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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Why do people think a 1st year wideout who's never played a real down of NFL football but had a pretty good camp is the missing link to our offensive woes? Josh Reed looked pretty good in camp the last few years and he was the only wideout who showed up today. I don't think Roscoe would have made any difference in the outcome of this game. RTB
  2. I don't have a problem with MM pulling JP for a series. In fact, I think it shows guts on the coach's part. At least he was trying something different to get the O rolling. First with the no-huddle, then with Holcombe. JP was not getting the job done, period. He came back with a fire under his ass and marched the team down the field. Granted, they were in prevent but still, his accuracy was better. If being benched for a series is going to crush our QB's confidence then he is not the right QB to lead this team and is definitely not the next coming of Jim Kelly. I don't think you guys give Losman enough credit, he's going to be fine. RTB
  3. A defense that gets turnovers wins games. A team that depends on its defense to get turnovers to win games doesn't go far. We need to see if this offense can develop some consistancy in producing points without drive starts on the opposing team's 30 yard line. I think they will, but time will tell. This defense has looked dominant before and then given up game ending drives when we needed a stop. They allowed a backup running back and second string offense to knock them out of the playoffs. All I'm saying is lets se e a few more games before we start making reservations to the Superbowl. RTB
  4. I'm sure there's some lawyer who would be willing to take a case where a guy threatened violence against an ANONYMOUS source. Just what we need, more frivilous lawsuits. RTB
  5. Why do people think Everett is going to come back from an ACL injury this year and add a new dimension to the offense? He hasn't even practiced with the team and it took WM 2 years to get back to form. As for Roscoe, he had a plate put in his wrist because of a fracture. It'll likely be at least 8 weeks from the surgery until he can play. Wrists can be very finicky when healing, especially when catching hard thrown footballs soon after. RTB
  6. What friggin game did you watch? I think you were too busy typing play-by-play in the chat room to pay attention to the O-line. To say they looked pretty bad in the first half is a ridiculous comment especially if you don't know who was even playing. The Texans run-blitzed regularly and when JP went to throw, he usually had time. Did they play great? No, but they played average to good against a defensive scheme designed to stop WM. It opened up in the second half because of the good play calling on MM and TC's part in the first half, not because the o-line all of a sudden became good. RTB
  7. The Pats are an excellent franchise and I hate them along with their bandwagon fans. I wish we had 3 of the last 4 Superbowls. Tom Brady sucks sausage. That is all. RTB
  8. We've got a lot of people on this thread who would make great politicians. You already know how to spend someone else's money on your own interests. Anyone think the families who lost people in this hurricane will see anywhere close to the amount of cash that families who lost someone in 9-11 saw? Nope. RTB
  9. Shep Smith was standing on an elevated highway with a corpse in the background and his sad face on. His over-dramatization was pathetic and it was the lead in to Bill OReilly. OReilly started interviewing Smith and Smith just kept up the drama to the point where he wasn't even answering questions. He was talking about "armageddon in the streets" etc. At the end, OReilly says "Shep, I hope you get the best reporting award they have" in a very sarcastic tone and you could see Smith's face just fall. It was funny to see Fox's own reporter get called out by one of their own hosts. Reporters with an agenda are pathetic. RTB
  10. If Price goes to NE I wouldn't be surprised if he has his best season since his Buffalo days. NE has a way of taking talented malcontents and turning them into team players. The trade of Price to Atlanta for a #1 when he was going to be a free agent has to go down as one of the most lopsided trades in NFL history. RTB
  11. I don't know if I agree with your assessment of TD being cheap on the o-line given that we are paying Williams and exhorbitant sum to play average RT. I think its more a conseqence of no one being available at the right price. I don't think TD will have any problem paying premium $$ for a LT who TD thinks is worth the cash. The problem with that position, ala Jonas, is that average guys can end up getting paid ridiculous amounts of cash if they hit the market at the right time. RTB
  12. Year in and year out, London Fletcher leads the team in this category by far. RTB
  13. I agree that the o-line run blocking has been not very impressive. That being said, remember this is a new line using the preseason to get in sync. I think Gandy is playing as good or better than we could expect. Anderson is doing ok at L guard which is better than we had there all last year. The fact that he isn't a turnstile and isn't committing a lot of penalties is a definite plus. I'd like to see some blocking improvement and I think we will. I'm quietly satisfied that this line is not the disaster is had the potential to be. They are a better unit now than they were at the same time last year and I think has the potential to be above average. If they start opening holes, McGahee is going to be a monster when he doesn't have to do all the work himself. RTB
