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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Boo hoo. Fast Freddy made more in 2 years as a practice squad stiff playing a game than most working people do in 10. Ya, I'm sorry he got an opportunity most fans of the game would dream of. Good move by Belichek, although I don't think it is going to help much. I hate the fuggin' Pats and their bandwagon fans. (Not you HD, we know you've been a fan since at least the 2001 season.) Off to Gillette. RTB
  2. ...all during his first game back against the Buffalo Bills, according to ESPN. RTB
  3. The achilles tendon connects muscle to bone. It's an "active" attachment in the sense that it is always under some stress from calf muscle. The anterior cruciate ligament (which is the one usually blown out in knee injuries) connects bone to bone. It is "passive" in the sense that it is only under stress when the knee joint moves a certain way (the ACL prevents the lower leg from being pulled in front of the upper leg). Everyone heals differently, but I think an achilles injury is more difficult to recover from simply because with every step, that repaired tendon is under stress. RTB
  4. Sue the shiat out of them! Sue who?? Sue everybody! For the punitive damages that you're giving me! RTB
  5. I'm shocked, just absolutely shocked, that enriched uranium was found at a terrorist, err, Iranian nuclear plant. Of course, they need highly enriched uranium for their highly enriched uranium electricity producing plants. Just ask Russia and China. Will the US and Israel flip a coin to see who gets to take the first shots? RTB
  6. Anyone who replies to that post and quotes the entire thing should be banned indefinitely and possibly shot. RTB
  7. I'm not a PK hater, but he does throw a lot of crap out there and never gets called on it because people just forget. That line about JP was pure BS and makes it obvious that he hasn't spent 30 seconds looking into the Bills except for his early training camp visit. There is no way anyone in his right mind could look at the mini-camps, training camp, and pre-season games and not think that JP outplayed KH by a mile, vets included. PK was right on with his Tony Roma BS too. He got his 1 week of buzz out of it though. RTB
  8. What a way to go, a stingray barb to the heart. A stingray barb is designed to do maximum damage on the way out, so the poor guy probably had his ventricle ripped right open. RTB
  9. Sorry, but we're in a different world after 9/11. That one event resulted in an almost instantaneous change in how we view ourselves and the world. Beauracracies like our government have no ability to change that fast. You can argue with the Republican administration about their policies, but you can not argue the FACT that we have not been hit in THIS country since 9/11. So while you worry about what France, Iran, and whatever 3rd world dictatorship you choose thinks of the US, I'm thankful that we're taking the fight to those terrorist bastards. RTB
  10. Hey, how much chum did you throw into the pool to get them all to show up at the same time? That's impressive. RTB
  11. Oh come on. "Fast" Freddie didn't do jack for us since he got here. We've got better players at WR, kick and punt returner. Are we going to keep a marginal player just so NE doesn't pick him up and burn us with him? That's paranoia. RTB
  12. Was the Juice there hanging out with Marcus Vick by any chance? RTB
  13. Coy Wire still here??? NOOOOOOOoooooooo. Now that I got that out of my system... Not really bothered by any of these cuts except for the fact that Wire is still here. Wilson and Fast Freddie are projects that just get hyped by those of us hoping to find diamonds in the ruff on our team. A Train and Gates are similar players which is why Shaud made it. We had a lot of DBs so you knew some weren't going to make it. Baker will get picked up somewhere else, I don't know about King. I thought it was mildly interesting that Cieslak got cut after getting seriously pimped by the media and the team early in camp. RTB
  14. If Coy Wire does NOT get cut, that will be most shocking. RTB
  15. To echo previous posters, our team has done jack **** against NE except for 1 game with extenuating circumstances. Every year I hope they suck, and every year they get guys to over-achieve. That team has a winning attitude and expectation, something which has been missing in Buffalo for 7 years. Until the Bills get the sack to go into places like NE and puch other teams in the mouth, we'll all be talking about "should have won" and "if only this didn't happen". I hope its this year, because I'm going to the game at Gillette. Hey HD, change of topic, but what are your thoughts on NE making a run at Charles Rogers from Detroit. I'd hate to see it, because I think NE has a recently good track record of taking talented players with attitude problems and getting them to buy into the system. RTB
