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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Why is it so bad to expect more out of the QB position than "Just don't fug it up, Drew!". Our expectations are so low for that position now. Why is it too much to expect your QB to lift the team up once in a while and win the game? Drew doesn't do it anymore. When you're just asking a guy not to screw up in the biggest game of the season against scrubs and he can't even accomplish that, then there's a problem. No, I don't think Drew is the only problem on the team. I do think he'll be back, I think he'll probably start, but i do think JP will be given every chance to win the position. If he can't do it, we're in for another year of "Just don't screw it up!" RunTheBall
  2. Great points Mark, thanks for taking the time. I'm happy we were playing a meaningful game in December for the first time in a few years. I think its a testament to how good a coach McNally is that this offensive line was able to perform as well as they did the second half of the season. Their talent level is below average and they played above themselves which is a sign of good coaching. Lindell is horrible. It's not his stats as much as it is his lack of consistancy. Every time he lines up you wonder if he is going to make it. There's gotta be a better kicker available this off season. Someone automatic inside of 40 yards. Drew - well what can you say? I've been hearing since Drew got here from Pats fans that he'll make boneheaded plays in big games that will kill the team. That's exactly what he did. The Pittsburgh DBs dropped at least 3 picks that were right in their hands. Drew's fumble was classic Foxboro Mike - Pat Pat Pat BOOM!. Drews a great guy, my grandfather is a great guy, I don't want either of them QBing the Bills next year. I think the team is going in the right direction. Most of Donahoe's moves are starting to pay off. RunTheBall
  3. Bob, your bullsht flows so naturally from your mouth that I'm sure you would make a great ambulance chaser and would make an even better politician. You are the first person I've ever heard hold up the McDonalds coffee case as an example of good law practice. Bravo. You are so quick to ask everyone for stats and figures to back up statements, then just like the hyprocite lawyer you are, you make a statement like the above about c-sections. Show me reimbursement rates for c-sections Bob. Guess what? You don't get paid extra for doing a c-section. But I guess that doesn't fit into your nice lawyer argument. Just like a malpractice hack, why let the facts get into the way of a good argument to sway a jury that doesn't know better. Want some stats Bob? Here's one, every medical student is taught how to practice defensive medicine from day one. That's not for the betterment of patients, thats just to protect ourselves from scum ball hacks looking to make a buck on our backs. But that has nothing to do with the tort system in this country right? That's not the lawyers' fault, thats the fault of the medical schools. Here's another stat Bob. Every state that has caps on non-economic damages and contingency fees for ambulance chasers has lower malpractice premiums across specialitys but more importantly, the rate of increase in premiums over the past decade is less than half that of those states without caps. I guess thats just the insurance industry pulling the wool over our eyes right? Don't let the facts get in the way of the garbage you spew, Bob. That would be unlawyerly. RunTheBall
  4. Not all scum ball politicians made their lives off the backs of doctors like John Edwards. He made his millions suing Ob/Gyns and taking 50% contingency fees using junk science that has been discredited. RunTheBall
  5. On a serious note, there are some areas of law that require some brain cells. My father-in-law is a patent lawyer for example. He has a chemical engineering degree and spends a lot of time learning the nuances of different products. He needs to understand how specific things work in extreme detail to determine if there are patent violations. He finds it interesting and he doesn't spend all his energy suing people. RunTheBall
  6. I think being a lawyer is a great career idea, you'll always have job security. You can sue anyone for anything in this country. If you suck, you can either become a politician and protect your lawyer buddies by blocking any meaningful tort reform or hang a shingle and sue doctors. There's nothing like the satisfaction of making your living off someone else's back. Just ask John Edwards, he made millions and got to run for Vice President. RunTheBall
  7. If its true that Schoebel made it as an alternate, that proves that Pro-Bowl voting is a friggen joke. RunTheBall
  8. Another venue for overpaid athletes to showcase themselves. Hurray. The NBA is quickly following in the footsteps of hockey in terms of popularity. The difference is the NBA's marketing geniuses pursued the "gansta rap" angle. Once that fad has dissolved, we'll see what's left of the NBA. RunTheBall
  9. I'm playing Halo 2 right now and for the console, its pretty damn good. It doesn't hold a candle to Tribes 2 on the PC, but with some longer maps and times, it could come close. RunTheBall
  10. I think this loss to Miami is going to galvanize NE. To lose like that on national tv is going to stick in their throats for a while. Not that NE has ever needed extra motivation, they've always been a well prepared team, but this little wake up call will help them mentally although it probably cost them home field advantage. RunTheBall
  11. I'm happy that the #4 pick in the draft has now achieved average right tackle status. RunTheBall
  12. Diehard fans? A bit of a stretch... I know Browns fans have a reputation for being very loyal. This writer must have been struggling with a deadline or something because when your stadium is less than half filled, I don't think you can wax poetic about how great your fans are to get out in the cold. Come to Buffalo in the winter when there's nothing left to play for and the stadium is full if you want to discuss fans coming out in bad weather. RunTheBall
  13. I've always been a big Darius fan from his days at Cuse. I never thought of him as a cheap shot guy but that clothes-line looked awfully deliberate. RunTheBall
