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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Am I supposed to feel bad about this? Because I don’t.
  2. I didn’t realize we had so many renowned psychologists/psychiatrists on this board. The amount of outright guessing/assuming/conjecture is pretty funny. McD has lost the lockeroom! McD only cares about the defense! Josh misses his ex GF! He sits alone! Hilarious. Ya know what fixes this? A couple of W’s. That’s it. Everything sucks right now because they are losing and not meeting expectations. I don’t think you need to look much further than that. But please, keep speculating because it makes for entertaining reading.
  3. I think this is another indictment of Dorsey. Knox and Kincaid are different players with complementary skill sets. A good OC would be able to get both of them involved regularly, not one or the other. Then once you establish that, you can use trend breakers by switching them up because Knox can catch and Kincaid can block. It’s not friggin rocket science and Dorsey makes offense more complicated than in needs to be. Scheme against and Attack a defenses weaknesses. When something works, do it until they stop it. When all else fails, unleash the Joshinator and let him do his thing. Unfortunately with Dorsey, it was all Josh all the time yet they clipped his wings and expected him to be the same guy.
  4. I'm off the McD train but I fully expect him to be here next year. All this talk about scapegoating is ridiculous. The season is essentially over and something radical had to be done to try and salvage anything in case Miami has its usual swoon and we somehow sneak into the playoffs (I do not expect this) If McD was looking to cover his ass he would have waited until the end of the season to sacrifice Dorsey instead of a mid season change which rarely works out. I also think it was a wakeup call to Josh to get his head out of his ass and be the QB and leadsr we know he can be.
  5. You nailed it. This is why Dorsey is gone and should have been fired weeks ago. You hear from many of our offensive players (Playoff Lenny most recently) how complex out offense is. Then you hear opposing defensive players talk about how predictable it is, how they know exactly what we are running based on formations. That’s a huge problem.
  6. I maintain that it all started with McDorsey neutering Josh’s running early in the season. Taking Josh’s running threat away completely disrupted Allen’s processing and mojo. I was never ok with that and now Allen is a complete head case (other reasons as well). 13 seconds 12 men It’s time for McD to go and take Dorsey with him.
  7. The wheels have come off. I figured they’d either turn it on like TB last year or self destruct. Looks like we hit the self destruct button I’ve been a McD supporter. No more. First 13 seconds now 12 men. Inexcusable. Not to mention all his telegraphed blitzes especially on 3rd and 10. Fire him. Benching Cook and not Gabe, throwing all the players under the bus in his presser. He’s done. He’s lost the team and the fan base. Fire him. Dorsey needs to go too. He’s not even an adequate OC, I don’t care what your statistics say. Not running the ball when your QB is a head case is inexcusable. Fire him. Josh needs to go on IR and see a psychiatrist. He’s mentally shot. He’s not elite anymore. He’s good. McDorsey should be fired for neutering him running the ball early in the season which completely destroyed the offense and his mojo. Put him on ice for the rest of the season and get his head on straight. I’ve posted previously about how my expectations for this team was they’d miss the playoffs. Never did I think it would be in such a BILLSY way with a complete failure of coaching/special teams/offense and situational defense. Time to clean house.
  8. I’m off the McDemott train. After 13 seconds this is inexcusable. He and Dorsey should be fired into the sun tomorrow. Josh is a head case. He needs to go on IR for the rest of the season and see a psychiatrist
  9. Fran just bringing the HEAT! HAHAHAHAHA Love it. Love Marv. Can’t believe he’s 98. What a Buffalo legend tainted only by F’n Ralph convincing him to come back as some sort of quasi GM, that was a disaster.
  10. Oh boy, second only to the “players only meeting” is the “bring the coach out of the box” maneuver. We are in a potential wheels blowing off the bus territory now
  11. I agree. Neither of them is a #2 though. They are a couple of JAGS. Part of that is Dorsey’s lack of creativity in the game plan in getting these guys involved. Part of it is their lack of talent.
  12. Totally. It’s how I protect myself from BBFS haha. But honestly, I came into the season expecting a division win and be in the hunt for the #1 seed. After the defensive injuries I recalibrated that to competing for the Division and probable wild card. After seeing the last 4 games, I am now looking at a team that I don’t expect to make the playoffs but hope they do because once you get there, anything can happen.
  13. This place is friggin hilarious and I love it. We haven’t even played Denver yet and the wheels have blown off TBD. So many of you flat out decompensating in real time. You are in the Anger phase of the DABDA coping mechanism Expectations - Reality = Disappointment Recalibrate your expectations and you’ll enjoy the rest of the season so much more. Currently, we are not a playoff team let alone a Super Bowl contender. There are NO teams we should blow out or boat race, every game is a fight to the finish from here on out. YET, we are 1 game out of the Division lead. Now I don’t even expect us to make the playoffs right now, but if somehow some way we put it together and win the next 2 games, anything can happen and we may take the division assuming Miami cools down and has their usual late season swoon. I don’t expect much from this team this year but I haven’t given up either. I’m hoping they turn it around but until I see it start to happen with my own eyes I’m not expecting it.
  14. That run where the Browns entire O-line pushed the RB past the first down like a damn rugby scrum was something beautiful to behold. I wish our guys had that sort of attitude/mentality. And of course, Teller was a part of that pile.
  15. Stroud is playing lights out. Holy crap did Carolina pick the wrong QB. F the Bungles and I’m glad Hendrickson is hurt - karma is a btch
  16. Can’t believe Boyd dropped that. He’s got very sure hands. That’s like Diggs dropping a wide open pass
  17. This right here. Josh is still carrying our team way too much.
  18. 2 horrible 3rd and short calls from Houston that would have won them the game had they converted either. Now THAT is some bad coaching right there.
  19. That 3rd and 3 call was pure Dorsey in the Bengals game
  20. Yikes and Stroud makes a HUGE rookie mistake. That’s horrible coaching there not to run the ball.
  21. I don’t think anyone was giving us a 3rd for Gabe “3 route” Davis and we wouldn’t trade within the division to the Jets. That being said, it’s certainly easy in retrospect we probably should have traded him. The bigger issue is Beane didn’t bring in a viable #2 to slide Gabe to #3 where he belongs.
  22. George Kittle with a huge uncalled push off on that long TD
  23. And then Evans goes and drops a wide open touchdown. I’ll shut up and watch.
  24. One thing watching the Red Zone channel does is show how many WRs out there go out and make plays for their QBs. I know it’s a lot of highlights, but I’m just seeing guys left and right making tough catches. Maybe its my BBFS but it seems like unless Josh is hitting guys perfectly our guys rarely make a play for him.
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