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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. You're absolutely right. I got my info from the Buffalo Bills.com roster "How Acquired: '02 Draft (2nd Round)" Please replace 2nd round in my previous post with 3rd round. Still a wasted pick, just not as bad as a 2. RTB
  2. I think it would be a shame to waste a 2nd round pick on a guy just to play special teams. I don't think you can train someone to be a Steve Tasker. Wire was a bust and a waste of a 2nd round pick. RTB
  3. Are you seriously taking a free agent signing personally? Demulling has some explaining to do? To who? For what?? This is ridiculous. He's doing what any smart person in his position would do. RTB
  4. The simple fact is that a lot of guys in every major sport are using steroids. Why? They work. The people who claim they are shocked that baseball players were on 'roids simply weren't listening to what their eyes were telling them. Anyone could see that Giambi, Bonds, McGuire had significant changes in muscle mass from one season to the next. No human can put on 20 pounds of lean muscle in an offseason without anabolic help, yet we routinely hear how players are coming into whatever camp jacked and ripped. It's not protein and creatine guys, it is and always has been the juice. RTB
  5. Syracuse university - 1993 UB Med - 1997 Don't chase ambulances, they may suddenly shift into reverse
  6. Oh my GOD JP you are teh c00lest!!11!1!eleven You dressed down a grammer school kid just like Jim Kelly dressed down his bitches! Lead us to the promised land! He told some kid to shut up. Good for him. I'll wait until he wins a few games before I'm ready to fawn all over the guy. You'd think Jesus came down and whipped off a few Big Cat gospels the way some people are reacting to this story. RTB
  7. Who is going to cough up a second rounder for TH?? Come on, there aren't that many teams that need RBs and the draft is stacked. We'd be lucky to pull a 3rd rounder for him. If the Shelton trade done I bet he stays as the backup. Either that or a draft day trade with a team that had targeted a RB that is no longer available. RTB
  8. How? Are you going to frachise him and try to trade him? Even the transitional tag will be a big cap hit if he signs. That maneuver TD pulled with Peerless was brilliant and only worked because Atlanta played their hand too early. If Nate is just interested in bucks, he'll walk. If he wants to play in Buffalo, he'll get a very reasonable deal from TD but probably not as much as another team would be willing to throw at him. RTB
  9. Ahh, silly Miami fans. You guys are too cute. RTB
  10. Campbell was a below average blocker and an average to above-average receiver before he got hurt. I can't see how that's going to get better after an injury. I would hav e liked to see Marcus Pollard in here for a couple years and then draft a tight end who could work his way into the line up. Jason Peters is not the answer, I'm not sure about Ehus. RTB
  11. Thank you. Your skin is about as thick as JP's fibula. Are we on topic now? RTB
  12. I think people still don't give TD the credit he deserves for getting a 1st ronder out of Peerless Price when he was going to walk. If it were an easy thing to just tag all your free agents and then trade them then everyone would be doing it regularly. Instead, you see teams possibly screw themselves with cap issues, like the Raiders with Woodson. You have to be ready to absorb a ridiculous cap hit if the player just decides to play under the tag, like Pace in St. Louis. What do the top 5 corners make in the league? It's gotta be pretty high. I'd like to see Nate's contract be redone. I don't want to see Ty Law in here. That's what we need, more New England cast offs. RTB
  13. Jonas was the beneficiary of a weak market in LTs this free agent period. He's an average LT with an injury history. I would have kept him if he would have come at a reasonable price. I'm sure TD explored this during the season with his agent but any agent worth a damn would recognize the situation and realize Jennings would likely command a higher salary than he's worth. I'm glad we didn't over-pay for him and have to believe that TD has a plan to address the line. RTB
  14. If it was clear fluid that leaked, it isn't puss. Puss is usually thicker with a white/yellow color and implies the presence of neutrophils that are cleaning the wound by removing dead/damaged cells. Yellow puss with the surrounding skin being red, swollen and tender means early infection. A clear exudate or fluid is part of the normal healing process. Just keep it clean with soap and water. RunTheBall
  15. I can't believe you are spewing this crap. I hate the Pats, but they are one of the best teams in recent history. Brady may be a kitty, but god he can lead a team. To pretend like we can compete with them yet when the Bills are home watching the playoffs again is just sour grapes. I can hate them but still admire how as a team they just get the job done. RunTheBall
  16. I don't think the trade was a bad one at the time. We needed a spark and a leader to come in after the RJ/DF fiasco. It's too bad DB didn't work out and we're overpaying for him now, but that can be rectified. I was one who was clamoring for JP after the NE debacle, but hey, I'm glad we were playing meaningful football in December and I don't think we would have been with JP at the helm. I'm glad TD is playing hardball with Drew. I wouldn't mind seeing DB stick around as JPs backup while he learns. I don't think the emergence of McGahee, Evans, and Mcgee really has a bearing on TD's decision making with Drew. RunTheBall
