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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I hope we didn't shell out the kind of cash to Schoebel that we did for a situational pass rusher. He hasn't been the dominating DE you expect with that kind of cash. He should be able to play the run. It's nice to see Kelsay play well. If he develops some consistancy we'll have a solid DE combination but far from the best in the league. RunTheBall
  2. Not at all Bib. The second line was for the thread originator. I just liked your shitballs comment. RunTheBall
  3. I believe those are "stevestojanballs". Another "Look at me, I'm leaving!" thread. Buh-bye. RunTheBall
  4. People, thank you. This is the type of dysfunction that makes reading the messages on this board so fun. I've laughed harder on this thread than I have in days. Thank you. I almost dropped a nut when I saw the name NJ Mickey Dees. Classic. RunTheBall
  5. True story - recently a colleague and his friend were in Toronto. His friend comes down with acute appendicitis. They show up at the hospital ER. The administration tells him to go to Western Union and get $8,000.00 cash wired to him if he wants his appendix out, otherwise get on a plane to the US. That's national health care folks. Enjoy your wait in line to Canada. RunTheBall
  6. I miss all those posters who posted "I'm leaving and never coming back!" threads.
  7. You can be a fan of a team and recognize that they suck. Example - I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills, AND, they suck. Teams that suck generally are made up of players that suck too, i.e. Coy Wire. I am happy we beat Arizona at home in the elements, we don't suck as much as they do. I hope we beat the Jets, and if we do, I won't think we suck as much as we do right now. In fact, if they keep winning, they could move from sucking to average. Anyone who thinks that you can't be critical of a team and a fan at the same time sucks. (And no, this isn't directed at #89 or anyone in particular so all you knights who want to come riding to the rescue can but the horses back in the stable.) RunTheBall
  8. Mike Williams is 100% a B U S T He was the #4 pick in the draft 3 YEARS ago. It isn't just his false start last week, he has regulary gotten torched by speed rushes from the outside. He's a right tackle! He's got some good run blocking skills but hasn't been dominant. He should be moved to guard where his weaknesses can't be exploited as easily. The #4 pick in the draft should be a dominant player. Mike Williams is in no sense of the word dominant. He's a barely adequate Right Tackle. You need more from the #4 pick. Bust. RunTheBall
  9. 1) QB's always bring a premium, especially if the team with the QB knows the other team really needs one. Buffalo has been hosed twice, RJ and DB 2) Running backs are much more replaceable than good QBs. Just look at Denver. You don't give up a #1 for a RB. Especially one who can't block or catch. 3) NE gave up a #2 for Dillon because they had beucoup draft picks and could afford it easily. 4) Atlanta crapped the bed with the Peerless trade. They played their hand too early, letting it be known they wanted Peerless. TD made a brilliant move to franchise a free agent and get a #1 pick for a #2 receiver. RunTheBall
  10. Holy crap. For the number of NE trolls who come to spew their crap on this board day in and day out, it's ridiculous to even mention us talking about NE losing. A loss is good for NE at this juncture. You don't want to go undefeated into the playoffs. The law of averages eventually catches up with you. RunTheBall
  11. When the Bills make the playoffs then I'll happily take a "Eat crow" thread somewhat seriously. Until then, you and TKO can enjoy the kool-aid. Maybe he'll teach you his robot dance RunTheBall
  12. People really need to wake the hell up and realize that T Henry is NEVER going to get us a 1st round pick. 3rd rounder at best. You are really comparing T Hen to Ricky Williams? Come on man, get serious. T Hen would trip on his way to Lenny Kravitz's bong. RunTheBall
  13. A W is a W no matter how you come by it. Just ask NE fans. I've been pretty negative about this team recently, but I don't think I need to eat crow. I was expecting a win at home against one of the historically worst teams in history. So now we get to say that we don't suck as bad as the Cardinals. Whoopee. The reality is that we are out of the playoffs and this game is about winning the superbowl, not beating crappy teams at home and acting like we're champs. The best thing I saw in this team was a desire to play hard, which I think has been lacking recently. Drew Bledosoe still sucked, although he didn't make the killer play because the AZ DB dropped a pick that was tossed right in his hands. He did have 2 very nice tosses for TD's, one to Moulds and one to Euhus. Special teams, dominant (Lindell can't hit the end zone with a 30 mph wind behind him though). Defense, dominant. McGahee, playmaker - makes those around him better (See Offensive line, e.g. suckage). Happy with the W. Disappointed we're reduced to watching our young guys get experience because the team is out of the playoffs so early in the season. RunTheBall