  14. Ok, so when the chips were down Bledosoe took this team on his shoulders and beat a 2 -9 Miami team without a head coach. I'm very happy he actually demonstrated that he has a pulse and has the potential to win a game for us and didn't make any game killing Drewish mistakes. When Drew has a solid performance (not great, just solid) on the road in a playoff game for us, if we even get there with him, then I'll believe he has what it takes. I don't buy the "he won the Pittsburgh" game for NE argument. RunTheBall
  15. I was at the game too. Nothing like losing your voice chanting A-C-C and heckling BC fans in their own stadium. God I forgot what that felt like, heh. As for Coach P, he should be gone. With the AD retiring its a perfect time to bring in some new blood and revamp the football team. They've been bad since McNab, and even with McNab they underachieved and got absolutely SPANKED by Kansas State (?98) and Florida (?01) in their bowl games. Time for some new blood. It's going to be difficult to compete with the better national programs especially with a watered down Big East football conference. RunTheBall
  16. I think that's called the morning wood. RunTheBall
  17. I'm starting to believe that Peyton Manning and the Colts are joining the Patriots as the NFL's golden children. Looking at some of the calls and no calls that went Indy's way in the first half of that game was hilarious. An obvious late hit against Harrington wasn't called, then a 3rd down defensive holding that didn't exist was called against Detroit. Those are Patriot calls by god. Then you've got Phil Simms sticking his head so far up Peyton's ass he can't breathe, just like he does Tom Brady. What happens if the Pats meet the Colts in the playoffs? How will the refs decide who to give the game to? RunTheBall
  18. I went back a few pages and couldn't find this topic covered, although I bet it has been, so I'd like to get some opinions. Were our players throwing cheap shots? I didn't notice anything during the game, and I'd like to believe they are above that. Is Martz just being a whiney B word? I thought Mularkey handled the situation well. RunTheBall
  19. These eating crow posts are pathetic. No one needs to eat crow with a 4 - 6 team that is out of the playoffs. I'm glad Drew played well at home against a crappy D. I would expect that out of a multi-million dollar QB. RunTheBall
  20. I think "DB = RJ" is the most appropriate use of the " = RJ " tag. It may be a bit insulting to RJ though. RunTheBall
  21. True, they sucked. Don't know many Bills fans who cheer when any player gets injured. That's Philli fans. Don't agree here. Wade was a solid coach. He didn't know when to fold 'em on a horrible special teams coach. Haven't heard many people say Ralph is a bad owner. More people talking about how he should be in the hall of fame. Butler sucked, paid too much money, and had a couple of horrible drafts and free agent aquisitions before he left. Can't argue here. GW sucked for us. He'll get a second shot somewhere and use what he learned here (don't hire crappy assistants, tone down the rhetoric, make a move on your coordinators when its warranted) and be a better HC. Doesn't suck, but is stupid. Is not a complete back. McGahee already demonstrating he's better and potentially great. Peerless made it known he didn't want to be here. TD did a masterful job of getting a 1st rounder for a free agent. Jury is still out on Gray. Statistically good D that folds in the crunch. Meanwhile, LeBeau's D in Pittsburgh is pretty dominant although the statistics don't show it. I've only heard BF say Gray sucks. It's a legitimate question about the 4th down but I haven't heard people say Mularkey sucks. Classic RunTheBall
  22. Please, you are going to compare a guy making his 4th start against a guy who has multiple 1,000 yard seasons and was playing with a lead for most of the game? Come on, you're smarter than that. How many 8 and 9 man fronts did Dillon see?? Not many. Belichick was putting everyone but the friggin ball boy on the line and DREW COULDN'T BEAT IT. He couldn't throw the ball to wideouts in single coverage. Game over. We should have been torching that secondary all day, couldn't even complete a 5 yard out. Our offensive line in barely adequate. Put them against an aggressive 8 man front and they disintegrate. Jesus couldn't gain yards against that front with our O-line. RunTheBall
  23. The game plan for BB was hilariously simple: stop the run and Bledsoe will self destruct. That's exactly what happened. The plays were there to be made, Drew just couldn't make them. He didn't get a heck of a lot of help from his WRs, but the main problem was Drew. When a team stacks the line and takes away the run, you have man coverage on a wideout. We couldn't beat man coverage on a frickin wide receiver playing corner and a rookie free agent. PATHETIC. Offensive coordinators game plan to get single coverages on WR or backs. Belichick GAVE US that. He gave it to us! Why? Because he knew Drew couldn't do it. And he didn't. There is no Pan B that will work if you can't get the ball to players in single coverage. It's simple. We didn't have the talent to make plays against scrubs in their secondary. Horrible. RunTheBall
  24. Willis McGahee is the difference maker. WM makes the O-line look good. I'm sure they've had some gradual improvement and I think they are reaching about average. WM makes Drew Bledsoe look better. Now instead of hoping Drew can win the game for us, we can wish for our 8 million dollar QB just to not screw it up. That's some good return on your investment. He did have a couple of excellent tosses into a tough wind the last 2 weeks. Lets see if he develops some consistancy. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we won this game. The game plan should be simple, run the ball to force Harrison into the box and then throw some intermediate routes on play action. Moulds should be able to tell Troy Brown exactly what route he is going to run and then smoke him repeatedly. We are going to have to throw the ball to win this game, I think Beli!@#$ is going to make Drew make plays to win. RunTheBall
  25. Form letter for the thread: [insert easily answered question here] [insert 1 or 2 serious responses here] [insert 1 question slightly critical of the 1st question here] [insert any number of derogatory statements toward the critical questioner] [insert 290 flames/random thoughts/finger smilies/responses here] [Make a reference to #89's rack here] I think that about covers it. RunTheBall
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