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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. Nice how this worked out! Gotta say, though, I think even Dilfer would agree that he ain’t an all time great.
  2. Gotta make sure to leave out the week 17 game, though...
  3. I believe that every year during this painfully slow, offseason time, when arguments are getting increasingly nasty, someone starts a thread about Chicken wings.
  4. When will Ronin arrive to turn this into an Allen bashing thread?
  5. I didn’t even know that Ranch vs Blue Cheese on wings was a debate East if the Miss.
  6. Can’t see him getting fired until after the 2020 season, unless the team absolutely tanks before then.
  7. Out of curiosity, do you live East, or West of the Mississippi?
  8. To be fair, Ranch dressing is fine on things like, I don’t know... salad? Fun fact: Ranch dressing gets its name from those little flecks of cow poop that give it its unique flavor.
  9. I believe the bet is for leading rusher in the NFL, not just the Bills.
  10. I don’t care about Fantasy Football. I only vaguely know how it works, more or less. But, I’m thinking of taking it up so that I’ll get a better knowledge of other teams, and players.
  11. As per the bolded, I completely agree, and understand the distinction. But, if we are going to talk about Allen’s accuracy issues, I think it’s impirtant to define the terms. And there are many. Does Allen have the ability to accurately throw a football from point A to point B? Yes. Does that make him an accurate passer? No. But, if he has the basic fundamentals, I do believe there are many of the other factors that certainly can be learned. I dont like the Losman comparison. I’m not even saying it isn’t accurate, or appropriate. But, at best, it’s incomplete, and I think such comparisons serve to pigeon hole the subject. JMO.
  12. I strongly suspect that since this study comes out every year from Emory University, it is probably part of a basic statistics course. And, considering the quality of the study, and the annual complaints that get posted every damn year, I’d be surprised if this thing was subjected to any sort of peer review, other than the grade from the professor teaching Statistics 101.
  13. This really depends on how you parse it. Allen can stand, flat-footed, and hit the goal post from 40 yards pretty consistently. But, is lacking anticipation, or the ability to throw a receiver open, or lead a receiver in a short-yard throw on the run a question if accuracy? Maybe so. But, are all of those elements unteachable?
  14. Gore needs, I think, 522 yards to become the number three all time rusher. You can bet he’s going to be fighting for those yards. I dont see Ceasars leaving Shady off the betting line as a snub, or an assumption on their part that Gore will get more yards than Shady. I see it more as an indication of the uncertainty of Shady’s upcoming season. He’s just too hard to predict. He could rush for 1,000, or he could rush for 100. There are too many variables. Sports books don’t like that. And, make no mistake— the Gore line is a sucker bet. There are a lot of Gore fans out there, from all around the country, all wishing he will have a great season. A perfect underdog to get people donating money to the Ceasar’s Palace Sports Book.
  15. Ever notice how Ronin will turn any thread into an excuse to bash Allen?
  16. IDK, Alpha, his ignore list is enormous. And, presenting him with arguments that he does not have an answer for is exactly what gets you on that list. Welcome to the club!
  17. I have suspected this for a while, but now I seriously believe that Ronin (Tasker's Ghost) has a personality disorder. ("Hard data" LOL!!!)
  18. They do this every year, and every year it is stupid. By the very fact that a third of the study relies on what they call “fan equity,” which regards how much money fans are willing to spend, immediately puts fans in economically depressed areas, or areas with lower economic indicators (lower wages, property values, local gdp, etc) at a disadvantage. In fact, in a demographic like Tennessee, where people are only willing to spend a fraction of what fans in New York are willing to spend, for example, may be especially deceiving, as the amount Tennesseans are spending as a percentage of their net income might be significantly higher. Does this study adjust for that? I sincerely doubt it. Although, I will say, Rams being dead last makes perfect sense. Worst. Fans. Ever.
  19. Their photographer is terrible!
  20. Well, sure. And I’m not really disagreeing with you. But then, if he is infrequently put in a position where he will be able to get to the QB, maybe 4 sacks for the year isn’t so bad? Really, my point (responding to a different poster) was that using such numbers without any context doesn’t prove much. And, really, that other poster is becoming famous for using stats completely out of context.
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