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry dude, I have absolutely nothing against you but that is friggin hilarious. The PC crowd is ridiculous. The first thing people do when they don't agree with your point of view is to try and attack what you said, not what you meant. They make the issue about you, not your point. Homo. RunTheBall
  15. I totally agree. This was a GREAT move by TD, not just a good move. Peerless was a free agent. We were going to get ZERO. TD made a calculated gamble that he could get a first rounder for PP and it worked. He got back the 1st rounder he gave up for DB. Now, at that point in the draft I think it was a solid move to pick McGahee. I'd love to hear what other person we should have taken at that pick that is making a big impact with their team right now. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone? RunTheBall
  16. There's a lot of interesting info in there. Thanks. Maybe Tasker will recognize that he doesn't have to be anti-Bills on the air to be objective. RunTheBall
  17. We're going to win 1 or 2 more games and thats it. We are the worst team in the league. Not only record wise, but we have no excuses. We just suck. At least Miami can say their team was decimated by injuries and their star running back quit. Maybe when JP gets in there he can roll out L or R on every play because this offensive line is so god awful We have become the Bungles. This is pathetic. RunTheBall
  18. Can't really blame blew for that last pick, but lets see how many Red Zone plays he's responsible for. 1) #2 pick to Deon was a loss of 3 points at a minimum 2) Missing a wide open Eric Molds was a loss of 4 points So there's 7 points in a 14 point game he's personally responsible for. RunTheBall
  19. Mike Williams can officially be labeled a horrendous draft pick at #4 and 100% BUST. This guy can't even play right tackle when the plan at one point was to move him over to left tackle. What a joke. 6 games in and still getting smoked one on one. BUST. Hopefully he'll be able to play guard adequately so at least we get something out of him. RunTheBall
  20. That was it guys. Not that one throw, but the fact that Drew just killed us with another bone-headed decision. This is the exact type of thing that NE fans have been talking about for years. A killer play at exactly the wrong time. If Lindel makes that field goal (and that's a big if) we're down by 1 TD and 2 point conversion. 10 minutes to go, we've got the ball. I just don't feel like this team has the fortitude to pull it out. I hope I'm wrong. As soon as JP is healthy he needs to be in there getting some practice reps for next season. RunTheBall
  21. Heck, I'd love to land somewhere in a helicopter with Danger Zone blaring in the speakers. Who wouldnt???? It's TOP GUN MAN. Come on. Some things just aren't political, they are iconic! IceMan
  22. I enjoy listening to Bill from time to time but I wouldn't classify myself as a big fan. Bill has based his whole show on being "straight" with the people and having "no spin" discussions. If this is true, how can he even think about settling this sexual harrassment case? I totally think he was set up by a money hungry B word, but why settle? If he settles, his credibility is destroyed in my opinion. I'm sure liberals out there already feel he has no credibility but for moderates on either side of the fence he makes good points from time to time and actually backs them up. If Bill settles this case, the only thing it means is that she has tapes that he doesn't want revealed. If he is on tape saying some nasty stuff, even if he was set up, he's done. You can't walk around acting all sanctimonious and then have vibrator talks with a producer. We'll see. This could get interesting. The only way Bill comes out clean is if he fights it totally and wins in court or it gets dropped. Settlement = guilty for him. RunTheBall
  23. We couldn't trade Travis at the beginning of the year because we did't know what we had in McGahee yet. If you trade Travis and McGahee blows out his knee in the preseason, you know everyone would be pummeling TD. Everyone. We could keep both backs, but Travis has made that difficult by opening up his yapper the day McGahee was drafted and not shutting up and just playing. Then Rosengeek felt it was his place to respond in kind. Now I don't think they can be on the same team after this season. I hope we can get a 3rd rounder for him. The only thing that makes me think its possible is that his salary is low. RunTheBall
  24. The crap continues to pile up on this board. No one was ever going to give up a first round pick for TH. Only blind Buffalo fans think he's anything more than an above average back. You don't give up a 1st rounder for above average. We never would trade him within the division anyway. Sue, I agree great players are needed in Buffalo. Travis Henry is in no sense of the word a great player. Plays with guts, sure. Great, no. It's always easy in retrospect to say we should have done this or that. We didn't know at the beginning of the year, and we STILL don't know what we have in McGahee. He's had ONE good game. One. We'll be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for Travis. RunTheBall
  25. Oh boy. Here we go again. Someone is going to knock this softball out of the park. At least its more interesting than another Cardnals post. RunTheBall
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