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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Chris Kelsay. Oh wait, we got him in the second round and he's barely worth that. RunTheBall
  2. Even I have to give the biggest bandwagon fans on the planet a pass when it comes to having a world series game in your backyard. RunTheBall
  3. Of the 4 guys on the line, only 2 (the ends) push into the backfield in this defense. That's what fat Sam is all upset about. So, out of the 3 defensive ends, one of them has tackled the enemy ballcarrier 3.5 times behind the line in FIVE games. WOW! That's production baby. What was I thinking. Between he and Denney we've got 2 serviceable backups. Add Schoebel to that list and now you've got 3 backups and no premier DE. I think he has potential, but there's a lot of potential on that line and not a lot of production. RunTheBall
  4. Steve, Rachel Ray? Come on. She's been eating too many of her 30 minute meals lately. That Maxim shoot was smokin, I agree with you there, but that was a loooooot of donuts ago. See her recently? Big ass, no rack, and a few rolls. If she got herself back together I'd second that opinion quickly. RunTheBall
  5. Cards this, Cards that, YAAWWNN. You sound like a Boston fan. 1 word describes you - Bandwagon. RunTheBall And its obvious you post that crap just to try and rile people up.
  6. Miami has a suspect run D? Only because it helps your point. It's obvious you don't know what you're watching. Willis is a patient runner who waits for his blocks to set up. What, you think all of a sudden this horrible O-line was opening up holes?? What are you smoking?? The reason Willis had yards after contact was not because he missed the hole, it was because there WAS NO HOLE. He made his yards on his own. Wake up. I agree. Willis is not 100%, and yet he still is performing better than Henry. This isn't the first time we've heard comments from the uninformed. RunTheBall
  7. Two wasted second round picks so far. RunTheBall
  8. Wilson will eventually get in. Thurman, Smith are first ballot HOFers Tasker and Hull will get in, not first ballot. Reed is going to have a tough time getting in. RunTheBall
  9. She'll spend her life explaining to people that her first name is Marie. Every time she gets called on by someone who doesn't know her she'll be called Marie. Stick with Paige, ditch Marie and find another middle name. RunTheBall
  10. It is a testament to how horrible this O-line is that an average performance is rated as awesome. They definitely played a solid game on Sunday. Inexplicably, the Miami D did not blitz much. In previous games, this O-line could not block 4 rushers with 6 blockers. Sunday they were able to do that. There were not many holes for Willis to run through. All of his yards were after he got hit by at least one tackler. Willis refused to go down, and made the O-line look like they were actaully doing something. The only thing I was impressed with was that the over-rated Jason Taylor didn't do a thing. That was solid. This line still has not demonstrated the ability to 1) Open a hole on 3rd and 1 2) Handle pressure and blitzing up the middle 3) Handle stunts and other plays designed to screw up the protection I hope they continue to improve but the #1 reason this team has been mediocre and worse for the last 10 years (save 1 playoff appearance) has been the unwillingness of our GMs to address the O-line seriously. RunTheBall
  11. The UN is a fuggin joke, just look at how good they're doing in Sudan. All those resolutions sure are doing a good job at keeping people from being slaughtered. Oh wait, some of the countries have economic ties to the Sudan that they don't want disrupted?? How surprising. One of the biggest cover-ups going on right now is in the UN oil for food program. Look closely at who was absolutely raping this system and the look at who most actively opposed the Iraq war. It's disgusting. Why isn't the New York Times screaming about this? Oh ya, Kerry supports working through the UN and this will throw a wrench in their convenient world view of one big happy family working together to solve the world's problems. We played the UN game with Iraq. We allowed kitty countries like France and Germany have some influence on our foreign policy through this body. When it came time to put some muscle behind the resolutions that THEY VOTED FOR, they balked. We didn't. Let's see how good the UN does in Sudan without the threat of AMERICAN troops heading there. I'm sure France and Germany will be really pushing to halt this atrocity. Oh wait, they've got economic ties......hmm.... RunTheBall
  12. Did you refer him to the Coy Wire Sucks thread? It'll give him a little perspective on what he's done for the team so far. Another great guy who can't play football. RunTheBall
  13. They're raving about Dick Lebeau over in Pittsburgh. I'm not real big on this move. I don't think there was going to be a mad scramble for other teams to sign Jerry Gray away from us. This D is not as dominant as it was last year, although part of that is not having Lawyer and Vincent on the field. Consistantly giving up 3rd and long, 4th and long etc. is not the mark of a good D. Hopefully this will continue to improve as they did well against Miami. Is it really the job of a D coordinator to develop players? I think that's the position coach's responsibility. The D coordinator should take the players he has and put them in a scheme that gives them the best chance to win. RunTheBall
  14. Follow the Ducats gentlemen. There are a lot more benjamins for Paul if he is the gold medal winner. No one gives a **** about the silver or bronze. If I was Paul, I'd tell the Koreans to either fork over some cashola or shove it. What's Hamm going to do after the Olympics? Professional gymnastics? Geeks on ice? Please, he wants to cash in some endorsements that will not come around ever again. Follow the cash, the Olympic "ideal" of sportsmanship died when they allowed professional athletes to compete. RunTheBall
  15. Could someone explain why you would start Brown, who hasn't done jack all year and was horrible earlier in the series? Did Torre not have anyone else available? I don't follow baseball much but when I heard he was starting game 7 I was a little taken aback. RunTheBall
