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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Heh, I guess you're right. When you hear the ribs crack that's probably a career ender. RTB
  2. That's not the combine and that's not a lineman. They don't do power lifts at the combine, they give them 225 on the bar and count reps. Also, look at the guy's body shape. He's a power lifter. RTB
  3. Using human shampoo products on your dog's skin is a very bad idea. Talk to your vet and stop experimenting on your dog. RTB
  4. Where's the lawsuit? You know this has got to be worth at least 10 million for the emotional distress that 911 operator caused this poor woman. Pay up taxpayers! RTB
  5. Let's face it, the Dolphin rivalry has faded with each team's less than stellar performance since the late 90's. In the 70's it was fueled by Dolphin dominanance over a pathetic Buffalo team. In the late 80's to mid 90's by Buffalo dominance over a very good Dolphin team. That's what made it special for me, beating the hell out of them repeatedly when they were good. Especially the playoff games. Since then its been back and forth mediocrity. I felt more pain over the past couple of years getting wiped out by New England than I did by a Dolphin loss. A division with Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Buffalo would have been perfect. RTB
  6. What's the percentage of people outside of Buffalo that are season ticket holders if its damn large? Are you really threatening to put him on the ignore list? Seriosuly dude, he just threw a shot at Rochester. We take shots all the time in Buffalo. Sack up. RTB
  7. What kind of medical treatment resulted from unclogging a toilet? Did she get her hand stuck in the bowl? Give me a break, the only reason a lawyer was brought in was to get the $$$$, period. What the hell are you people thinking? One bad experience and the girl is ruined for life? I love to hear people flexing their internet muscles and saying they'd take a bat to the teacher. I have a daughter and although I wouldn't want this to happen to her, I wouldn't be looking for a payday either. Overprotective, overreactive parents are part of the problem here. Get an apology from and some training for the teacher, then move on with life. Blowing this into a big issue is going to mess the kid up more than ever and thats EXACTLY what a drawn out lawsuit will do. I'd be scared $hitless to be in front of a jury these days. Just look at many of the reactions in this thread. The justice system isn't about justice, it's about the ducats. RTB
  8. We are a country that above all else prides itself on individualism and the rights of the individual with a bit of moral hypocrisy to guide us. It's no surprise that along with that you are going to get a lot of selfish behavior. Captialism is a form of economic natural selection, there are going to be those in the herd who get eaten. Decency, honor, and integrity are fine values to follow, unless they get in the way of the bottom line of course. Those who can, do. Those who can't, sue. RTB
  9. You'd think that would be true, but its not. It wouldn't be too hard to find some scum ball ambulance chaser to take this case. It's not about who's right or wrong or justice, its all about the ducats $$$$ and thats it. Grandma got hit by a parked car? No problem ladies and gentlemen of the jury. If Chewbacca lived on Endor, you must convict! RTB
  10. Expecting to get deep into the playoffs without ever seeing JP start a game is quite optimistic. We know he has the physical tools, but the biggest determinant in our success this year will be his decision making skills. MM will try to limit other team's exploiting his inexperience by using a power running game and good D but you can't just forget about the most important position on the field. RTB
  11. Why the hell would we want a guy without a position when we need serious help at OLine? Our offense is fine as is with the huge question mark of JP, we're going to sink or swim on his decision making. I wouldn't waste a high pick on a TE project. It's gotta be either Oline or Corner, unless there's a huge run on one position that drops a "should have been" first rounder into the second. Our first pick of the second round: QB? No. WR? No. TE? No. RB? No. High motor DE? No. Safety? No. Kicker? HELL NO. LB? Possible. DT? Possible. OLine? Yes. Corner? Yes. RTB
  12. If OJ can get off for the murders he committed, then anyone can get off for anything. " And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation... does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests" -Johnny Cockran, The Chewbacca Defense Our law system is a fuggin joke run by fuggin jokers. RTB
  13. Aruba - Usually perfect weather, nice people, good eats, sometimes windy. Rent a jeep and drive around the island. I'm heading back to Tortola in the BVIs to hop on a friend's sailing charter and do some sailing, scuba diving, beer drinking. RTB
  14. I'd be thrilled if we could get a 2nd round pick for Henry. Last season I thought we'd be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for him. RTB
  15. I'd give up Henry for AZs second round pick. To think that we'd give up Henry and our 2nd rounder to move up only 14 spots is ridiculous. RTB
  16. The fact that he's getting chemo instead of surgery likely means its inoperable lung cancer. That's usually a death sentance and a quick one at that. RTB
  17. Dude, you're trolling our Bills board at 3 AM? I think you just won the most pathetic pats fan award. That's quite an accomplishment in your city of bandwagoners. Congrats! RTB
  18. If MW were a free agent on another team, there is no way TD would offer him what he is currently making to come to the Bills. We are paying way too much for his production, or lack thereof. As the #4 pick overall, he's almost been a bust. He definitely improved last year but he's not the dominating player we expected. We aren't going to cut him any time soon nor would I want to. He just hasn't live up to the expectations of a #4 overall pick. RTB
  19. Vaccines won't cure a disease but they can prevent you from contracting it. The problem with the HIV is that it mutates so much and so often, which makes it almost impossible to create a vaccine against it. There's a fairly new strain that seems to be highly resistant to drugs and is rapidly progressive that is surfacing in the gay community (see the stories on crystal meth sex parties). HIV/AIDS could get even uglier that it already is. RTB
  20. I am disgusted that the only people in the stands at the NCAA women's basketball tournament are family and boyfriends of the players. Doesn't America appreciate good sportsmanship? Excellent team work? Underhand shots?? Minor. League. RTB
  21. I think the Giants, Cowboys, and Redskins of the early 90's were all on 'roids and they should forfeit their super bowl wins. That means 4 SB's in a row for the Bills! Dynasty Baby!! RTB P.S. Every major sport has numerous athletes taking steroids and/or other performance enhancing drugs. I find it comical that people are acting shocked that MLB has stars who took steroids.
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