Leinart or Lewis can be expected to start week one except as an absolute last resort. I think Tuel needs a full half and they should keep the front line solid for longer than you would generally see on a week 4 preseason game to keep him upright. As bad as our QB situation looks (even if Manuel starts, he'll be three week out of practice), I think it is a mistake to write off week one against the Pats. Vegas has dropped our stock to 10.5 point underdogs (it was 6.5 a month ago), but I believe it is still a winnable game. New England is not without its issues, and I suspect (hope) that pettine has withheld some of the more aggressive plays in the preseason. I'll be at Buzby's in Los Angeles with all the other transplanted, upstate New Yorkers in the Bill's Backers Club. The mood may be somber, but I will remain optimistic- at least until the chicken wings run out.

  6. I believe you've nailed it. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Tuel plays a series or two before that.


    I'm routing for Tuel of course since he's on my team but man, he is just so raw.


    Not sure why really, but I'm kind of intrigued by this Thad kid. He interviews well at least. LOL ! He's hungry, reasonably quick release, pretty athletic, throws well on the run...in college anyway. Hope he gets a few reps tomorrow.

    So did Kolb.
  7. You trade away a guy who would have been on your final roster for a scout team QB .... I doubt it? There are plenty of unemployed exCollege QB's that could perform that duty. My prediction, in the end Lewis will prove to be a better option than Lienhart. He may even end up being the longterm backup (that is, if Kolb is really done).

    I have to believe that with these two acquisitions, Kolb is done.
  8. I live in Los Angeles (born and raised in Rochester) and when Leinart was at USC, he was a big damn deal. People who followed college ball talked about him ALL THE TIME. Needless to say, he was a huge disappointment in Arizona, and had a bad attitude to boot. My jaw dropped when I saw him going to Buffalo today. I took a quick look at his stats- he's only started two games in the last five years. My understanding of him now is that he's a huge guy with a not very strong arm.


    A random Google search isn't proof of anything.


    Googling a subject is not a meaningless endeavor. Along with all the insipid, drivel, insidious advertising, partisan demagoguery, and rule #34 pornography, a Google search can find reliable news sources, peer reviewed journals, statistics, definitions, and even well thought out, coherent opinion. It is one of the most amazing educational tools ever invented.


    The internet is like a giant library, on top of a news stand, on top of a festering trash heap with a toxic sewage moat. You just have to wade through the excrement, climb over the trash, ignore the tabloid material, and find what you're looking for.


    Is it that hard not to click? It's not like its 14 threads on the same topic gumming up the front page, its just a lone thread that seems to have interest. I'd say you should advocate keeping it so it doesn't pop up with new threads every time any article comes out. It's pretty impressively self contained minus a couple small spillovers

    CAN'T... NOT... CLICK...

  10. You guys realize Easterbrook is a Buffalo native and unabashed Bills fan right? The article may be off base and skewed to prove his point that Buddy was a "bumbler" but this wasn't a ESPN drive by Buffalo piece.

    No one should take this personally, but as I was reading Easterbrook's quote (and I didn't know he was a Buffalo native/fan), I thought that it reminded me of some of the posters on this site who will form an opinion of some member of the franchise and then only acknowledge those stats, or events that back up their claim, while utterly ignoring any controverting evidence. Come to think of it, I'd be surprised if the author of this article weren't a Bills fan. Were he not, he would probably be able to be a little more objective.

  11. Why wouldn't they start him? If he's cleared to play week 1, why would they still start Kolb? Because EJ missed a preseason game? No.

    It's too risky to start him if he has missed the final weeks of practice. Week one, against a heavily favored division rival, just after being cleared from a knee injury, and procedure, is no way to start an NFL career.

  12. I was excited about kolb in the offseason; however, I was WRONG. Ej is light years ahead of where I thought kolb would be. In fact, Tuel seems to be ahead of kolb. If ej isn't ready I'd like to see tuel in week one

    I'm sort of in the same boat as you regarding Kolb. But, I think that in order to reach the conclusion that Tuel should start against the Pats, you have to ride a wave of hype that seems to be made almost entirely of foam. I can't get there, myself.

  13. I wont call you a fool. But I will say I told you so fool. Just kidding. You must be very young or just don't know as much football as the rest of us. Preseason game 3 is almost like the real thing. The back ups play very little. The back ups play the 4th quarter. It's the opposite of game 1 and 2. If Ej is named starter which I think he will, he will play into the 3r quarter. This is quite normal.

    I'm not young (I'm probably older than you), and I know how game three in the preseason is played. And, of course, I expect EJ to get the start. But, if Tuel is actually being considered for #2 (which I doubt, btw), I'd like to see him do something against something other than 3rds.


    But, I will admit that I don't know as much about football as many of the regular posters on here (but, more than some!). I read these forums almost daily. it's often educational, but I don't often post.

  14. EJ will be the week #1 starter

    There it is. As Marrone predicted: "someone will emerge."


    I've been defending Kolb on these forums for weeks. But, I feel a little foolish tonight. I think we will still have more to learn in week three. In fact, I hope that Kolb and Tuel get the majority of snaps. I know there are a lot of people on these pages who are sold on Tuel as backup, but I'm not one of them. But, that could change next week. Who knows? At this point, though, I wouldn't bet on Kolb getting cut.

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