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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Ya, except for Lawyer Milloy's first game, we've done real against NE with their castoffs. They take our castoffs and win superbowls. I hate NE. RTB
  2. Are you picking your plays from the Mularkey or Madden play book? There's nothing wrong with a run on 4th and 3. In fact in the preseason, I think its a good call because it tells your o-line that you've got confidence in them and if they fail, no biggie, its the preseason.
  3. Wow, the over-reaction and over-coverage of Peerless missing a friggin practice is JonBenet-esque. EVERYBODY PANIC!!
  4. Is there another section of the board I'm missing? I haven't heard that much complaining about Price or Villarial. I've heard that Price looks good in camp but hasn't had a catch in the (deep breath) preseason. A bunch of people jumped to conclusions because he missed one practice but I haven't seen any evidence of an attitude problem that some want him to have. Holcomb has been a punching bag since he got the nod as a starter, and it will be hard to scapegoat him when he's holding a clip board.
  5. If JP is too excited at the beginning of games, I don't see how running a no-huddle offense would be of benefit. What he needs is experience. As he gets more comfortable, he'll get less excited.
  6. If I guy is cut, and two teams (including the one who cut him) want to sign him to their practice squads, is it up to the player to decide which team he wants to go? Is it essentially a free agent contract? RTB
  7. 2 special teams penalties already.
  8. Well, that's the way to answer. When's the last time we had a 61 yard TD run? Sounds like he's got some speed back.
  9. I have to remind myself that its the preseason, otherwise my head might asplode. RTB
  10. Assuming you're not having difficult falling asleep or staying asleep, I'd have to agree with previous posters who said you need to rule out obstructive sleep apnea. Although fat people are more likely to suffer from this, thin people can also. One easy question - do you snore? If you sleep with someone, that person can tell you if you snore a lot, and if there are periods where you stop breathing for 20-30 seconds (apnea). If you don't snore, it's very unlikely you have sleep apnea. Patients with sleep apnea don't realize that they aren't getting quality sleep. They really don't stop breathing, they attempt to breath against an upper airway obstruction and when their oxygen level starts to drop, the body comes to a more awake state in order to relieve that obstruction. So, they never get into a deep sleep and feel chronically sleep deprived even though they think they've slept all night. That's just one of many causes of fatigue, but its a start. RTB FYI: The machine Fez was talking about is a CPAP machine. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It's a mask that is strapped to the mouth/nose during sleep that supplies pressure and oxygen to the airway. The positive pressure keeps the tissues from collapsing and relieves the obstruction that happens when the muscles and tissue relax during sleep.
  11. Can anyone seriously say with a straight face that someone would "make a great #3 QB". What are the requirements for this position? At least one good arm to hold the clip board? Please. RTB
  12. It really sucks that Field Pass is over a minute and a half delayed from what you guys are talking about.
  13. Holy crap could this get any more ridiculous. At least it tempers any possible expectations in the early preseason. At least we'll have some things to work on in practice.
  14. The Barnes firm injury update,and we'll be chasing any and all ambulances that leave this stadium.
  15. Hahaha. It took less than a quarter for the Carolina announcers to discover what we've known for the past year. When you have a noodle for an arm, it doesn't just effect the deep throws. RTB
  16. All JP has to do is complete a pass to look better than Kelly. Seriously though, I like the fact that Jauron started Holcomb in this game against a solid D. Let JP get some reps against the #2 and then start against Cinci's #1 D. RTB
  17. JP will be the starter. It's been beaten to death that Holcomb can only get us so far and we need to find out about JP. I think starting Holcomb on the road against one of last year's best defenses is an excellent move by Jauron. JP gets some practice against the first team D, most practice against the second team D, then he gets to start at home against the Bengals D. Sounds like a pretty savy move to me in order to set JP up to succeed, unlike the previous regime which seemed to set him up to fail. RTB
  18. I always find it interesting when these columnists for national magazine come to camp for a day and then have to write an article about it. For people who follow their team, it becomes immediately obvious that these guys don't know jack **** about the team they're visiting. Case in point, besides all the obvious declarations in Banks' article, doesn't he also refer to Josh Reed as the definitive #2 receiver on this team? Anyone with a passing knowledge of the Bills will know what Josh has gone through over the past few years and understand that calling him the #2 at this point is just ridiculous. I'm surprised Don didn't refer to Coy Wire as the #1 safety on the team. RTB
  19. WTF??? It's the second week of TRAINING CAMP and you're worried about dropped passes? What if it was John Stonehands from East Bumphuk State dropping balls? Whitner unproven??? It's his FIRST FARKING PRACTICE! Holy crap, you're ridiculous. RTB
  20. I'll like the Price move a lot more if he's learned to keep his yapper shut. RTB
  21. Unfortunately, SNF has that hideous clown, Andrea Kramer, walking the sidelines. If you aren't going to put some eye candy at the most useless reporting job ever, why even bother? I read that CBS and ESPN are getting rid of the sideline reporters. Thank god. RTB
  22. It's Saban, from the media point of view he's second only to Belichek in the "Can-do-no-wrong" department. He's already been annointed genius status by many idiots. This will be portrayed as excellent negotiating technique by the Dolphins brain trust because everyone is jumping on the Miami bandwagon again. RTB Fark Miami, Fark NE
  23. Up here in Patriot land, the Red Sox are in first place. RTB
  24. The national press will make it out to be that Belichick is a genious, that he wanted someone who's "on the edge" in order to spark his d-line. Any other team in the NFL would get ridiculed and laughed at, but hey, its NE. That being said, less than an ounce of pot, no big deal. RTB
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