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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. The key for Buffalo to beat NE is to line up and knock the shiat out of them on both sides of the ball. It's that simple. I doubt we have the lines for that at this point, but a couple of big guys with attitudes would go a long way. All game planning and strategizing goes to hell when you dominate the lines. RTB
  2. Marv supposedly puts a premium on quality character players. JP has been through a tremendous amount of crap for having only played 2 seasons, some his doing (or lack of doing) but most due to horrendous head coaching (not Wyche) and backstabbing by a has-been WR who's trying to cash in a pay day he should have cashed years ago. Through all that, the kid kept his mouth shut and worked his ass off. I'd be greatly disappointed if he didn't get another shot in a friggin REBUILDING year. There is no way by what went on last year that we can conclude that JP doesn't have it. That's the tragedy of last season, it sucked and we still don't know if we have a QB in JP. RTB
  3. It would be interesting to know if there are any highly regarded receivers at risk of being cut June 1st. If so, that might decrease any leverage Marv may have at trying to get a 4th rounder. I'd be impressed if he pulls that off. RTB
  4. He gave up against Miami. Get the hell out, and if we get squeeze a draft pick for your sorry ass, then Marv has made a good move as GM. RTB
  5. Some kind of clause? YOU have the sack in the family bro, use it. RTB
  6. Moulds will go where the money is just like almost every other player in the NFL. He can blow all the "I want to go to a contender" smoke up our asses he likes but he "gots to get paid!" He'll stay with Bills if we honor his contract for 7 mil or whatever. If we cut him, he'll go to the highest bidder. RTB
  7. Why are people still dogging Gandy? He definitely was serviceable at a very reasonable price. Put a guard who isn't a turnstile next to him and he may be able to elevate his play. Why all the Gandy hate? I'd love to hear some specifics of why he sucks because from my non-professional-talent-evaluting eyes, he did ok. RTB
  8. Here in NE country, there was a lot of talk on sports radio about picking up JR. The way they were talking, it was like he was a star. Not a heckuva lot of talk about Andre Davis except that NE gave up a 3rd rounder for him yet Buffalo signed him for a reasonable contract. I think re-signing JR is not a bad call. Hopefully he'll get the dropsies out of his head and start producing again like his first year. RTB
  9. You can't be serious. I can't believe Wire is still on this team. He should have been cut years ago. RTB
  10. Are you serious? Did you watch the Jets last year? They brought in a friggin guy to MANAGE THE CLOCK because Herm was so bad at it. Calling Herm "One of the most astute clock managers in the league" is one of the most ridiculous statements I've seen on this board. Thats friggin classic. RTB
  11. Bro, you're taking this way too personally. I didn't say I thought TD didn't try and I thought it was a solid pick at the time at #4. I agreed with the majority of moves TD made at the time he made them. The biggest mistakes he made were at the coaching position, not the players. The bottom line is that the team has SUCKED for his entire tenure here. You can argue the ups and downs of picks or free agent aquisitions but its all about the W's and TD didn't get many. I'd say this team isn't any better now overall than they were when he took over. If TD didn't have such a smuck attitude he may have gotten more time but I, for one, am extremely happy his ass is out of here. RTB
  12. You are absolutely right. Everyone thought he would be a solid tackle. The difference is that when I make one of the biggest draft pick busts in team history, no one cares. When the GM does that, its his responsibility no matter how many people though it was a good pick at the time. RTB
  13. Especially after all the hype about how great their 12th man fan base is. The Seahawks bandwagon is a rickety one at best. RTB
  14. Dingo, you owe me a new keyboard. That just summed up 2 years of Bills futility, thanks. RTB
  15. Imobilized for 6 - 8 weeks? I'd get a second opinion. We do probably close to 10 shoulders a week. All labral tears are fixed through the endoscopes and the patients start rehab immediately after the operation. We completely block the shoulder and arm which lasts about 18 hours after the operation so the patient can get the shoulder moving (by using his other arm). Rehab of a shoulder is painful after the block wears off. RTB
  16. Sarcasm dude. As for Holy Brushci, he started the game. RTB
  17. That BS overturned call was so similar to the BS Brady tuck crap. Both were NFL golden boys who got very fortuitous calls in playoff games. The only difference is that Brady had Viniteri and Manning had Vandercrap. RTB
  18. I can't believe how quick the fans have turned on this team. I'm listening to sports radio and Holy Brady and Holy Bruschi are getting hammered. So much of the talk doesn't given Denver any credit, which is typical NE sports fan think. There will probably be blackouts next seson in this area. RTB
  19. With Brady out, the NFL needs a pair of testicles in its collective mouth. Those belong to Peyton if that overturned call is to be believed. RTB
  20. Teams love fans that complain because it means they care, and if they care, they spend money. The NFL loves fans like Buffalo who are passionate about their team, complain bitterly about every single move made or not made, and then fill the stadium to watch a 5 - 11 team. This franchise isn't going anywhere when you've got tens of thousands of lemmings (including myself) following Ralph over the cliff. If you don't like all the complaining and unrealistic expectations, go become a New England fan and you can jump ship to the Sox, Celtics, Bruins, or whatever team is doing well that year. RTB
  21. I'd love to pry Jeff Fisher from Tennessee but thats a pipe dream. Mariucci is intriguing but I hate the west coast offense. Haslett is going to be the man, and I'm not down on him. Why all the Haslet hate, I don't understand. Maybe we need a guy who knows the city, says he loves the area and fans, and respects the owner. Maybe a little extra passion will help make winners out of these players that have been a bunch of quitters last season. You are not going to find an experienced head coach with a 150 - 10 record, sorry. Haslet is not a rookie coordinator or friggin special teams coach, he's got head coaching experience. RTB
  22. If you think that a coach of an NFL franchise is going to resign because his family is feeling a little heat, then I've got some fine swamp-land I'd love to sell you. It was an excuse, nothing more. He didn't want to come out and say that he didn't want to coach after he was castrated by the old man. RTB
  23. Ummm, that's a stretch. Leinart can toss the deep ball and deep out. RTB
  24. Please get us someone with experience and a proven track record running the ball. I think Norv Turner would be the best candidate. RTB
  25. You're way too sensitive dude. RTB
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