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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I think Losman played fairly well today. He did what he was asked to do, didn't turn the ball over, and was pretty accurate overall. Sure, he missed Evans deep on a play and threw one at Royal's feet but come on, what QB doesn't have a couple bad tosses. Those of you complaining that he doesn't have any pocket presence can't use this game to advance that argument. When DE's come in full speed without a hand on them, you can't expect a QB to evade that. I'm happy he hung on to the ball. RTB
  2. Males + alcohol + competition/ego = High Potential For A$$holeness. Expect it. It happens at every sports venue in some capacity and is in no way unique to the Ralph. If you're worried about the environment, take your kid to Chuck-E-Cheeze and watch it on TV. RTB
  3. That's because they didn't have a cart available for the junior varsity women's badminton team. RTB
  4. It's too bad they can't afford to stay on the air. RTB
  5. What the hell are you talking about? Evans has been JP's go-to receiver since JP has played. Evans is averaging over 5 receptions a game. I'm all for uninformed opinions, otherwise I wouldn't read this board, but this one is way out there. RTB
  6. The best thing you ever did for yourself and your long term health was to stop smoking. Every single organ in your body thanks you, because every organ is affected even though we tend to concentrate on the lungs. In the three years since you quit, your oxygen carrying capacity (which is the amount of oxygen able to be delivered to your organs) is back to normal. Smokers are in a chronic state of low oxygen, and since our entire physical existance is based on delivering oxygen to organs and tissue, that's bad. It's unlikely any permanent damage that has been done to your lungs would be noticeable to you but you could probably detect it on pulmonary function tests. Your lungs are fully healed from any non-permanent damage by now. The only test you might want to ask your doc about is a chest xray or a ct scan at some time. Congrats on quitting. It's not easy and you've extended your life considerably. RTB
  7. I hate the logo but at least the colors are better. What I hate more is talking about winning the Stanley Cup 10 games into a hockey season. RTB
  8. I'd agree that speed isn't a problem with Willis as long as we admit he lost that second gear he had in Miami and don't expect the break-away runs from him. I was kind of disappointed to see a gimpy cornerback with a sore hammy catch up to him fairly easily on what could have been a game changing play if he makes the end zone. RTB
  9. Hello Mr. Finkle's Nephew, I'm sorry son, but I don't write Tuesday Morning Quarterback, that's Gregg Easterbrook. Maybe you should have asked your uncle before writing your kind message. I write Monday Morning Quarterback, and I agree with your points. I'd be happy to answer any other football column related questions that confuse you. Signed, Mr. King
  10. How can you say our DE's aren't a problem when they are consistantly smoked against the run, and for some unknown reason only get pressure against NE? That horrendous penalty by Kelsay was literally one of the stupidest plays I've ever seen (given the situation) and he shouldn't have seen the field for the rest of the game. What O-linemen should Marv have drafted at our positions? Seriously, I hear everyone on here talking about how Marv neglected the o-line in the draft (he tried to address it in FA) but I want to see some NAMES of people who you think he should have taken. I agree that our lines suck, and we are going to suck until we get better in the trenches. I'm willing to give Marv the benefit of the doubt for more than 7 games into a season. I want to see some serious work at addressing the trenches this offseason and then I'll start drawing conclusions. What concerns me most is the continued lack of heart, lack of balls, and lack of accountability that this team has exhibited for years. RTB
  11. I don't think this constitutes a rip on the Bills, it sounds like a pretty honest and reasonable assessment. Getting to 4 Super Bowls says something about perserverance in the face of adversity, but I think this accomplishment is given way too much importance in the eyes of Bills fans because all of us would rather have been to only one Super Bowl and won it than losing 4 in a row. RTB
  12. This has got to be in the running for quote of the year. RTB
  13. Can't say it much better than that. The majority of this team's problems can be explained by some of the most pathetic players in the trenches this league has seen for years. Where's the guy who started the "Schoebel isn't overrated" thread now? The guy gets a sack on the first play of the game, so for the entire rest of the game he does his standard speed rush-to-nowhere and takes himself out of every play entirely. Pathetic. If Marv is for real, and I think he is, we'll see some serious re-working of the lines this offseason and draft. The the only way this team will get any better is to improve line play on both sides of the ball. RTB
  14. We should have kept Winfield. Many thought he was expendable because he wasn't making picks (Nate was at the time) but he's clearly a better corner than the "Playmaker". Every time I see nate wiff on a tackle I think of how we crapped the bed by not signing Antoine. RTB
  15. I was one who thought we could get by with Gandy but I'm a reformed man. Over the last few games its obvious he's a backup at best and is a liability on the field. RTB
  16. Dan Marino was classy on and off the field. He was 180 degrees from TO so the comparison is erroneous. Please tell me how Dan insulted the city more than once, I think you're making that one up. On a side note, Dan Marino has been present at Jim Kelly's charity golf tournament every single year. RTB
  17. What is this country coming to when you can't even post a LINK because someone somewhere might be offended? Holy crap, if you don't want to see the pics, DON'T CLICK ON THE FRIGGIN LINK. People are way too ready to be offended. RTB
  18. How can you not like Dan Marino? I never hated him even when he was playing for Miami. I hate Miami as a team but I can respect some of the the players, and Marino is one of the best pure passers to ever play. If you can't appreciate the skill of opposing players than you don't really appreciate the game. That comment by Collinsworthless just shows how much of a clueless blow-hard douche-bag he is. Isotoner gloves!! Classic. RTB
  19. Mularkey got run out of town because he completely lost his team in only his second year and the team quit on him, period. RTB
  20. It wasn't even a yard, it was inches. Every time this team lines up for 3rd and 1 I cringe because there's a very good chance we won't make it. Every time another team lines up for 3rd or 4th and short I'm pretty sure they're going to make it. That's the trenches, and if you don't have the horses or the attitude in the trenches it's very tough to win ball games. I agree Bob, this has been a problem for years and I think simply displays our weakness on the lines. RTB
  21. I think the majority of fans are willing to give Jauron a fair chance, and that means years. You could tell the difference in the feel of this team from the first game of the season. That starts from the GM on down. You have to give credit to Marv for beginning to change the losing attitude of this team which have been a bunch of losers for 7 years now. Once they start winning games regularly a winning attitude will set in which will help in those tight, close games.
  22. I know Bobby April is a special teams genius, but the last 3 "trick" plays he's called have been failures and have cost us field position and/or momentum. The fake punt, the pooch kick, and the fake field goal all failed. I know, I know, IF Mormon had caught the ball, IF the ref hadn't called fair-catch interference, IF Peters hadn't tripped, they may have worked. How about working on a punt or kick-off return for a touchdown instead of the Mularkey-esque bullcrap that's been called recently. RTB
  23. You've gotta be kidding me HD. You seem like a reasonable guy and usually make reasoned arguments, but even you must admit that there is no team that benefits from questionable or outright wrong calls like the New England Patriots. It's just a fact of life that when you play the Pats, you have to beat them and the refs. RTB
  24. The best highlight on that link is the Miami Dolphins two point conversion attempt. A halfback option toss play where the halfback starts to the right, reverses field to the left, and then attempts a pass to a receiver in the back of the end zone who is crossing from left to right. VINTAGE MULARKEY RTB
  25. Reuben was clearly in decline at the end of his Bills career. The fact that we weren't able to replace him was more a testament to the horrible O-line management of the TD era than his skill level at that time. RTB
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