  16. Achilles injuries occur in the tendon, very rarely is it a muscle tear. The surgery for this has not changed much in 20 years, you take the two ends of the tendon and sew them back together. It's not rocket science. What has changed is the rehab - this is what is getting people back on their feet much faster. The dogma with tendon and joint injuries used to be to keep them immobile for a long time. That was found to be wrong, and people are doing range of motion exercises immediately after surgery combined with intense physical therapy and are bouncing back much quicker. That being said, I think an achilles injury is more difficult to recover from than an ACL. The ACL is a passive ligament, it helps keep the knee joint aligned properly. The achilles tendon is an active, weight bearing tendon that is under constant stress from the calf. For this reason, I think it's more likely to result in noticeable decreases in performance in elite athletes. The average joe will likely not notice a difference. For TKO, it certainly looks like he's doing well, and I hope it continues. RTB
  17. If ever there was a need for a simple game plan and strong running game, this game is it. Bellichek is going to throw all sorts of stuff at JP that he hasn't even thought of yet. This can be neutralized with a good running game. The Pats run D is not stellar and should be exploitable. I'm more worried about our pass D than run D in this game. Even without good receivers, Brady will chew us up if he's not harrassed at all. RTB
  18. The game has significantly speeded up in the last 10 years. It is no longer a game of 7 step drops, its a 3-5 step drop game. I think had Blew Dredsloe been around about 6 or 7 years earlier than he was, we'd be thinking of him in the same category as Marino, Elway, and Kelly because the game was played at a speed where he could read the defenses and react. I think defenses at the time were more reactive than attacking like they are now. You need a QB now who can read the D and know where to go with the ball in 3-5 steps. That's not very much time at all and you have to have a functioning cortex to do it consistantly. Well, a functioning football cortex anyway, I don't think you need to be a scholar. RTB Oh, and Pyrite - I liked RJ but it became obvious that he didn't know where to go with the ball. Even when he had time he hung onto that ball too long - thats indecision when it happens as often as it did with him. The last guy to make Tampa Bay's roster during their SB win got a ring too, it doesn't mean he had anything to do with it.
  19. "I love posts like this that state "opinion only" as if it is fact. Because you say it (or type it) doesn't make it true....or for that matter, even close to the truth." - Garranimal Pot, meet kettle. RTB
  20. Bro, its a friggin message board and although in my own house I like my opinions to be taken as fact (heh), on this board I'm just adding my farts to the windstorm.
  21. The way to neutralize Marcus Vick is to have the cornerbacks carry a small bag of coke. When the ball comes his way, toss the coke on the gound and make the pick. RTB
  22. I love how they showed the clip of Favre saying how this GB team has the most talent he's every played with. He then proceeded to go out, fumble his first series, throw a pick on the second, and basically just suck. This is going to be a long year for Favre. RTB
  23. How many more years in the NFL does Davie need before he's given a "fair shot" ?? He's had plenty of time, he just doesn't get it. He's another good athlete who doesn't have the head for the game. See : Rob Johnson, Anthony Wright, Ryan Leaf, Andre Ware, etc etc. The NFL is riddled with great athletes with no brain. Unfortunately for them, the QB position requires some ability to think and make decisions quickly. RTB
  24. Andre Reed - Did not get bashed when he retired. If anything, his accomplishments were recognized more with time. Thurman - Went to the Fish and sucked (hurt). This was nearly unforgiveable. Flutie - Cancer. Goodbye, thanks for filling the seats. Travis - Got a 3rd rounder for a guy who sleeps with minors and immediately got in trouble with the leagues substance abuse policy Brown - I don't remember him getting bashed much when he left. Jennings - Overrated and overpaid, overhurt. He was in the right place at the right time for a FA LT Moulds - Would love to have had him retire as a Bill but he didn't want to be here. Too early to see if he'll be any good in Houston. EM is the only player there that I would still have wanted on the team longer than he was. RTB
  25. I think you meant to say we knew he had a strong arm, but you're happy to see some improved accuracy. His accuracy has been an issue since he got here, his arm strength was never in question. RTB
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