  14. Peerless would not be worth the headaches that would come along with him. Do you really think he's going to come in here and say "Ya, I'm happy being the 3rd wideout". Remember, this was Mr. 1b when he was here when Moulds was opening up everything for PP and Josh Reed could still catch a football. Moulds was the real man there, not saying a word when PP was opening his yapper and spewing his crap. I hope he gets cut and goes down in history as one of the biggest trade busts in Falcons history. Thanks for that #1 guys, god you got robbed. RTB
  15. I think it depends on where in the country you get married. I'm from Buffalo, got married right outside of NYC at $140.00 a plate. It would be ridiculous to think that my friends/relatives from Buffalo should cough up $280.00 a piece, not to mention the price of travel and hotel. I thought it was way over the top anyway but my wife is from that area so that's where we got married. I'd say anywhere between $100.00 and $200.00 depending on how close you are to the person is very generous. RTB
  16. Ahh Todd, we hardly knew ya.... Todd Gettin Angry RTB
  17. Well, its tough to be a homer when Mike's head is in Dallas because he's had it wedged so far up Parcell's ass that he can see out of Bill's mouth. Same old drivel day after day. RTB
  18. I, for one, welcome another Coy Wire Sucks thread. There should be many this year because he won't be cut. Coy Sucks. That is all. RTB
  19. What are you talking about? This defense is based on aggressiveness. Teams that have solid secondaries have the luxury of blitzing more often. This team blitzed up the wazoo last year and ended up #2 overall. The collapses they had were when they stopped being aggressive in my opinion. RTB
  20. Sprains involve soft tissue such as muscle, ligaments, and tendons where fractures involve bones. It is possible to injure a joint seriously enough without breaking a bone (like a shoulder) where it takes longer to recover from the sprain than if the guy say, busted his collar bone. Serious sprains can also lead to chronic instability of a joint, like the ankle or shoulder whereas most bones usually heal well. There are always exceptions, of course. RTB
  21. Definitely worth 36 million with a 12 million signing bonus. I think it was AD who called this one a while back. From the Mercury News (link requires sign in) Early in training camp, the 49ers' offensive-line depth is being severely tested. Coach Mike Nolan said Tuesday that left guard Justin Smiley has a bruised left calf, leaving him questionable for the 49ers' exhibition opener Saturday night against the Raiders at Monster Park. Smiley, who was injured in Saturday's scrimmage, is the fourth offensive-line starter to be sidelined. Also out are center Jeremy Newberry (knee), right guard David Baas (hamstring) and left tackle Jonas Jennings (hand). ``It's on my mind because you want the group to jell that's hopefully going to be the starting group,'' Nolan said. ``But this does make way for the backups. We can see what they can do.'' Right tackle Kwame Harris could be the unit's only regular in the game that also is expected to mark the debut of quarterback Alex Smith, the NFL's No. 1 draft pick. Scott Peters, signed initially to the 49ers' practice squad after being released by the New York Giants in their final cut a year ago, is filling in for Smiley. Center Eric Heitmann is subbing for Newberry, and rookie Patrick Estes, a converted tight end, is slated to make his first start at left tackle in place of Jennings. Estes will be playing with a cast over his broken left hand. I especially like the fact that the converted tight end will be playing in place of Jonas and he has a BUSTED LEFT HAND. Classic. RTB
  22. You don't have water in your ear anymore if you had it there at all. What you felt was a pressure injury transmitted to your ear drum from the 25 foot jump. It's possible you perforated your ear drum but the treatment for that is to simply wait until it heals (think of how many kids get tubes in their ears). It's also possible you just rattled your inner ear and did not perforate the ear drum. Again, the treatment is pretty much to wait it out. If you don't continue to get better, then see your doc in a week. He'll look into your ear to see if you have a perf or if you have some inflammatory fluid in the inner ear (that can be treated easily). For the love of god, DON'T PUT ALCOHOL IN YOUR EAR. If you have a perf, that alcohol is going to go to your inner ear and put you in a world of hurt. RTB
  23. Who do they think they're dealing with? Arizona? RTB
  24. There are numerous articles stating that the Packers wouldn't want to spend any time away from Wis. because of the financial impact it would have on the surrounding towns and businesses. Not one of these articles comes from the Packers though, so it may be just local writers trying to sway opinion before any decisions are made about the Packers travelling to Buffalo. RTB
  25. How about doing your job and not worrying about her breath? I'm not trying to be insulting, but you've posted a few times about your job searches so it'd probably be better to suck it up and not piss off a supervisor over something stupid. RTB
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