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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. And they could bring in Jauron as Asst. Checkdown Coach.
  2. Plus a high-level business meeting, or two. All valuable endeavors.
  3. Hopefully, when someone finds out, it will get posted about five times so I might catch the answer.
  4. So, are there going to be more than four episodes, or is this it?
  5. From what I have read about him, and the few times he has spoken to the press, it would seem like 1) he is willing to do whatever is asked of him. He seems well-aware of his situation. I remember reading an article about him in which the Eskimos QB called him out for not paying attention during a walk through. It was around this time that the light came on for him, and he really started to focus, and get himself turned around. Apparently, moving forward from that callout, Williams really started communicating with his QB, and coaches, and it showed in his production. And, 2) from the tape on him with the CFL, I would think he could be a natural on ST. As the Eskimos' #1 WR, I doubt he played ST while he was there (although, I don't know), but he looks like he could be an ace Marcus Easley type ST player.
  6. Unfortunately, that is not entirely true. After being expelled from Auburn, he seriously crashed. His combine was truly awful. He went undrafted. He was picked up by the Rams as a UDFA and was invisible. He then ended up with the CFL where his first season was unremarkable, until he finally got himself together. It wasn't really until last year that he had success as a professional football player.
  7. I believe that if the Bills don't put Wade on the 53-man roster, he will be an additional spot on the PS, and be able to practice with the 53, but will not be allowed to be called up to the 53 from the PS for the entire season. I'm not sure if other teams are allowed to sign them off our PS, or not. But, I'm pretty sure we don't get a 54th spot on our roster for him. Are they worse than division 1 college CBs? Be that as it may, Duke's career path is a pretty interesting story.
  8. I've said before that if he makes the team, he could be the best blocking WR we've ever had. He is a beast, and super physical. I'm definitely a fan. And, the fact that he led the CFL last year in receiving isn't meaningless. The guy can get open, and catch the ball. I know he's certainly on the bubble, and he'll have to seriously shine in TC to make the cut. I hope he does. Absolutely.
  9. I think that Allen's faults, and limitations, and the things he needs to improve upon are fairly well established, and agreed upon. There are only a few posters on here who genuinely seem to want him gone, and one in particular who will willfully misrepresent stats, and plays to push that agenda. But, in general, even the people on here who are especially wary of his limitations, and doubt his ability to become a franchise QB, are willing to see him play out, and are hopeful that he succeeds. To call Allen "polarizing" seems crazy to me. Tyrod was polarizing. Peterman, and EJ Manuel were polarizing. There were people who were hard-core fans of those guys, and people who wanted them GONE.
  10. Thanks for all the straw man arguments, but: 1) I'm not emotional 2) My response to you had nothing to do with the state of our offense. 3) You're still characterizing Allen as "polarizing?" I guess when I hear the term "polarizing," and in the context of this fan forum, and this thread, I'm interpreting that as how it relates to the fanbase. And, in that context, Allen is anything but polarizing.
  11. Josh Allen is "polarizing?" Are you high? Can you name one poster on these boards who "hates" Allen? Certainly, you could find Taylor haters, Peterman haters, hell, there were even Kelly haters during his tenure. But, the worst you are going to find about Allen is someone claiming to be "not a fan of the signing," or "unproven," etc. Even SoTier doesn't display hatred of him. And, those people are in the clear minority. I would say that Allen, if anything, has the fanbase united behind him more than any QB I can remember. Do you hate Allen?
  12. I wonder how many Pats* fans are eavesdropping on this thread? Kinda embarrassing...
  13. D. Jauron would have gotten Brady* killed.
  14. How come Satan isn't one of the options?
  15. I'm sorry. I know you probably don't realize it, but you have lost a lot of credibility with this post-- at least in this thread.
  16. I doubt this is even workable. Is there a clause in the CBA to mentally evaluate players? Can you require a player to submit to a mental evaluation? Can the NFL set emotional, or mental standards for a franchise's players? Can the NFL arbitrarily set a threshold for what they consider mentally ill? Plus, talk about a slippery slope!
  17. Put another way, the guy who had a mental, and emotional breakdown at his father's funeral only gets a two game suspension? You think it should be more?
  18. This is a really interesting document. I'm going to be glancing at this for a while. I wonder how much some of these coverage concepts have evolved since 2005. But, this is a really educational read. Even just seeing the terminology used in such a format really helps.
  19. He'll be taking statistics. so it's entirely possible that he will be participating in the Emory Fandom Report.
  20. I think this goes both ways, and is dominated by the extremes of both camps. Like most hot-button issues, if you reasonably argue agains't one extreme side, or the other, you are accused of either seeing things as "all roses, and unicorns," or accused of being a "closet Pats* fan." Or something like that. Be that as it may, the people on the extreme sides of these issues are most guilty of the straw-man argument, and it is both infuriating, and boring, at the same time.
  21. To be fair, and disregarding any other past history of Joe's posts, the "^this guy ?" that he was referring to is one of the worst, intellectually dishonest trolls on this board.
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