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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I can't believe how quick the fans have turned on this team. I'm listening to sports radio and Holy Brady and Holy Bruschi are getting hammered. So much of the talk doesn't given Denver any credit, which is typical NE sports fan think. There will probably be blackouts next seson in this area. RTB
  2. With Brady out, the NFL needs a pair of testicles in its collective mouth. Those belong to Peyton if that overturned call is to be believed. RTB
  3. Teams love fans that complain because it means they care, and if they care, they spend money. The NFL loves fans like Buffalo who are passionate about their team, complain bitterly about every single move made or not made, and then fill the stadium to watch a 5 - 11 team. This franchise isn't going anywhere when you've got tens of thousands of lemmings (including myself) following Ralph over the cliff. If you don't like all the complaining and unrealistic expectations, go become a New England fan and you can jump ship to the Sox, Celtics, Bruins, or whatever team is doing well that year. RTB
  4. I'd love to pry Jeff Fisher from Tennessee but thats a pipe dream. Mariucci is intriguing but I hate the west coast offense. Haslett is going to be the man, and I'm not down on him. Why all the Haslet hate, I don't understand. Maybe we need a guy who knows the city, says he loves the area and fans, and respects the owner. Maybe a little extra passion will help make winners out of these players that have been a bunch of quitters last season. You are not going to find an experienced head coach with a 150 - 10 record, sorry. Haslet is not a rookie coordinator or friggin special teams coach, he's got head coaching experience. RTB
  5. If you think that a coach of an NFL franchise is going to resign because his family is feeling a little heat, then I've got some fine swamp-land I'd love to sell you. It was an excuse, nothing more. He didn't want to come out and say that he didn't want to coach after he was castrated by the old man. RTB
  6. Ummm, that's a stretch. Leinart can toss the deep ball and deep out. RTB
  7. Please get us someone with experience and a proven track record running the ball. I think Norv Turner would be the best candidate. RTB
  8. I think Norv Turner would be an interesting choice for offensive coordinator. He's got a solid track record as an OC emphasizing the run. I mean hell, he turned Miami into a run oriented football team. Might be just what this O needs, a little consistancy in the running game. RTB
  9. Football fans who understand the game and aren't influenced by the "team-du-jour" understand just what it takes to win 4 AFC Championships in a row. Shaky at best is a description of fair weather fans who's appreciation of the game comes from the mindless drones we see pumping the NFL's glamour teams ever Sunday. I hate the Pats, but I can appreciate a good football team and one of the best QB's ever when I see it. Many people give the Bills of the early 90s the credit their due. RTB
  10. Sorry to hear that. Stay the course, don't give in, and continue to offer good advice. Like a good coach, you can only put your kids in a position to succeed. RTB
  11. I think the sign issue was the last straw for Ralph because he apologized for it in the press conference so it was obviously eating at him. Ralph can handle a less-than-stellar product on the field if there are circumstances that warrant some slack (injuries, bad breaks, draft picks that don't pan out, etc.) because he understands the game. What Ralph doesn't like is a team that quits (and this team quit a few times) and a poor perception of his franchise. Both of these things happened under TDs watch, and given the 5 year playoff drought, it was a no-brainer to turn things around. I think its absoutely farking MARVelous that Levy is back in the fold. The fact that Marv thinks MM has what it takes is comforting. He could have had MM canned in a heart beat but he thinks MM can turn it around. I liked MM the first year, hated him last year, hopefully with some wisdom and some good co-ordinators he can take it to another level. Great PR move by Ralph. The guy just wants to feel good about his team before he heads to the great president's box in the sky. Is it a great football move? I dunno. But I feel good about this team for the first time in a loooooong time and its the optimism for the future that TD destroyed. RTB
  12. I also read this comment and raised an eyebrow, Steve. The insinuation there is pretty strong. Vincent is another example of a TD move that I thought was good at the time but just didn't work out. If, as a strong proponent of players, he had a hand in some lockerroom discord between MM and the players, thats just $hitty. RTB
  13. Did I just get transported 6 weeks into the past? RTB
  14. The numbers look good, but I only remember one game where I thought Schobel showed up in critical situations. I could be way off base on this one because I watched this season with such a cynical, critical eye. Either way, Shobel is definitely maturing as a DE and I was a harsh critic of him last year. I hope he continues to improve to justify that contract, especially if we but some quality DTs on the line. RTB
  15. What do you guys think of Mike Sherman? I haven't followed him closely, but he's a successful head coach with experience, especially playoff experience. Although he's only 2-4 in the playoffs, he's won the division title 3 times. I'm not quite sure why Green Bay would fire him but he's going to end up some place I think. I doubt Buffalo is that place, but anyone have any more of an informed opinion on him? RTB
  16. I don't think there is any way you can keep TD in the organization without everyone wondering if every move made by the team has his fingerprints on it. RTB
  17. Maguire hopped on the Madden "every guy is the best" bandwagon. This guy "is the best weak side, FB out-of-the-backfield-covering linebacker in the league today!" He was gushing all over himself yesterday and even went so far as to say that Marshal Faulk was the smartest RB in the game, EVER!. WTF?? I don't think he has good knowledge of the game, he covers up his lack of anything to say with the "he's the best" crap. Theisman, well, it doesn't get much worse. Maybe Joe Namath on the sidelines but thats about it. Patrick couldn't identify his mother on the 50 yard line. RTB
  18. I'm sorry, its actually 3 interceptions directly attributable to Holcomb. Asswipe. RTB
  19. Kelly Holcomb is god-awful horrible. I'm actually glad he's stinking up the place so we don't pretend like we have an actual starting QB there. He's directly responsible for 2 picks (bad toss to shelton, didn't see safety on evans), doesn't look off the safety, zeroes in on 1 receiver and has a noodle arm. This guy should be on the bench, MM should have had the stones to stick with JP all year. Nice mess we're in now. At least with a season under his belt we'd have an idea of what we have with JP. What a waste of a season. RTB
  20. Are people seriously considering Holcomb as a STARTER??? What good did putting Holcomb in this year do for this team? Nothing. We're still out of the playoffs and still wondering if JP has the tools. A full year of work for JP would give us a better idea of what we have going forward. Instead, we win a couple of more games (maybe), get a worse draft pick, a FAKE QB controversey, and a team in disarray. This team is worse than the 3 - 13 crap team we had. At least that team tried. I hate this management for the debacle they've caused. I don't hear too many Patriots or Cowboys players dictating who they think should start. Pathetic, I can't wait for the season to be over and the house cleaning to begin. RTB
  21. The big difference is that Belichick has 3 Super Bowl rings to back up his experimentation on offense and defense. He has the benefit of the doubt from his team and fans for the forseable future. Mularkey, on the other hand, hasn't proven a damn thing except the innate ability to produce an assinine play call at the absolute worst time and have it fail miserably. Vrabel has 6 catches for 6 touchdowns. If we had Vrabel, MM would fake the pass to a wide open Vrabel and have Roscoe Parish do a statue of liberty play from the 1. RTB
  22. Ya that's where the answer for this team is, the #4 wideout spot. Glad we've got it covered with a second round draft pick bust. That's like saying Coy Wire is playing the backup gunner position on the punt return team as well as anyone in football. Excellent. RTB
  23. Have you actually watched any Dallas games? Blew Dredslow is directly responsible for at least 3 losses. A good friend is a rabid Dallas fan and has more grey hair in the last few months than he did in the last few years. RTB
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