  17. How come the announcers didn't call Brett Favre out on that cowardly toss? He could have had a first down if he would have put his head down and dove for it. instead, he saw a few Vikings heading his way and he tossed the ball like he was afraid to get hit. They're always talking about how tough Brett is, you'd think he would have gotten a 1st that his team really needed. By the way, I couldn't listen to the Indy game on the radio today. It was such a friggin Manning blowfest by the announcers that I thought it was Tom Brady they were talking about. I'm all for hyping a guy that is playing lights-out, but don't get the spooge on me while you do it. RunTheBall
  18. Why is it so bad to expect more out of the QB position than "Just don't fug it up, Drew!". Our expectations are so low for that position now. Why is it too much to expect your QB to lift the team up once in a while and win the game? Drew doesn't do it anymore. When you're just asking a guy not to screw up in the biggest game of the season against scrubs and he can't even accomplish that, then there's a problem. No, I don't think Drew is the only problem on the team. I do think he'll be back, I think he'll probably start, but i do think JP will be given every chance to win the position. If he can't do it, we're in for another year of "Just don't screw it up!" RunTheBall
  19. Great points Mark, thanks for taking the time. I'm happy we were playing a meaningful game in December for the first time in a few years. I think its a testament to how good a coach McNally is that this offensive line was able to perform as well as they did the second half of the season. Their talent level is below average and they played above themselves which is a sign of good coaching. Lindell is horrible. It's not his stats as much as it is his lack of consistancy. Every time he lines up you wonder if he is going to make it. There's gotta be a better kicker available this off season. Someone automatic inside of 40 yards. Drew - well what can you say? I've been hearing since Drew got here from Pats fans that he'll make boneheaded plays in big games that will kill the team. That's exactly what he did. The Pittsburgh DBs dropped at least 3 picks that were right in their hands. Drew's fumble was classic Foxboro Mike - Pat Pat Pat BOOM!. Drews a great guy, my grandfather is a great guy, I don't want either of them QBing the Bills next year. I think the team is going in the right direction. Most of Donahoe's moves are starting to pay off. RunTheBall
  20. Bob, your bullsht flows so naturally from your mouth that I'm sure you would make a great ambulance chaser and would make an even better politician. You are the first person I've ever heard hold up the McDonalds coffee case as an example of good law practice. Bravo. You are so quick to ask everyone for stats and figures to back up statements, then just like the hyprocite lawyer you are, you make a statement like the above about c-sections. Show me reimbursement rates for c-sections Bob. Guess what? You don't get paid extra for doing a c-section. But I guess that doesn't fit into your nice lawyer argument. Just like a malpractice hack, why let the facts get into the way of a good argument to sway a jury that doesn't know better. Want some stats Bob? Here's one, every medical student is taught how to practice defensive medicine from day one. That's not for the betterment of patients, thats just to protect ourselves from scum ball hacks looking to make a buck on our backs. But that has nothing to do with the tort system in this country right? That's not the lawyers' fault, thats the fault of the medical schools. Here's another stat Bob. Every state that has caps on non-economic damages and contingency fees for ambulance chasers has lower malpractice premiums across specialitys but more importantly, the rate of increase in premiums over the past decade is less than half that of those states without caps. I guess thats just the insurance industry pulling the wool over our eyes right? Don't let the facts get in the way of the garbage you spew, Bob. That would be unlawyerly. RunTheBall
  21. Not all scum ball politicians made their lives off the backs of doctors like John Edwards. He made his millions suing Ob/Gyns and taking 50% contingency fees using junk science that has been discredited. RunTheBall
  22. On a serious note, there are some areas of law that require some brain cells. My father-in-law is a patent lawyer for example. He has a chemical engineering degree and spends a lot of time learning the nuances of different products. He needs to understand how specific things work in extreme detail to determine if there are patent violations. He finds it interesting and he doesn't spend all his energy suing people. RunTheBall
  23. I think being a lawyer is a great career idea, you'll always have job security. You can sue anyone for anything in this country. If you suck, you can either become a politician and protect your lawyer buddies by blocking any meaningful tort reform or hang a shingle and sue doctors. There's nothing like the satisfaction of making your living off someone else's back. Just ask John Edwards, he made millions and got to run for Vice President. RunTheBall
  24. If its true that Schoebel made it as an alternate, that proves that Pro-Bowl voting is a friggen joke. RunTheBall
  25. Another venue for overpaid athletes to showcase themselves. Hurray. The NBA is quickly following in the footsteps of hockey in terms of popularity. The difference is the NBA's marketing geniuses pursued the "gansta rap" angle. Once that fad has dissolved, we'll see what's left of the NBA. RunTheBall
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