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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. Blithe insults notwithstanding, just what are you talking about? You're at least partially blaming Peterman's poor performance on a "disgruntled line." Do you not see how that would be a failure of leadership? Do you not understand that a big part of quarterbacking is leadership? But, now your raising the spectra of the O-line being "after" someone? You're painting yourself into a corner with your narrative. And, yes, you shouldn't expect me (or anyone) to "figure it out" without further explanation, because you are not being coherent. I can't wait to read what that explanation might be.
  2. So, you're saying that Peterman can't lead his team? I wonder why the front line had so much distaste for him that they were willing to risk their careers and not do their job?
  3. Oh man. I'm a reasonably successful business owner. But, if my wife passed, I'd be lost!
  4. True that. Still love watching this, though.
  5. Josh Allen is the greatest rookie QB in the history of the sport. PROVEN FACT.
  6. Totally agree on Khari Lee, but I'm not sure too many others do. Marshall Newhouse in red, and Teller in black? Seems to be trending the other way. Stanford over Vallejo would surprise me. Marlowe over Neal would surprise me.
  7. Or what Jerome Felton was in Minnesota, and was supposed to be for us. Adrian Peterson ran a lot of yards behind that guy. We are a run-heavy offense, after all.
  8. This projection may be spot on, but there are several decisions I would not like: - Maybe I'm alone in this, but I wish we would move on from Taiwan Jones. I understand his ST value, but I feel like there are other guys who can fill his role. - I would take Khari Lee over Croom. And, I will be very sad to see O'Leary go, and not just from a fan standpoint. O'Leary is clutch, and always has been. - I agree with all six WRs. Part of me wishes we kept seven with Streater. Completely agree (and hope) Coleman stays. - I'm not so impressed with Newhouse. De'Ondre Wesley? - Do we need 10 D linemen? Lose Hatley, or Russel, or both. - Keep Siran Neal.
  9. It's your check book. (I blame your parents.)
  10. I'm 54, and we do our banking online. Be that as it may, take a joke.
  11. Who the hell uses a checkbook anymore? What’re you guys in your 80s? (80s is the new 70s, btw.)
  12. I have to say that to some degree, Late Nate has won me over. To a degree. Which is to say that I no longer hold a deep grudge for having paid so much $$$ for great seats at Stubhub Center vs the Chargers. He’s not great, and his flaws are overt. But, so are his strengths. Nor do I believe his flaws are completely insurmountable. Most of them, anyway. But, the bottom line is this: Allen excelling, and exceeding expectations, as he seems to be doing, is the best case scenario. And, we could do worse than Nate as his backup. (Hell, we HAVE done worse.) Especially if he continues to work on his flaws, which by all indications, he will. There. I said it. I am no longer a Nate Hater. (I just hope he doesn’t start week one.)
  13. I don't think this should be closed until either Kirby, or Burple have collected their winnings.
  14. I feel like this thread is making the time between now, and the start of the season move slower.
  15. There is no question. Tyrod Taylor > Nathan Peterman. It isn't close.
  16. I think this is probably all true, except for the bolded, (and I would say that "no one else is as close to as bad" is probably an overstatement). Defenses will adjust for him.
  17. Well, Briskett seem like a similar type of QB to Wilson-- just not nearly as good. And, I guess the Colts feel like they've invested too much time in Briskett, and are happy with his fit in their scheme? Bringing someone else up to speed at this point would be a lot of.. work...
  18. I'm probably described as a "Nate Hater," (because I sorta am...) but there's a lot wrong with this post. I'm not even sure what "zero presence on the field" means. I also question him having limited mobility in the pocket (outside the pocket, sure).And, I definitely do not think he telegraphs his passes. In fact, I think the opposite is one of his strengths. Finally, to say "he has no strengths" is absurd. He has several that even his biggest detractors acknowledge.
  19. This is actually why I think game four is important-- for the scrubs. I also think this is a good reason to only have one cut-down date from 90 to 53. Other teams are watching game four more than we are. They want to see someone shine in a position of need for them. In that respect, it makes for a pretty fun battle IMO between people trying desperately to keep their NFL dreams alive.
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