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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Thank you and godspeed. RTB
  2. I was at the game so this was the first time I had a chance to watch it on TV. The NFL Sunday Ticket Shortcuts are a great way to check out the whole game in 30 minutes or just concentrate on a few plays. Anyway, I'm sure some of these have been mentioned but here goes. 1) On Roscoe's punt return, Coy Wire got away with a horrendous hold on a player who would have had a good shot at tackling Roscoe. I can't believe the refs missed that one as it was blatant. It's about time we benefited from a non-call so I'm not worried about it. 2) Roscoe was already getting his balance back when Thomas grabbed his jersey during the punt return 3) On the 4th and 14 play, Crowell just absolutely whiffed on that tackle. He had Gerard lined up 3 yards short of the first down marker and just MISSED. He barely touched Gerards left side. That's god-awful from a linebacker in a game ending situation and I hope he got reamed for that. Whoever was comparing him to an early TKO needs their head examined. He's going to be solid but he's got a ways to go (and not just from that one play) 4) Ko Simpson can hit! Once he stops thinking so much and just lets his ability take over I think he's going to be a tremendous force in the backfield. Receivers are not going to want to go over the middle once he can consistently lay the wood on them. 5) The reason Royal was so far in the backfield on the play in the 4th quarter where JP lateraled the ball to him on 3rd down was because he went to block the DE and just BOUNCED off him even though the DE was engaged by Peters at the time. 6) A HUGE reason why JP got that last throw to Roscoe off was because Willis destroyed a linebacker on a blitz pick up. I'm happy to see him really improving on blitz pickups since the beginning of the season. 7) Willis looked fast at the stadium on his long TD run. He looked fast on the tape. I don't know if this is the speed we've been looking for but he's fast enough once he gets into the open to be a very good back. 8) The improvement in the O-line is a combination of the O-line playing better and JP making faster decisions. RTB
  3. I think this stat is a little misleading although its definitely better than the opposite. The D was giving up 10+ yards on first and second down pretty often. 2 of those failed third down conversions were 2 fourth down conversions, including that horrendous scramble by Gerard. From the beginning of the second quarter to mid-fourth, the D was absolutely solid though. Too bad they couldn't close out the game when they had the chance but then we wouldn't have gotten to see the JP/Roscoe/Lindell heroics. RTB
  4. Holy crap, some of you people are absolutely ridiculous. This is a rebuilding year, even though we've been rebuilding for 7 years. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the maturation of a QB and a team. Stop with the Craig Nall crap for this season. RTB
  5. I've been pretty harsh on the DE's and this was one of their better games as a unit that I've seen. I'm very far from calling them a top-flight DE tandem, but the DEs played well once they started sticking to their assignments and not trying to make every play. What I liked was that every rush was not a speed rush to the outside and in the second half, they stayed home and were able to make some stops in the run game. RTB
  6. If Jauron and Co. opened up the game plan against the Colts the score would have been 55 - 7 in favor of Indy. If Tom Brady and NE got spanked at home throwing the ball aggressively against them, why do you think the Bills without 1/4 the talent would have any chance in hell? The coaches are putting these players in a position to win games with solid game-planning, not superior talent. That's the hallmark of good NE teams, scheming against your opponents, not dogmatically sticking to a scheme ala Greggo and Mularkey. When we get some more talent, especially in the trenches, I think these coaches are going to be good. RTB
  7. The NFL does not run up against anti-trust laws because any group is welcome to come in and start a football league to compete. MLB has some legislation that favors that specific league so the politicians have more leverage over it (hence the steroid investigations). As for the NFL and NFL network, what you're seeing here is simple capitalism at work. The NFL has a product that they own, and they don't have to sell it for anything less than what they think its worth. If Time Warner doesn't want to carry the NFL Network in the capacity that the NFL wants, then they don't have to buy it, its that simple. Of course, they'll get some heat from NFL fans but that's the trade off. It's not about being fair. It's about making money and using leverage to get the best possible deal for your company. I loved the Direct TV advertisement in USA Today on Wednesday. A full page ad with the headline "Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. Thank Time Warner and Cablevision for not carrying the NFL Network and here are the games you will not be seeing: " And then they went on to list all the games on the NFL network this season. RTB
  8. Thank you for the excellent picture. Who's going to say Peerless hit with his hand out of bounds first? Bueller? Anyone? RTB
