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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. If W wins the election, why will he have to find anyone to fall on the sword? I agree that Rice and Powell will likely be gone but I don't think that if a guy wins the US Presidency he's going to feel bad about his "inept and corrupt reign". Why would the american people re-elect someone who was inept and corrupt? RunTheBall
  2. Fiedler won't be the starting QB when they play us. The fins were just looking for any reason to put Feeley in there to justify the trade for him. I agree that what happens today won't matter when we play them. RunTheBall
  3. Listening to these guys on the radio is pathetic. They've mentioned 5 times in the last 5 minutes how the calls aren't going their way. That's what happens when your QB sucks, throws 2 picks, and the backup throws a pick for a TD. God I hate the dolfags, its a pleasure to hear them whine. The sorry thing is, Feely will probably have his breakout game against the Bills because we have a habit of making horrible QBs look like all-pros, except Ray Lucas. RunTheBall
  4. Id like to get rid of the rule that states an unconcious guy laying out of bounds with his big toe touching the ball has possession of the ball. I think there is a sub-section of this rule that states it is only in effect when it benefits the NE Patriots. RunTheBall
  5. I am no fan of journalists in general. I think they rank right not far behind ambulance chasers and politicians. That being said, I always thought the network news anchors had a tad bit more integrity than your run-of-the-mill cable news anchor. If Dan Rather used forged documents to make a case against GW (whether you like W or not) which could potentially infuence a large number of people in the presidential election(which I doubt) then I don't think he can do anything but resign. His journalistic integrity (now there's an oxymoron) would be absolutely shot. CBS news would have to do an awful lot of damage control to survive intact. I doubt even if the documents are a fake that anything at all will happen. I doubt Rather will even admit it on the air. He'll probably state something like "There is some concern over the authenticity of the documents blah blah blah". None of the other networks will even mention it because they won't want to pile on their buddy Dan. The only channel that will keep this story alive will be Fox News, and they'll be dismissed as conservative propaganda. It's too bad. There's enough dirt on both candidates that you don't have to make something up to hammer one of them. If Dan and CBS did use forged documents, I hope he resigns in disgrace and there's a huge shakeup at CBS. RunTheBall
  6. Neither of these teams is going to win the national championship and neither is as good as they think they are. College football must be in bad shape if these 2 are #5 and #6. Florida State is a shell of its old self, Miami is hanging on until they can reload a bit. That being said, it was fun to read your updates Sweede and then see the "How did they blow this" quote. RunTheBall
  7. Play action pass to Moulds then TH off the right side. RunTheBall
  8. I'm both a Syracuse (undergrad) and UB (grad) alum. I'm not sure who to root for this weekend. I think I'd like to see the Bulls beat the hell out of the Orange so they'll finally get rid of that Pasqualoni waste product. I'm sick of the coordinator Deleon and his 8,000 shifts before the snap that fools no one but the friggin offensive players. SU has been heading downhill for a while. After McNabb there has been an absolute zero at QB. They've got a great RB but they came out throwing against Purdue with a freshman QB who says he doesn't like running the option. HOLY stevestojan! Oh ya, we're no longer The Orangemen. We're now The Orange, with a pathetic citrus fruit as a mascot. No wonder I don't give any cash to that place. On second thought, I definitely want SU to get clocked by the Bulls. Let's get this over with and get the rebuilding started. RunTheBall
  9. I think how you felt about the pick in the first place will color how you think of McGahee's progress so far. Those who didn't like the pick are looking for a full speed running back right now. Those who liked the pick are willing to give McGahee the next 3 seasons to get into game shape. Then there are those like me who are still wondering if TD has balls of lead, steel, or brass for some of the picks and decisions he's made. I actually thought that was the best game McGahee has played so far. I saw a running back who followed his blockers and made decisive cuts on a surgically repaired knee. I saw a back who was able to make a little something happen when the play wasn't there by cutting back behind the play. I saw a back who handled a high handoff by Drew and still powered into the end zone. He definitely needs to improve his speed. That will come. But I'm not ready to give up on him just yet. No one at OBD ever considered trading TH or WM before the end of the season. It has always been, and continues to be the plan to let them play this season so we can see what we have in WM. If he's solid, then TH is gone and WM will start. If he sucks, then WM is gone and TH will start after we all massage his ego and tell him we always though he was the man. RunTheBall
  10. I'm surprised there aren't 10 posts yelling "TD!!! SIGN HIM NOW!!! DENNY SUUUUUUUUUCKS" RunTheBall
  11. There is no way this is anything but bad for his development. He was going to sit there and watch Drew anyway, doing so with a busted leg doesn't improve his concentration. Forget about TV, he didn't lay the guy out. It bothers me that JP busted his leg so easily. Hopefully it was just a freak injury and not shades of things to come. We certainly don't have to worry about them rushing him into the lineup. At least the team has been saying all along that Drew is their #1 QB for the year and doesn't have to backtrack. RunTheBall
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