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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. It's too bad the TH situation didn't work out in our favor yet. I think Thomas would have been a nice backup. Thomas to Cowboys - Lookout for Falling Drews RTB
  2. I'm surprised Joe, you usually make very reasonable arguments and back them up with facts. Brain dead people can never be revived, correct. Shiavo wasn't brain dead, and comatose is not a synonym for brain death. RTB
  3. I heard that they weren't that happy with Eli Manning. Should we get into the Eli sweepstakes? How would JP's cousins feel? Maybe we can trade Henry for Eli and their second rounder next year. RTB
  4. The majority of Buffalonians could give a chowda what other cities think of us. If you are so easily offended you might want to move out of a city that's identity is partly derived from perserverence in the face of difficult odds. RTB
  5. I hope for a full recovery for your brother-in-law and wish your family the best. Keep in mind that it's possible that everything was done right. Operating on the carotid artery is major vascular surgery and has serious risks. RTB
  6. That sums up the Bills first day of the draft succinctly and accurately. Sometimes the picks don't fall as you want them to and you can't draft for need and value at the same time. I'm glad TD picked the best athlete available instead of reaching for a prospect. RTB
  7. I wasn't sold on Terry. I'm an SU grad and watched all but 1 game this season and was surprised the pundits were talking about him going so high. I think it is more indicitive of the lack of talent at the tackle position in this year's draft. RTB
  8. I look at it this way - There was a RB available for AZ to pick at 44 so the TH trade was off, even if we still wanted to do it. By that time, the 3 offensive linemen we've heard about (Baas, Mankins, Spencer) were already gone so it didn't make sense for us to jump 11 spots anymore even IF it were possible. I was surprised at the Parish pick but not dismayed. I have to conclude that the CBs, DTs, and OL still left were not worth the 55 pick and we could get better value at these positions later in the draft. I'd like to know from people who have studied the draft more than I who would you have picked at #55 instead of Parish and why? RTB
  9. Once the 3 O-lineman were off the board before AZ's pick, I think the trade with AZ went out the door. I think we're looking at either a 3rd round pick this year (which I think is TH's value) or a 2nd rounder next year for TH. Tampa and AZ are out of the running, which leaves pretty much the Eagles. I'm glad Nugent is out of the picture. We'll probably go CB or DT wtih #55. RTB
  10. AZ has 6 minutes left. I doubt TD is going to make the trade for this pick, maybe picks in next years draft. Can't think of anyone we need to jump 11 spots to get. RTB
  11. I asked the ESPN guys how long it took to grow that Chia Pet on Hodges' head. I'll let you guys know when I get the reply... RTB
  12. Is Berman going to give this kid a reach-around too? How pathetic do you look when the ESPN guys feel sorry for you and are begging teams to take you. If they are going to stroke this kid like he's the next Favre, they should at least have kept the camera on him as he dropped dropped dropped. I think he's over rated even at 24. RTB
  13. I can't be mad at Jimbo. What other QB could throw 4 picks in a game and then blame it on his best WR for running the wrong routes? All with a straight face. Priceless. RTB
  14. Ya, what was I thinking. Jennings was as good as Wolford. I'd take Lawrence Smith over Richter. Teague would give Hull a run for his money. Davis was no Villarial. And House Ballard wasn't anywhere near as good as Mike Williams. I understand having hall of fame players such as Kelly/Thomas/Reed on the O will make your o-line look good. That being said, our current o-line would be lucky to back up our line in 1991. RTB
  15. I'm watching ESPN Classic right now. Watching Jim Kelly stand behind a line of 5 guys and having time to survey the field really demonstrates just how bad the O-line has been neglected over the years. Ahh, nostalgia. RTB
  16. Unless he pulls an Andre Reed with a yanked hammy and gets no offers. How was that for bad timing? RTB
  17. I'd love to know the history of the idiot lawyers who took this case and filed suit for a woman with a known history of filing not just frivilous but outright false lawsuits. RTB
  18. Why do people think that just because other teams are dealing that we should be too? We should do what's best for the Bills. Unless someone decides to end their career as GM and give us a 1st rounder for Travis, we should stay out of the first round and the malcontent trade sweepstakes (ala Buchanon). RTB
  19. God I hope someone picks that QB just before the Redskins. That would be hilarious, then we can listen to them try and explain how they wanted someone else all along. RTB
  20. He's referencing the fact that the media blowjob Matt Jones has received has elevated him from a second day pick into the late first/early 2nd round. This for an "athlete" which means project in my book. RTB
  21. Why would we trade into the first round when everyone is trying to get out? I'm not that big on targeting on specific guy and selling the farm for him. More often than not that backfires. RTB
  22. Heh. Great dad. Ya. You both sound ready to be parents. Good luck. RTB
  23. That's cool. I don't have a problem with them taking what they feel is a moral stand as long as its consistent. For those vegetarians who don't make it a moral issue and just don't eat meat, all the more fur to 'em. RTB
  24. I don't have a problem with vegetarians, eat whatever the hell you like. Just don't go pulling the moral trump card as you walk around in your fine leather jacket, belt, and shoes. Most vegetarians I know who make an issue out of it are hyprocrits in that respect. I love veal, the less that little dude moves the better. Chickens are the wildebeast of the western world. Their sole purpose in life is to act as food for the rest of the chain. RTB
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