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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. The thing with hamstring injuries is that if you remain immobile (and don't practice) the hamstring tightens up and could be more severely injured on the resumption of strenuous activities. It's a fine line TKO is walking between practicing, keeping that hammy warmed up and overexertion. I think this is going to be a season long concern and is likely related to his achilles injury (favoring one leg, or one leg being stronger than the other). RTB
  2. Kornheiser should have asked Thesiman why people who lived on the coast, below sea-level, in the hurricane belt, surrounded by water held back by man-made structures CHOSE not to buy flood insurance. Oh, I guess that wouldn't have tied into the whole New Orleans is Back theme of MNF. Glad 185 million was spent on a sports venue, I doubt there was anyplace else that funding could have gone. RTB
  3. Willis was just looking for his "props", it had nothing to do making noise to help the team. RTB
  4. I think the defensive play calling could have been a little more aggressive in the second half to get a little pressure on Chad. There was 0 pressure on him with a line starting 2 rookies. I question some of the offensive play calling in the first half, but I'm willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt for a while. Bottom line, it is a rebuilding year and we're going to have ups and downs. The sheer domination in Miami gave a lot of us that false hope that maybe there was something more this year. Reality hurts but its still fun to hope. RTB
  5. I don't think his arm got hit at all. He through a duck, that's all. Replaying it on TIVO it doesn't look like it. RTB
  6. Wow!! Aside - anyone having trouble with the DTV high def feed? RTB
  7. One of the articles states he walked out of practice on Monday with his calf heavily wrapped and a stimulator strapped to it. RTB
  8. I'm as happy to rip on opposing coaches and players as much as anyone, but drawing conclusions from what he's chosen to play during a practice is grasping at straws. RTB
  9. This game will in no way be a walkover. I don't care how we match up, its a division game and they're usually tough. Buffalo historically has a habit of making poor running games look good, poor QBs look like pro-bowlers, and poor defenses look like the steel curtain. I hope this Bills team is different, has a new attitude and killer instinct, and proves me absolutely wrong by burying the Jets. RTB
  10. I don't know if someone already posted this, but I came across it in an AP article and thought it was hilarious. This is Ko Simpson talking about his sack: "The hole opened up big and my eyes got real big. And I saw the big joker back there, but he fell kind of easily," Simpson said of tackling Culpepper for an 11-yard loss. The big joker! That's just icing on the cake. Sack-Happy Bills RTB
  11. Except for turnovers, I could care less what the stats are as long as we get the W. If the Bills could win games by running the wishbone and never throwing a pass, it would be fine with me. RTB
  12. Bro, no way Whitner is going to share time with anyone at safety as long as he's healthy. RTB
  13. I'm very happy that the Bills are playing with some guts and SACK finally, but they have a long way to go. I think Miami is a victim of their success at the end of last year, and I don't think they really improved themselves much over the offseason. Add to that the fact that they are over-hyped on a consistant basis and you have the setting for unrealistic expectations. In my non-expert opinion, Miami is a victim of 1) Bad O-line 2) Overrated QB 3) Pass happy offensive coordinator. Your front on D good, I think your linebackers and especially the secondary are a liability, and Buffalo did not take advantage of that to much extent. Saban may be a good coach, but he's been given way too much credit way too quickly. The expectations for Miami to be a SB contender are completely unrealistic. RTB
  14. It's not rocket science, its's playing to the strengths of your team. Mularkey and his coordinators tried to force the players to fit a scheme instead of altering the scheme to fit the strengths of the players. It's a pleasure to have reasonable play calling on the sidelines again. RTB
  15. I find the way the Troy Vincent situation was handled very interesting, and it hints at some internal politicking with the Old Man. That being said, I think its a good move to get Ko Simpson involved early and that is clearly what the new regime wanted to do. Everyone has hope that this is a team that could make a playoff run, but I think is refreshing that Marv and Dick seem to understand exactly where this team is and are building for the future while competing for today. Keeping a slow, non-hitting, although savy veteran in Troy Vincent will not be the determining factor in making a playoff run or not. Not having Spikes on the field, again, will have a greater negative impact on the defense. RTB
  16. That's absolutely disgusting what happened to Oklahoma. Not only did the Oregon player touch the ball prior to it going 10 yards, but Oklahoma recovered the kick. Pathetic. RTB
  17. Was the ref who reviewed that onside kick in any way related to the ref who reviewed Home Run Throw Forward? RTB
  18. Notre Dame is the darling of college football. They are one of the most consistantly overrated teams of the past 20 years. They had no business being #4 coming into this preseason after beating basically no one last year. Brady Quinn has 1 good year (and basically sucked for 2) and he was being touted as a #1 overall. Please. After this ass beating they will probably fall all the way to #3. RTB
  19. Come on guys, in Gillette Stadium the Bills will never get that spot, ever. This is the stadium where guys catch passes out of bounds and short of the 1st down marker and still get the first down, but only if you're the home team. Willis would have to have been clearly over the first down marker by at least a half a yard to get the first down. RTB
  20. What are you smoking in that pipe of yours? RTB
  21. On the road, with the lead and momentum, you go for the field goal and points. I'm not disgusted with the decision to go for it, however. RTB
  22. It was kind of weird actually, the only flack I caught was from a chick sitting behind me who wanted me to sit down, in the END ZONE hahaha. I'm not an obnoxious fan, especially in another team's stadium. I like to enjoy a good football game even if we lose, but certainly prefer to win. I wasn't decked out in Bills gear, just had on a Bills sweatshirt. I got the impression that I knew more about NE's team than most of the fans sitting around me from the conversations I had. It was an enjoyable experience, I really had no problems at all with their fans. I thought it was hilarious when they started booing in the first quarter and all through the second though. RTB
  23. You can't keep blaming the refs when our team loses, even though I agree that the calls will go the Pats way 99% of the time. That being said, if our team stepped up in the trenches when we needed it, we would have won the game. When the Pats needed 4th and 1, they got it twice. RTB
  24. I'm surprised they didn't give the ball back to NE. Irregardless if there was a block in the back on the return, why blow the play dead? Maybe that flag gets picked up after some discussion and its a TD. You don't call the play dead for a block in back, its a continuation penalty. RTB
  25. My seats were in the end zone, so I can't give a lot of player evaluations since those of you watching on TV got better angles to view the plays with. 1) Gillette Stadium is a really nice facility. Very clean, good sight lines, but there was a tremondous traffic jam of people waiting to get in which I've never seen at the Ralph. Most expensive tickets in the nation, and 2 Coors Lights cost 15 bucks! 2) Patriots fans are pathetic, as we already knew. They were booing halfway through the first quarter and all through the second. This was the tamest end zone I've ever been in, and I've been in a lot of stadiums. 3) Whether you agree with going for it on 4th and 1 instead of kicking the field goal or not, there is no question at all that at that moment, it was the turning point in the game. You could feel it in the stadium, if that makes any sense. 4) The refs didn't lose this game for us, we were just outplayed when the chips were down in the trenches. The Pats sucked it up and got the hard yards on the ground and Buffalo's lines folded. 5) Whitner and Ko Simpson can play. Moorman sucked, but the guy is allowed a bad game every now and then. 6) Seeing a B2 stealth bomber fly low right over your head puts chills down your spine. 7) The best halftime show I've ever seen. About 50 fresh NE national guardsmen taking their pledge to serve the country. That was classy. If you told me we'd be into the 4th quarter with 9 minutes to play tied at 17 (before the game) I would have taken that in a heartbeat. I'm encouraged by what I saw but disappointed in the results. RTB
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