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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Here's how you win this game: Find me some players with some heart. This entire team collectively doesn't have the guts that one Patriots player has and I hate the Pats. You don't hear them talking crap, they just win games. But hey, we've got the best talkers in the NFL. Willis is he best back, the D is the best ever right? Maybe we could beat the Pats in a rap smackdown. RTB
  2. Let me be the first on this thread to say that Coy Wire Sucks. Now, that being said, he actually looks pretty damn good this year because the rest of the defense is so god-awful that his pathetic play is now average for this team. RTB
  3. Is there anyone who thinks Brady won't pick apart this pathetic excuse for a defense like child's play? I mean come on, we got destroyed by a horrible Oakland team. You know what that makes us? HORRIBLE. Gee, I wonder if Belichik will be able to figure out how to stop noodle arm Holcomb. I'm sure thats a tough assignment. He'll probably come out with 4 lineman and 7 linebackers because we can't throw past 15 yards with any hint of accuracy. RTB
  4. I can't remember being this disgusted with a Bills team in my life. Even the lowest of the RJ days were light years ahead of this crap (I was born in the 70s so I don't remember the 1-13 days). Ralph is going to drop before we ever sniff the playoffs again. I hate the fact that I'm so invested in this piece of **** excuse for a team. RTB
  5. Well lets see. The last time someone on our team opened their collective mouths to proclaim they were the best they proceded to descend into defensive suckness. I like WM but he should shut his yapper, get off that stupid horse, and just play hard. Just hand the ball to the ref, that says a helluva lot more than his proclamations. You don't see even the most annoying Patriots players talking crap like this. All they have to show for it are 3 superbowl rings. RTB
  6. Umm, ya, ok. So the fact that we have the second worst rushing defense in the league after 1/3rd of the season doesn't factor into expecting something bad from this D? This team has demonstrated an inability to stop the run, rush the passer, and get off the field on 3rd down. It's only irrational if the team was playing well and people were expecting the worst. Expecting bad things from a bad team until they demonstrate otherwise is not irrational. One can expect the worst but hope for the best. That's the plight (sp?) of a Bills fan. RTB
  7. Don't worry, the Jets rushing O will improve dramatically after facing our sieve of a D. RTB
  8. SU football suuuuuuucks right now. But, I'm sure Robinson showed up, looked at the refuse he had to work with, and started laughing. Most of these guys were recruited to run an option offense. There are no QBs on the team, no WRs, 1 running back worth talking about, etc. I'm a little disappointed that the D sucks too, I figured Robinson would be able to get more production out of these guys. I'm willing to give him at least 3-4 years as long as we see some steady improvement. This downward spiral started a long time ago. As I tell the freshmen who call me looking for more $$$, start winning some big games and I'll think about sending more cash SU's way. RTB
  9. The critics reviews are in. This thread is BOOOOOORRING. RTB
  10. You hit the nail on the head. I'd run Willis 4x but right before he hits the field I'd tell him he better get rid of the happy feet and hit the hole hard or he'll be watching Shaud Williams bounce off big Bennie's ass for the next few games. This team is a victim of overcoaching in the biggest way. Friggin' bunch of genius's. Just line up and hit someone, please?! RTB
  11. We cannot run the ball when it counts (red zone, 1st and goal from the 2, 4th down, etc) We cannot stop the run. Unless this changes, this team goes nowhere no matter who is at QB. RTB
  12. I went to high school with Mike. He was a good guy and did all the play-by-play for the sports teams. I'm pretty sure he wanted to get into sports broadcasting and play-by-play. I haven't caught his radio gig since I'm not in Buffalo anymore. He always knew a lot about sports but I don't ever remember him being condescending. Guess "sports talk radio" does that to ya. RTB
  13. Hey, by your sig you're Schobel's biggest fan. While you're giving him his next reach around, ask him when he's going to show up on game day. RTB
  14. The definition of great defense does not include the Buffalo Bills D unless its great talking defense, in which case we're #1 in history. Great defenses 1) Stop the run 2) Get off the field on 3rd down 3) shorten the field for the O and 4) Make big stops in big games. RTB
  15. It's sad but I have to agree, I think EM quit on JP. I didn't expect that from a long time Bill but it seems like there have been a lot of quitters on this team over the past couple years. RTB
  16. This decision is absolutely horrendous. If we needed a stiff back there they should have kept the Statue. After last year I was brimming with confidence that this coaching staff was at least making the right decisions. It took only 4 games to completley shatter that confidence. The coaching decisions on both sides of that ball have been simply awful since the first game. When my own mother asks me why the Bills keep throwing the ball when WM is running so well then you know we have a problem. There are a lot of problems with this team and OVER COACHING is a big one. It's football, not a friggin shuttle launch. Benching JP at this time just destroys any credibility this coaching staff had in regards to their master plan and developing our QB of the future. They were flat out 100% wrong about all the assumptions they made prior to the start of the season. I'm disgusted with Mularky/Clements/Gray right now. RTB