  9. Oh jesus, blow it out your ass with your "some of you are never happy" crap. I'm very happy with the win, especially for JP, but you were giving your "props" to a player who has a knack for the garbage sack instead of showing up when we need him. DE's love to play us so they can pad their stats. I care less about the stats and more about showing up when it counts. The Pats, in their prime, had many players who showed up in big games at the right time but didn't have the "stats" to show for it. Aaron Schoebel is the king of the garbage stat. He sucks at run D, consistently runs himself out of plays with his upfield rush, does not command a double team, and does not apply pressure to opposing QB's on a consistent basis. So ya, it's nice to see him make 1 play during a game for his 6 million per year contract (signing bonus included). RTB
  10. I'd like to see Schoebel show up when it actually mattered. I'm not real happy with our DE play. Too many upfield speed rushes which leave a huge gap between guard and tackle. This has been consistently exploited by opposing teams this season. These guys need to learn a move besides running 10 yards into the backfield and hoping the QB is there. RTB
  11. When they didn't go for it on fourth down on the second last drive of the game I was pissed beyond belief. I asked in the chat room if Greg Williams was back with us. I didn't think there was any way this D was going to keep Houston from running out the clock. Houston pulled a Mularkey on 3rd and short and threw the ball after running it down our throats all day. Anyway, I'm glad this coaching staff proved me wrong. After last weeks game plan and this weeks calls, I may actually be losing some of my cynicism about Buffalo coaches in general. RTB
  12. I'm fuggin sick and tired of moral victories. I don't care if they lost by 1 or 100, it's still a LOSS and its something this team has become very good at. The only positive I got out of this game is that I liked the gameplan and the fact that the coaches didn't panic - they stuck to what they thought would work and the team was in a position to win. The problem, as always, is lack of talent, especially in the trenches. Bad teams find a way to lose, especially the close ones. RTB
  13. Post of the year. Bro, you owe me a keyboard. RTB
  14. We're just so desperate for even 1/4 of the success the Pats have had over the past decade that we even look at the friggin turf they use as an explanation for their dominance. I love watching the Pats lose as much as anyone but who gives a crap about their field or when they decided to change its surface. RTB
  15. The best Star Wars fight was Star Wars Kid vs. Himself. Nerds. RTB
  16. One of the first indications that this franchise was heading back to sucking big time was that absolute assinine firing of Bruce DeHaven after Home-Run-Throw-Forward. An excellent special teams coach was thrown under the bus for a play the refs blew and we were left with the Ronnie Jones debacle and the downward spiral that ensued. RTB
  17. It's probably better for the long term future to get the always-hurt Chris Villarial out of the line up to see if one of the draft picks can fill that role. As for Neufeld, what has he done except get penalties at inopportune times? RTB
  18. I think Losman played fairly well today. He did what he was asked to do, didn't turn the ball over, and was pretty accurate overall. Sure, he missed Evans deep on a play and threw one at Royal's feet but come on, what QB doesn't have a couple bad tosses. Those of you complaining that he doesn't have any pocket presence can't use this game to advance that argument. When DE's come in full speed without a hand on them, you can't expect a QB to evade that. I'm happy he hung on to the ball. RTB
  19. Males + alcohol + competition/ego = High Potential For A$$holeness. Expect it. It happens at every sports venue in some capacity and is in no way unique to the Ralph. If you're worried about the environment, take your kid to Chuck-E-Cheeze and watch it on TV. RTB
  20. That's because they didn't have a cart available for the junior varsity women's badminton team. RTB
  21. It's too bad they can't afford to stay on the air. RTB
  22. What the hell are you talking about? Evans has been JP's go-to receiver since JP has played. Evans is averaging over 5 receptions a game. I'm all for uninformed opinions, otherwise I wouldn't read this board, but this one is way out there. RTB
  23. The best thing you ever did for yourself and your long term health was to stop smoking. Every single organ in your body thanks you, because every organ is affected even though we tend to concentrate on the lungs. In the three years since you quit, your oxygen carrying capacity (which is the amount of oxygen able to be delivered to your organs) is back to normal. Smokers are in a chronic state of low oxygen, and since our entire physical existance is based on delivering oxygen to organs and tissue, that's bad. It's unlikely any permanent damage that has been done to your lungs would be noticeable to you but you could probably detect it on pulmonary function tests. Your lungs are fully healed from any non-permanent damage by now. The only test you might want to ask your doc about is a chest xray or a ct scan at some time. Congrats on quitting. It's not easy and you've extended your life considerably. RTB
  24. I hate the logo but at least the colors are better. What I hate more is talking about winning the Stanley Cup 10 games into a hockey season. RTB
  25. I'd agree that speed isn't a problem with Willis as long as we admit he lost that second gear he had in Miami and don't expect the break-away runs from him. I was kind of disappointed to see a gimpy cornerback with a sore hammy catch up to him fairly easily on what could have been a game changing play if he makes the end zone. RTB
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