  16. Blame it on the Bossa Nova - The Dance of Love... RunTheBall
  17. I guess I'd be classified as a moderate republican, and I love that liberal left-leaning John Kerry ass kissing John Stewart. What a breath of fresh air this guy is. Ya, he's definitely liberal but ya know what? Who cares? His show is satire at a very high level that skewers both left and right but the MEDIA most of all. The sanctimonious peddlers of skewed information take advantage of the fact that many people in this country are too lazy to critically think for themselves. Stewart points out the absurdities that pass for news in this day and age. The mainstream media in this country has definitely been corrupted by one side or the other. You can't take anything that is said on network news or reported in a newspaper without looking at the motiviations behind the reporting. It says a lot about the state of our country when people trust a comedy show to give it to them straight. RunTheBall
  18. Their kick that went out of bounds was a punt. Our kick that the guy touched while he was out of bounds was a kick off and a smart legal play on his part. RunTheBall
  19. Willis will never "look" as fast as he did in his college days because the overall speed of NFL players is so much faster. You don't become a great NFL back by running away from people. You become a great NFL back by following your blockers and making people miss. Willis has that, you can see it already. RunTheBall
  20. I agree with much of your post but the last paragraph was a bit disturbing. First of all, we beat the worst team in the NFL by only seven at home. Whoopee. I'm very happy with a win but you can't read much into it when you are playing the worst team and offense in the league. Second, I don't think our schedule is in our favor. At Baltimore, at NE, at Miami, at Seattle, then St. Louis and Pittsburgh at home. The team that played today would have a very tough time beating any of those (except maybe Miami). 1) Agree. Lee Evans is a rookie and is going to make some route mistakes. It was nice to see Drew get in his face. 2) Another example of our so-called leader on D making a stupid mistake. Was a close call, but at least Fletcher didn't hit him late and get a stupid 15 yard personal foul 3) Willis showed he can carry the load. I didn't see a stellar performance, he did miss a few blits pickups, but overall a great 1st start. Henry is gone at the end of the year if not sooner assuming WM stays healthy. I'm happy with the win. I'd like to see one against a quality opponent before I start thinking about a 10 win season. I think 8 - 8 will be an accomplishment for this team. RunTheBall
  21. Oh but wait, obesity is a disease. It's not her fault, its not the result of her own choices. There's the new "healthy fat person" didn't you hear? You can be obese and healthy at the same time. Star Jones talked about it all the time in between wheezing (and before her gastric bypass). If you don't feel like taking care of yourself, just let yourself go until you are over 3 bills, then the rest of us (through medicare) will cover your gastric bypass surgery. Since 4 out of every 100 people who have a gastric bypass will die in the peri-operative period, we'll have Edwards there to sue your obviously negligent doctor. RunTheBall
  22. Why do we really need voter registration drives by either party? If someone can't be bothered to figure out where or how to register on their own then tough ****. If your grandmother is a bit demented maybe the democrats shouldn't be allowed to put her in a wheel chair and wheel her to the voting booth. She'd probably end up voting for Buchanan anyway. RunTheBall
  23. Want to know why we get our vaccine from Britain? 1) Very low profit margin, if any 2) US companies will be sued by lawyers faster than you can say "jackpot" No profit + frivolous lawsuit = No vaccines made in US. Enjoy the flu season. RunTheBall
  24. Ambulance chasing scum bags (lawyers) are the single largest cause of the astronomical cost of malpractice insurance, period. Amublance chasing scum bags are the reason you can't find an OB-GYN in John Edwards' home state, or a neurosurgeon in the state of RI, or get obstetric care in Nevada. Those states that have caps on non-economic damages have lower premiums overall and lower rates of rise in premiums. Period. End of discussion. Lawyers want you to believe its the evil insurance companies. They are full of ****. Insurance companies do not want to write malpractice policies because of the increased number of frivolous lawsuits. Fewer companies = higher premiums = fewer doctors. If a doctor cuts off the wrong leg, that case never makes it to trial because it is settled almost immediately and correctly so and the physician disciplined by the state board of medicine. Cases of gross negligence are settled because they are so obvious that they don't need a jury to determine negligence. Lawyers don't care if there is actually negligence in a case. There is a huuuuuge grey area in medicine. We know so little compared to what we don't know. Lawyers exploit this grey area for THEIR benefit and in the process wantanly destroy the lives and careers of physicians for a buck. I was taught from DAY ONE in medical school how to practice defensive medicine to protect myself from scum balls. If people don't think this contributes heavily to the increased costs of medicine they are simply ignoring the obvious. So many tests, so many unnecessary procedures, so many decisions influenced by "covering our asses" instead of only what's best for the patient. Think about that when you pull the lever for a couple of scum balls. RunTheBall Never been sued but fully expect someone at some time to try and make a buck off me. I'll be ready.
  25. That's good news for Sage Rosenfels, who will proceed to toast Coy Wire regularly if he's on the field as our vaunted "D" makes Sage look like a pro-bowler. In other news, Coy states that he's been studying the playbook extensively and doesn't think he'll bite on a play fake on 3rd and 47. RunTheBall
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