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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Following his conscience? Are you serious? The ONLY reason Kerry came back and protested the war was because he thought it would be politically advantageous to do so. His whole life and career has been based on telling the masses what they want to hear, calculating the political winds. Ya, it took guts to throw away someone elses medals and call them your own. Give me a break. Kerry is a career politician with no core convictions, just tell him what the polls say and that's what he'll believe in. To paraphrase, "John Kerry could tie 20 women to wooden posts, light them on fire, and you liberals would say that he found a novel way to light birthday candles." RunTheBall
  2. I think we're giving the average American citizen too much credit. This is a society based on sound-bites, fast food, and convenience. To get to the bottom of some of these issues takes time and effort and I don't think most people care that much about the issues, they care more about their impressions and what the media will spoon feed them. The facts are secondary to the emotional connection people make to the candidates and most people have already made up their minds. They will see whatever they want to see without objectivity. RunTheBall
  3. I have to agree with AD on this one. 99% of people had already made up their minds about who won the debate before it even took place. There are so many people who will see only what they want to see, on either side, without being objective. This wasn't a debate of issues, this was two guys giving prepared statements in a disjointed manner. All the "spin" which means "stevestojan" that comes from either camp just seems like that teacher in the Peanuts "Waa waa, waa waa". I don't even hear it anymore. RunTheBall
  4. I could care less about baseball, so I think I'm kind of impartial when it comes to Yanks/Sox. All this Yankee / Sox excitement seems very forced lately. You both have the most expensive payrolls in baseball that give both teams a tremendously unfair advantage over every other team. All Red Sox fans can say is that "Well, we don't spend as much as the Yankees." Hurray. Getting excited over the Yankees/Sox winning baseball games would be like getting excited watching the Bills spank the Buffalo Bulls and then running around yelling "We're sooooo good!" RunTheBall
  5. Go back and read what I wrote again before you jump to wrong conclusions. I was commenting only on Bush's style of speaking, not on the substance of what he says. A subtle but very important distinction. If people don't like HOW you are talking to them, they won't even bother listening to WHAT you are talking about. That is part of John Kerry's problem. RunTheBall
  6. Bush's "just plain folks" speaking style has gotten old only for holier-than-thou liberals who feel they know what's best for the regular guy. It's this elitist, paternalistic attitude that comes across so often with liberal democrats and is personified in John Kerry. You can come from money and power and not act like a priviledged douche. Bush has done that, and that's why most "regular folks" like his style. RunTheBall
  7. When fans start talking about games from the 1980's or the "Glory days" instead of this season's games, then the team is in trouble. I don't think there's anything wrong with the negativity when your team is 0 - 2. When you are 0 - 2, YOU SUCK. Period. That doesn't mean it can't be turned around. I hope to god it does, but I haven't seen anything in the last 2 games that I haven't seen for the last 2 years. Woulda, shoulda, coulda, blah blah blah. I'm not ready to cash in the season yet, but I'm not going to have the Drew colored glasses on and say "We're going to spank the Patriots next week!" when there is nothing so far to indicate that this team has the guts to do it. I hope this team shows up and plays to its "potential". But, we've been hearing "potential" for 2 years. I'll be rooting for the Bills but I'm done spouting the eternal optimistic crap. I'm in a show me mood. Show me something and then I'll start thinking optimistically again. RunTheBall
  8. That's next season. You saw it here first. The PILL IS BACK in 2005! Bring on the hurt Alex! RunTheBall
  9. John Kerry has been in the senate for 20 years and I haven't heard ONE THING about his record. Why? He hasn't done stevestojan for 20 years except vote to raise taxes 348 times. Who's record is being run from? "I've been in the senate 20 years but vote for me because I was in Vietnam for 4 months." That's the Kerry campaign. See you with Hillary in 2008. RunTheBall
  10. Kerry gave a speech in NY today and stated with an "emphatic NO!" that the war with Iraq was wrong. YOU IDIOT, YOU VOTED FOR IT! And then said a month ago that even knowing now what he knew then, he would have voted for it. He also stated a month ago that the war was justified but not carried out correctly. Now the war isn't jusitified. This guy is toast. I enjoy watching this rich, liberal, elitist shmuck Rosen and burn. Goodbye John, and take your ambulance chasing scum ball vice presidential candidate with you. Hillary in 2008, and she'll get her ass kicked too. RunTheBall
  11. What the hell are you smoking?? Smash mouth offense? Smash mouth offense means being able to put the ball in the end zone when you are one the 1. Smash mouth offense means your offensive line isn't a turnstile on every single play. Smash mouth offense means making the tough yards through guts and grit, neither of which this team has displayed in TWO YEARS! Good special teams??? What games have you been watching?? Our friggin punter is the best player on the team right now. THE PUNTER for christ's sake. Lindell sucks, his kickoffs land at the 12 if we're lucky and every time he kicks a field goal I close my eyes. I'm all for the rose colored glasses but right now, this team SUCKS. I hope they turn it around. I've been hoping they turn it around for the last three years. RunTheBall
  12. He's starting at Right Tackle. It will be interesting to compare him to our Right Tackle who was a high first round draft choice. RunTheBall
  13. This tandem is lucky to be right in the middle of the pack. Shoebel commands no double teams and is consistantly beat by draws and runs his way. I will say that his run defense has improved, and considering his potential it was a good resigning by TD. Kelsay is unknown. He made a few nice tackles but I didn't see consistant pressure. It's still early for him so I'm willing to see how the year goes. Denney is a bust as a second round draft pick as far as I'm concerned. You should be able to get a solid starter in the beginning of the second round of the draft. RunTheBall