  17. The game plans this year have been down right disgusting except for Game 1. In game 1, we rightly came out throwing to back the Texans off the line and then started running Willis. Every game since it seems we establish absolutely nothing, no rhythm, nothing, even when we've got a back who has hit the holes excellently since being called out in week 2. There is absolutely no reason to run bullsh-- gadget plays when you have not established either the run or the pass. The defense does not bite and it smacks of fear. Where the hell was Willis the past 2 games? If they don't have 8 in the box, run the damn ball. When they bring up 8, have JP toss some short to medium routes. Take a shot down field on a play action once in a while. IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. We are victims of overcoaching. When the other team is getting pressure with 4 men you have to either run the ball or throw short routes. WHERE IS THE TE? The fourth down call this week was horrible both in timing and execution. Down by 6, if you don't make it and the Saints get a FG the game is over. That's exactly what happened. If you can't get 8 inches when you need it, your team is in big trouble. How do you not just fall over Anderson's fat ass for 8 inches? Pulling JP at that time was ridiculous. Your starter is down by 6 points and you pull him? How's he going to develop without playing? Make the change in the middle of the week, not at that point of the game. Sickening. Just run the damn ball please. RTB
  18. The Bills never seem to fare well when we supposedly catch an injury break on the othe team. Usually the guy who comes in as a replacement has a career day against the Bills, especially if they are a backup QB. Hopefully Ceements will shut down Hakim and we can stack 8 in the box to stop McCallister. RTB
  19. I'm not sure what game you were watching. There was no offensive flow and the defense folded. The defense is LAST in the league in rushing defense. You cannot win games if you cannot stop the run. RTB
  20. Here's a quote from JS today " Around Buffalo, people have already given up on this team." Anyone think that is true? I'm not in the Buffalo area anymore and I don't think this board reflects the average fan. Even when the team was 3 - 13, when I went home I never got the feeling around town that people had given up on the team. Later on in the article, JS states "It's a little early to wring your hands and give up on them." This from the biggest friggin pessimist in Buffalo News history? One thing I do agree with him on is this " In the last two weeks, I saw some quit in the Bills". I unfortunately have to agree here. I also have gotten a sense of the team deflating in the face of adversity. Not just because we were giving up big play after big play, it just seems they wilt on both sides of the ball. The defense makes a big stop, the O then comes out and goes 3 and out. The O actually moves the ball or scores to make up some ground, the D comes out and $hits the bed allowing the opposing team to march. I dunno. I hope the turnaround starts today. I hope this team comes out pissed off and starts hitting people. I hope the O line comes out and blasts the other team off the line of scrimmage and pancackes them. It's time for this team to get down to basics and knock someone around. Anyone else get the feeling that this team has to man-up? RTB
  21. Pennington was never, ever, an elite QB. He's the most overrated QB in the last 10 years. He's had more smoke blown up his ass than Tom Brady but at least Brady could back up the hype. He was hyped up the wazoo by the NYC market who seem to think the Jets will be in the SuperBowl every single year. The guy sat behind Vinne-freakin-Testaverde for 4 years and had ONE good year. Sorry you're hurt Chad, seeya. RTB
  22. I dunno. An achilles tendon injury is worse than an ACL tear in my opinion. The ACL just provides stability, where the Achilles tendon attaches the calf to the foot and is instrumental in both stabilty and exetending the foot. TKO is a speed player who needs a powerful push off that foot. I think he'll be very hindered. Can anyone think of a player who has come back to his old form after suffering an achilles tendon injury? I can't. RTB
  23. It would be a mistake to bench JP for Holcomb. Holcomb has proven numerous times that he can't consistantly lead a team to victory over the long hall. When we decided on JP as QB, the plan was "Just don't lose the game for us". Well, he hasn't. He isn't winning games for us yet, but he's not losing them either. The "almost" interceptions don't count. Where is the dominant running game? Non existent. Where is the dominant special teams? Non existent. Where is the dominant defense that opened their yappers and talked about being #1 in history. Non existent. Oh wait, they exist as LAST in the league in rushing defense. JP isn't where I'd hoped he'd be, but I'm not surprised at his lack of success as a first year QB. There is an argument to be made though that since the defense sucks and the special teams are average (except FG kicking so far) that we can't wait for a first year QB to develop this year. I say give JP more time. RTB
  24. I'm sorry, but losing one of the best linebackers in the league, a proven playmaker, to a season ending injury is in no way addition by subtraction. This one is going to hurt. RTB
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