  14. Bills 20 Jags 13
  15. I agree with Mickey. You haven't heard from any prominent muslim leaders denouncing terrorism widely and regularly. They'll pay lip service when asked, but there's no one in the muslim world leading the anti-terrorism charge. They're trying to have it both ways like France. They're hoping that if they keep they're mouths shut, terrorism won't hit them. They'll get their own wake-up call and the maybe they'll start doing something. Terrorists don't care about islamic ideology, it's just their excuse for slaughtering innocents. If it wasn't radical islam, it would be something else. There is no reasoning with terrorists, wiping them from the face of the earth is the answer. If the countries where they are hiding don't want to tackle the problem, we'll take care of it for them. RunTheBall
  16. If W wins the election, why will he have to find anyone to fall on the sword? I agree that Rice and Powell will likely be gone but I don't think that if a guy wins the US Presidency he's going to feel bad about his "inept and corrupt reign". Why would the american people re-elect someone who was inept and corrupt? RunTheBall
  17. Fiedler won't be the starting QB when they play us. The fins were just looking for any reason to put Feeley in there to justify the trade for him. I agree that what happens today won't matter when we play them. RunTheBall
  18. Listening to these guys on the radio is pathetic. They've mentioned 5 times in the last 5 minutes how the calls aren't going their way. That's what happens when your QB sucks, throws 2 picks, and the backup throws a pick for a TD. God I hate the dolfags, its a pleasure to hear them whine. The sorry thing is, Feely will probably have his breakout game against the Bills because we have a habit of making horrible QBs look like all-pros, except Ray Lucas. RunTheBall
  19. Id like to get rid of the rule that states an unconcious guy laying out of bounds with his big toe touching the ball has possession of the ball. I think there is a sub-section of this rule that states it is only in effect when it benefits the NE Patriots. RunTheBall
  20. I am no fan of journalists in general. I think they rank right not far behind ambulance chasers and politicians. That being said, I always thought the network news anchors had a tad bit more integrity than your run-of-the-mill cable news anchor. If Dan Rather used forged documents to make a case against GW (whether you like W or not) which could potentially infuence a large number of people in the presidential election(which I doubt) then I don't think he can do anything but resign. His journalistic integrity (now there's an oxymoron) would be absolutely shot. CBS news would have to do an awful lot of damage control to survive intact. I doubt even if the documents are a fake that anything at all will happen. I doubt Rather will even admit it on the air. He'll probably state something like "There is some concern over the authenticity of the documents blah blah blah". None of the other networks will even mention it because they won't want to pile on their buddy Dan. The only channel that will keep this story alive will be Fox News, and they'll be dismissed as conservative propaganda. It's too bad. There's enough dirt on both candidates that you don't have to make something up to hammer one of them. If Dan and CBS did use forged documents, I hope he resigns in disgrace and there's a huge shakeup at CBS. RunTheBall
  21. Neither of these teams is going to win the national championship and neither is as good as they think they are. College football must be in bad shape if these 2 are #5 and #6. Florida State is a shell of its old self, Miami is hanging on until they can reload a bit. That being said, it was fun to read your updates Sweede and then see the "How did they blow this" quote. RunTheBall
  22. Play action pass to Moulds then TH off the right side. RunTheBall
  23. I'm both a Syracuse (undergrad) and UB (grad) alum. I'm not sure who to root for this weekend. I think I'd like to see the Bulls beat the hell out of the Orange so they'll finally get rid of that Pasqualoni waste product. I'm sick of the coordinator Deleon and his 8,000 shifts before the snap that fools no one but the friggin offensive players. SU has been heading downhill for a while. After McNabb there has been an absolute zero at QB. They've got a great RB but they came out throwing against Purdue with a freshman QB who says he doesn't like running the option. HOLY stevestojan! Oh ya, we're no longer The Orangemen. We're now The Orange, with a pathetic citrus fruit as a mascot. No wonder I don't give any cash to that place. On second thought, I definitely want SU to get clocked by the Bulls. Let's get this over with and get the rebuilding started. RunTheBall
  24. I think how you felt about the pick in the first place will color how you think of McGahee's progress so far. Those who didn't like the pick are looking for a full speed running back right now. Those who liked the pick are willing to give McGahee the next 3 seasons to get into game shape. Then there are those like me who are still wondering if TD has balls of lead, steel, or brass for some of the picks and decisions he's made. I actually thought that was the best game McGahee has played so far. I saw a running back who followed his blockers and made decisive cuts on a surgically repaired knee. I saw a back who was able to make a little something happen when the play wasn't there by cutting back behind the play. I saw a back who handled a high handoff by Drew and still powered into the end zone. He definitely needs to improve his speed. That will come. But I'm not ready to give up on him just yet. No one at OBD ever considered trading TH or WM before the end of the season. It has always been, and continues to be the plan to let them play this season so we can see what we have in WM. If he's solid, then TH is gone and WM will start. If he sucks, then WM is gone and TH will start after we all massage his ego and tell him we always though he was the man. RunTheBall
  25. I'm surprised there aren't 10 posts yelling "TD!!! SIGN HIM NOW!!! DENNY SUUUUUUUUUCKS" RunTheBall
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